Fireworks, games, live entertainment and more await you at Wake Forest’s 2023 Independence Day Celebration. This community extravaganza is the Town’s most eagerly anticipated summertime event serving up two days’ worth of free fun and excitement for the entire family.
The festivities get underway with the Fireworks Spectacular on Monday, July 3, inside Husky Stadium on the campus of Heritage High School, 1150 Forestville Road. Gates open at 5:30 p.m., and the program begins at 6 p.m.
The Band of Oz, one of the southeast's most popular beach bands, will headline this year’s celebration, followed by an unforgettable 20-minute fireworks display. The fireworks show typically begins around 9:30 p.m.
Click on the map below to view important points of interest during this year's Fireworks Spectacular.
July 4 Festivities
The Independence Day revelry continues Tuesday, July 4, with the popular Children’s Parade, sponsored by the Wake Forest Optimist Club. Area youngsters are invited to hop on their bicycles and be a part of their very own “walking parade.” The lineup begins at 10 a.m. at the intersection of North Main Street and West Juniper Avenue, near the Wake Forest Historical Museum, 414 N. Main St. The procession will get underway at 10:30 a.m. Click on the Children's Parade map (shown right) to view the parade route.
The Independence Day festivities will conclude at 11 a.m. with Art & More in the Park. Sponsored by the Wake Forest Woman’s Club, free arts and crafts activities will take place inside the Community House, including the creation of various patriotic-themed crafts for all ages, cupcake decorating and more.
In addition to the arts and crafts projects offered inside the Community House, the Wake Forest Fire Department will be outside grilling and serving free hotdogs, interacting with the children and their families, and providing information on fire prevention and safety.
Free parking for the July 4 festivities is available at Holding Park, 133 W. Owen Ave., and to a much lesser extent at the Wake Forest Historical Museum.
A better option is the gravel lot at the intersection of South Avenue and South Main Street graciously made available by Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
The Wake Forest Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources (PRCR) Department and the PRCR Advisory Board are introducing a campaign to raise awareness about the PRCR Master Plan Update and encourage community participation in the process. Play It Forward Wake Forest invites Wake Forest residents, visitors, and stakeholders to provide input and support in the continuous effort to enhance and expand recreation opportunities for our growing community.
Most recently updated in 2015, the PRCR Master Plan reflects Wake Forest’s vision of a vibrant community that responds to the needs and desires of residents and visitors for fun, healthy, exciting, and diverse recreational activities.
“Our ‘Play It Forward’ campaign will examine where we are, where we’re going, and what we need to do to improve and upgrade our existing programs and facilities, so we can effectively serve our community over the next five years,” said PRCR Director Ruben Wall.
Citizen input is the cornerstone of the “Play It Forward” initiative, so we want to hear from you. Residents, visitors, and stakeholders are invited to visit Engage Wake Forest and complete the online survey. Designed to provide insight about the Wake Forest community, its values, and its recreation preferences, the survey is available through Monday, July 17, and takes less than 10 minutes to complete.
The PRCR Advisory Board will officially kick off the “Play It Forward” campaign during the July 3 Fireworks Spectacular at Heritage High School. Advisory board members will be onsite answering questions, discussing current and future PRCR initiatives, and encouraging attendees to complete the survey. Be on the lookout for our A-frame signs (shown above) featuring a QR code link to the online survey.
The Wake Forest Town Hall and other administrative offices will be closed Tuesday, July 4, in observance of the Independence Day holiday. In addition, curbside trash, recycling, and yard waste collection will be suspended July 4, along with Wake Forest Bus Service.
During the week of July 3, Monday’s trash and recycling route will operate according to the normal schedule. The Tuesday through Friday routes will operate one day later than normal and extend into Saturday. So, for example, Tuesday’s route will be collected Wednesday and Friday’s route will be collected Saturday.
Yard waste will not be collected July 4. During the week of July 3, the collection of all routes, including Tuesday’s route, will occur throughout the week until all are completed. To ensure that all neighborhoods are serviced properly, Wake Forest residents are urged to leave their normal yard waste at the curb by 7 a.m. Monday. As always, please avoid placing items on or near mailboxes, utility boxes, utility poles or other fixed objects.
Bulk waste will also be collected one day later than normal during the week of July 4. Bulk collection will begin Wednesday, July 5, and may extend into Thursday, July 6. To schedule a bulk pick-up, complete the online bulk waste pick-up request form by 2 p.m. Monday, July 3.
