June 30, 2023



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Sundays at 10:30am

In person and online.


Church Online or Facebook

Bible Study

Wednesdays at 10:00am on Zoom

Join us as we take a look at the scripture for the upcoming Sunday!

An email is sent out with all the details on Tuesdays. If you would like to be added

to the Bible study email list,

please contact the church office.


Bulletin and Newsletter Information

Next week's newsletter, July 7, will be the only Friday newsletter for the month of July. If you have any announcements or other information for July, please email them to the church office by Wednesday, July 5. To add someone to the prayer list during the month, please contact Pastor Matt. The newsletter will be back on Friday, August 4. The Bible study reminder email, with the Zoom link, will continue through the month.


July 2 @ 10:30 am - Worship - In-person & Livestream

July 3 @ 5:00 pm -Change the World/RVA

July 4 - Office Closed

July 5 @ 10:00 am - Wednesday Bible Study - Zoom

July 7 @ 10:30 am - Walk-In Lunch

July 7 @ Noon - AA - Room 106 (Hodges)

July 9 @ 10:30 am - Worship - In-person & Livestream

Online Giving Made Easy

Use the QR code to quickly get to

our online giving page.


Merle Brown and family - Merle is in hospice care at home.

Ronnie Clements - recovering at home.

Clyde Hundley - at home recovering from surgery.

Ginny Jarvis - recovering from a broken hip.

Juli - Mitzi Golod's cousin, prayers for healing after a severe car accident.

Heidi Kara - recovering at home.

Leith Kuhn - a friend of the Armstrong family. Leith continues to be hospitalized and is improving slowly. He still has a problem with swallowing and walking. Your continued prayers are appreciated.

Linwood - a friend of Agatha Kidd who is going through a rough time.

Brenda Millirons - a friend of Leah Hundley. She has post polio syndrome and is beginning to have a great deal of difficulty.

Melody Schobert - a friend of Beth Hensley. Melody is being treated for metastatic breast cancer.

Ruth Stewart - recovering from surgery at home.

Please continue to keep these people in your prayers. Cards and notes are always appreciated!

  • Connie Bennington - 567 N. Parham Road, Apt. 245, Henrico, VA 23229
  • A.J. Crick - Morningside of Bellgrade, 2800 Polo Parkway, Room #133, Midlothian, VA 23113.
  • Rex Dazey - 14210 Country Club Ct. Ashland, VA 23005.
  • SPC John Alex Hundley - Alex is back in the states, but does not currently have a postal address. You can drop him a line via email:
  • Mary Alice Nesbitt - Carolina Inn, 400 Forsyth Street, Fayetteville, NC 28303
  • Phyllis Stump - The Hermitage - Mulberry 110, 1600 Westwood Ave, Richmond, VA 23227.

Metro Richmond at Prayer

  • July's PrayerWe pray for governments and governing bodies of Metropolitan Richmond.
  • Prayer for this week: For the Mayor and City Council of Richmond, the City Administrator, and all city employees.


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Rev. Matt Bates -

Office/Laura Nealley -


Our mission is to change the world through love.

To acknowledge God’s love is, for each of us, a life-changing event.

As followers of Jesus, we share God’s love for all people, and work together to make our world a better place, one life at a time.