Merle Brown and family - Merle is in hospice care at home.
Ronnie Clements - recovering at home.
Clyde Hundley - at home recovering from surgery.
Ginny Jarvis - recovering from a broken hip.
Juli - Mitzi Golod's cousin, prayers for healing after a severe car accident.
Heidi Kara - recovering at home.
Leith Kuhn - a friend of the Armstrong family. Leith continues to be hospitalized and is improving slowly. He still has a problem with swallowing and walking. Your continued prayers are appreciated.
Linwood - a friend of Agatha Kidd who is going through a rough time.
Brenda Millirons - a friend of Leah Hundley. She has post polio syndrome and is beginning to have a great deal of difficulty.
Melody Schobert - a friend of Beth Hensley. Melody is being treated for metastatic breast cancer.
Ruth Stewart - recovering from surgery at home.
Please continue to keep these people in your prayers. Cards and notes are always appreciated!
Connie Bennington - 567 N. Parham Road, Apt. 245, Henrico, VA 23229
A.J. Crick - Morningside of Bellgrade, 2800 Polo Parkway, Room #133, Midlothian, VA 23113.
Rex Dazey - 14210 Country Club Ct. Ashland, VA 23005.
SPC John Alex Hundley - Alex is back in the states, but does not currently have a postal address. You can drop him a line via email:
Mary Alice Nesbitt - Carolina Inn, 400 Forsyth Street, Fayetteville, NC 28303
Phyllis Stump - The Hermitage - Mulberry 110, 1600 Westwood Ave, Richmond, VA 23227.
Metro Richmond at Prayer
July's Prayer: We pray for governments and governing bodies of Metropolitan Richmond.
Prayer for this week: For the Mayor and City Council of Richmond, the City Administrator, and all city employees.