Wake Forest residents invited to Public Transit Plan open house July 10
The Town of Wake Forest is developing a plan for the future of public transit. Area residents are invited to attend an open house on Monday, July 10, to learn more about this initiative, view draft transit alternatives, and provide feedback.
Open house sessions will be offered on July 10 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. and 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Alston-Massenburg Center (AMC), 416 N. Taylor St. The AMC can be reached by the Wake Forest Loop (WFL) A and B bus routes. Riders can hop off at the Juniper Avenue bus stop at Taylor Street to reach the center.
Both sessions will have an informal, open house-style format, along with the same content, so residents may drop in anytime from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. and 6:30-8:30 p.m. to view displays, ask questions, and share comments.
The purpose of the Public Transit Plan is to evaluate existing service;
understand the viability of alternatives to fixed-route services; and
recommend a solution for transit expansion.
As Americans prepare to celebrate Independence Day, the Wake Forest Police Department is reminding residents that the possession or discharge of most fireworks that explode, spin, fly, jump in the air, or leave the ground in any way are prohibited by North Carolina law. Illegal explosives include - but are not limited to - firecrackers, ground spinners, Roman candles, bottle rockets, and mortars.
The law is stipulated in NC General Statutes 14-410 and 14-414. Violation of this State Law is a Class 2 Misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $500 and/or 30 days to six months in jail. Prosecutors enhance charges when the fireworks cause physical damage to people or property. In such cases, there is a maximum six-month jail term.
Residents are also reminded that explosive fireworks, which are sold legally in South Carolina and several other states, are illegal in North Carolina.
The Wake Forest Renaissance Centre opened in November 2013 by encouraging visitors to “Imagine the Possibilities.” Now, the Renaissance Centre (RC) is commemorating its 10-year anniversary with a series of concerts, performances, and special events designed to highlight its impact as “the place” our community gathers to celebrate and enjoy the arts.
Our Realizing the Possibilities Celebration Series gets underway with The Malpass Brothers concert on July 22 and continues with two Murder Mystery Dinners on August 12 (Sold Out), Vital Theatre's Wizard of Oz on September 16, the Celebration of the Arts on October 7, Marcus Anderson in concert on November 18 (Sold Out), and four performances of the Celtic Angels December 15-17.
The series then extends into 2024 with Mesmerizing Magic featuring Jason Hudy on January 27, Jackie Robinson: A Game Apart on February 24, the Wake Forest Film Festival March 1-2, and two concerts featuring The Drifters on April 13.
Tickets for all these concerts, shows, and performances are on sale now and going fast.
Don't Be Scammed
While these events are opportunities to experience and enjoy top quality artists and performances, they also present openings for scammers to sell fake and/or higher-priced tickets. That’s why the Renaissance Centre (RC) is encouraging patrons to be diligent and exercise safe ticket-buying practices by always buying tickets from the source. To be certain that online tickets for RC shows are valid and that the price paid is the face-value price, purchases should always be made through the RC website.
The RC utilizes Etix as its exclusive online ticket seller. It is not affiliated with and does not cooperate with any resellers and cannot confirm the validity or stand behind tickets purchased from broker/resale sites.
Finally, anyone who purchases tickets, then wishes to sell them (for whatever reason) should contact the Renaissance Centre Box Office at 919-435-9458. The RC maintains a waitlist of people interested in purchasing tickets should they become available.
You can make a difference in our community by applying to fill one of two vacancies on the Human Relations Council (HRC).
The online advisory board application is available through Monday, July 31. Anyone without computer access is invited to complete the application by using a computer kiosk in the lobby of Town Hall, 301 S. Brooks St. Hard copies are available upon request by contacting Deputy Town Clerk Ella Dowtin at 919-435-9436.
The purpose of the HRC is to encourage understanding and goodwill between all Wake Forest citizens regardless of race, sex, religion, creed, nationality, or economic status, and thus promote the general welfare of the Town.
The HRC meets at 6 p.m. on the fourth Thursday of each month. Candidates will be expected to attend the August 24 HRC meeting to introduce themselves to current members and explain why they wish to serve. Following the interviews, the HRC will review its slate of candidates before submitting its recommendation to the BOC.
The selected applicants will volunteer for three-year terms.
