May 2023

MASS Flash ⚡ Newsletter

Well, folks, it's finally here... It's May and we are all set to celebrate, learn, and make friends in-person at the MASS 25 Year Anniversary Gala & Self-Advocacy Conference on May 19 and May 20! You can learn more about some of our speakers by watching our videos, see what the schedule's like on our website, and get your tickets today at our Eventbrite page. It's going to be a fabulous conference and we can't wait to see you there!

Friday, May 19th + Saturday, May 20th

MASS 25 Year Anniversary Gala & Self-Advocacy Conference

Join us for two fun-filled days of workshops, keynote speakers, awards, and in-person friendship and networking.

Featuring Keynote Speaker Marissa Pike

We're excited to announce our 2023 self-advocate keynote speaker - Marissa Pike! As someone who spent 10 years in the foster care system, Marissa Pike became interested in self-advocacy as she felt that her life was not becoming what she intended it to be. She was at a point in her life where self-advocacy was going to be the bridge to her success and getting the support she needed to secure housing, finish school, and start her career...

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▶️ Watch our speakers talk about how they got into self-advocacy.

The MASS Conference is made possible by our generous sponsors!

View Sponsors

Ask the DDS Commissioner a question!

DDS Commissioner Jane Ryder

DDS Commissioner Jane Ryder will be answering some of your questions from the MASS Board officers at the conference on Saturday May 20.

Ask a Question
Do you self-direct your services and would you be interested in sharing your experience?

JRC "Stop the Shock" Peaceful Protest

Monday May 22 from 12pm to 5pm

"Autistic and disabled residents are being shocked for behaviors deemed inappropriate by staff at the Judge Rotenberg Center in Canton, MA."

"You can help to finally put a stop to this barbaric practice! There will be a multi-organization peaceful protest on May 22 on the Boston Common near the State House. This will include a Hill Day on May 23 for those interested in scheduling meetings with their State Representatives to gain support for bill H.180."

Learn more on the organizer's Facebook group.
The logo for Stop The Shock.
Do you want to join the peaceful protest on the Boston Common?

Kamisha's Corner!

Good day everyone! I hope you all are doing wonderful! Happy May & Happy Mother’s Day weekend to all the beautiful and strong mothers out there! As always we have amazing and incredible things in store for you. As you know, this month is conference month. Are you as ready for it as I am?! There are going to be two days that are filled with incredible workshops!

Update your subscription here.
A Black woman with a bunny ear filter.

Sign up for the DDS Newsletter

The DDS logo.

Sign up for the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services (DDS) newsletter to hear from DDS Commissioner Ryder and keep up to date with DDS news and events.

Sign Up

Pauline Bosma Speaks Out

A woman stands in a magenta dress.

Rainbow Coordinator Pauline Bosma recently worked with The Peer Support Network to write a blog post about LGBTQ+ people with disabilities who are survivors of sexual violence.

"People might assume that everyone is heterosexual and so they assume that consensual same-sex relationships are abuse. They might feel like they have no one to trust if they want to report abuse. Sometimes when LGBTQ+ people with IDD report same-sex abuse, people think it was consensual, even if it was not.”

Read Article

MassHealth Update

MassHealth members will soon need to renew their health coverage.

What you need to do now:

1) Make sure MassHealth has your most up to date address, phone number, and email so you do not miss important information and notices from MassHealth.

2) Report any household changes. These include a new job, address, changes to your income, disability status, or pregnancy.

Learn more at

Download PDF


Online Meeting Date for SAIL:

Wednesday, May 24 from 5:30pm - 7:30pm

PDF - SAIL Update - May 2023


METRO REGION: Jenna DeSpirito

Meeting Date for Metro:

Tuesday, May 9 from 6:00pm - 7:30pm

PDF - Metro Region Update - May 2023


Please RSVP by contacting Sue Moriarty by emailing or calling (508) 209-7184.

Meeting Dates for Central:

Regional Meeting - Tuesday, May 9 from 5:00pm - 7:00pm

Regional Meeting - Tuesday, May 23 from 3:30pm - 5:30pm

Drop-In Club - Wednesday, June 7 from 4:00pm - 5:30pm

PDF - Central Region Update - May 2023

Rainbow Group: Pauline Bosma, Oscar Hughes, and Francesco Hladysz

Meeting Dates for Rainbow:

Social Day - Tuesday, May 9 from 5:30pm - 7:30pm

Topics Day - Tuesday, May 30 from 5:30pm - 7:30pm

PDF - Rainbow Update - May 2023


Meeting Date for Northeast:

Wednesday, May 10 from 4:00pm - 5:30pm

PDF - Northeast Region Update - May 2023


Meeting Date for Southeast:

Thursday, May 25 from 6:00pm - 7:30pm

PDF - Southeast Region Update - May 2023
Click here to send a message on the MASS Contact Form

We want to hear from you!

Is there anything exciting happening in your life that you are just itching to talk about? Want to share it with the world?!

If so, great because I, Kamisha Heriveaux, am always on the look out for interesting events, your hobbies, and topics that interest you - so please don't hesitate to reach out!

I can't wait to hear from all of YOU! Have a great day and keep on reading!

~ Kamisha

Click here to send a message on the MASS Contact Form
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