The Town of Wake Forest is inviting residents who live in Wake Forest and its extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) to apply for two vacancies on the Planning Board. One seat must be filled by a Wake Forest resident, while the other is reserved for someone who lives in the ETJ.
Applications will be accepted through Friday, July 28. Anyone without computer access is invited to complete the application by using a computer kiosk in the lobby of Town Hall, 301 S. Brooks St. Hard copies are available upon request by contacting Deputy Town Clerk Ella Dowtin at 919-435-9436.
Planning Board candidates will be introduced to the Board of Commissioners during its regular meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 15. Appointments to the Planning Board will also be announced during this meeting.
The new terms will commence immediately following the August 15 meeting.
Holding Park has been closed since late October 2022. Barricades and signage announcing the closure are posted around the park perimeter. Area residents are urged to obey the signs and avoid the area as construction continues.
Although Holding Park is closed, the Wake Forest Community House, Holding Park basketball courts, and R.H. Forest Field remain open.
Weather permitting, the installation of the new Holding Park Inclusive Playground is expected to be completed by September 2023.
The Town of Wake Forest is initiating a study to identify potential upgrades for Miller Park, 401 Elm Ave. The initiative will also propose greenway improvements and address water quality and erosion issues involving two streams within the two-acre park.
A wooded oasis in the heart of downtown Wake Forest, Miller Park features picnic tables and a half-mile of paved trails that loop throughout the park.
Citizen input is the cornerstone of the Miller Park Upgrades & Stream Restoration Study, so we want to hear from you. Residents and visitors to Miller Park are invited to visit Engage Wake Forest and provide their input via an online survey. Available through Friday, June 30, the survey takes less than five minutes to complete.
The Town of Wake Forest is accepting applications for its second annual Citizen’s Academy through Friday, July 14.
The Wake Forest Citizen’s Academy is a seven-week course designed to offer participants an educational and interactive experience on the workings of Town government. The curriculum will cover current Wake Forest programs, services, and procedures, and offer an inside look at several Town departments.
Led by Town staff, each weekly session will take place at a different Town facility. The final session will include a graduation ceremony and reception.
The 2023 Citizens Academy will meet from 6-8 p.m. on Thursdays from September 7-October 19. A light meal will be provided with each session beginning at 5:30 p.m.
Applicants must be at least 18 years old and a Wake Forest resident or business owner. Due to the interactive nature of the course, the academy is limited to 25 participants. To graduate, participants must attend at least five of seven sessions.
Online registration is available for both Wake Forest residents and non-residents. Team placement and draft information, additional registration details, and league rules are also provided online and at the Joyner Park Community Center, 701 Harris Road.
A participant’s eligibility is determined by his or her age on April 30, 2023, and a birth certificate is required for new participants. The in-town registration fee is $60, and the out-of-town fee is $100.
The Town of Wake Forest (TOWF) app recently transitioned from the BiznessApps to the BuildFire platform. The TOWF app updates automatically on most devices, but in cases that it does not, users can download the new version by scanning the appropriate QR code.
The updated app is similar to the previous version with many of the same features, including streamlined access to information about Friday Night on White and other popular Town events, as well as Parks, Recreation & Cultural Resources, Town news and employment opportunities, SeeClickFix, the Wake Forest Renaissance Centre, and more.
One prominent change is the appearance of the home screen which features a full color image of the popular "town clock" situated along South White Street in downtown Wake Forest (shown right).
Another is the login requirement for users that wish to continue receiving time-sensitive push notifications. Please note: These push notifications will "pop up" automatically on your phone as long as you "allow" notifications in your settings.
To view/access the push notification archive:
- Open the app and from the home page, click on the three-lines icon in the top right corner to access the second page.
- After accessing the second page, scroll to the bottom and click on "Notifications."
- After accessing the Notifications page, click on "View History."
- Click on each notification to view the full message.
For more information or to request assistance with the new app, email Bill Crabtree.
The Town of Wake Forest and several local veterans’ organizations will continue their monthly flag-raising ceremonies in Town Hall’s Centennial Plaza Monday, July 10, at 11 a.m.
The 48th Wake Forest Memorial Flag-Raising Ceremony will honor Thomas and Mary Perrone, both of whom served in the US Marine Corps.
Members of the Perrone family have been invited to participate in the ceremony, which will include patriotic songs, special remarks, a memorial wreath laying and the ceremonial flag-raising. After raising the American flag, the Wake Forest Fire Department Honor Guard will raise the U.S. Marine Corps service flag in recognition of the military branch in which the Perrones served. Both flags will fly in Centennial Plaza throughout July.
Food and refreshments will be available for purchase at several downtown restaurants. A variety of food and dessert trucks will also be on site in the Depot Parking Lot, 110 S. White St., and along East Owen Avenue.
The remaining 2023 concerts will feature Stone Age Romeos on August 11, and Crush on September 8.
The Wake Forest PRCR Department is hosting a free, monthly outdoor movie series through August at E. Carroll Joyner Park, 701 Harris Road. The third in the series of Family Movie Nights at Joyner Park will present the film “Zootopia” Saturday, July 22, at 8:30 p.m.
Family Movie Nights feature family-friendly film favorites and genres, including comedies, dramas, and thrillers, all projected on a 26-foot inflatable movie screen in the park’s amphitheater.
The season's final film screening will feature Spider Man: No Way Home on Saturday, Aug. 5. Showtime is 8:30 p.m. Anyone planning to attend is urged to arrive early as viewing space may be limited.
Family Movie Nights are free and open to the public. Each includes a movie-related pre-show activity for kids beginning at 7:30 p.m. In addition, assorted food vendors will be on site selling snacks and refreshments.
In September, the Board of Commissioners approved a partnership with Wake Forest FUNGO, a summer baseball program featuring college players.
The partnership includes a commitment from the Town and the team to upgrade Flaherty Park Field 2 which will serve as the dedicated home field for FUNGO. Scheduled to take several years, the renovations will include relocated and larger dugouts, expanded seating, a half-wall backstop, and landscaped enclosure and entry way.
Established in 2016, Wake Forest FUNGO has won three division championships over seven seasons.
Upcoming Home Games
This week's home games are Saturday, July 1 (Fuquay-Varina Twins); Wednesday, July 5 (Fuquay-Varina Twins); Thursday, July 6 (Clayton Clovers); and Friday, July 7 (Fuquay-Varina Twins).
Holding Park Aquatic Center (HPAC), 133 W. Owen Ave., is open the season. Daily admission fees for Wake Forest residents are $1 for children ages 2 and under; $4 for children ages 3-13; and $5 for patrons ages 13-59; and $4 for ages 60 and over. Daily admission fees for non-Wake Forest residents are $2 for children ages 2 and under; $6 for children ages 3-13; and $7 for patrons ages 13-59; and $6 for ages 60 and over.
A maximum of 200 patrons are allowed inside the facility during each session. To help ensure an enjoyable experience for everyone, patrons are encouraged to register and pay online in advance. Pre-registration opens 14 days in advance. Walk-ins and on-site registration are also allowed if space is available.
New this year, RecCard holders can purchase a Pool Punch Pass worth 20 daily swim sessions at HPAC. The Pool Punch Pass is available to Wake Forest residents for $60 and non-Wake Forest residents for $100.
Please note: HPAC staff track your visits by scanning your Rec Card. After purchasing your Pool Punch Pass, please be sure to bring your Rec Card with you each time you visit the HPAC because you will be required to scan it before entering the facility. For complete details, email Athletics & Aquatics Manager Edward Austin.
The Wake Forest Fire Department is asking for the community’s help renovating and restoring a Fire Safety Trailer used to teach children important lessons about the dangers of fires, how to prevent them, and ways to escape a burning home.
Donations of money, labor, and materials are needed to renovate and up fit the trailer, so it functions as a mobile classroom.
Once the renovations are completed, the Fire Safety Trailer will be used at schools, camps, and community events to teach kids what to do if a fire breaks out at home. The unit will be specially equipped with appliances, smoke machines, and heaters that can create conditions mimicking the signs of danger.
“Fire education and prevention are cornerstones of our operations,” said Firefighter Glenn Ebron. “We’re excited to partner with our community to renovate the Smoke Trailer and make our mobile classroom a reality.”
Taylor Street Park Sprayground is now open for the 2023 season. Free and open to the public, the sprayground will operate according to the following schedule through Friday, June 9:
- Sundays, 1-8 p.m.
- Monday-Friday, 4-8 p.m.
- Saturdays, 10 a.m.-8 p.m.
Please Note: The sprayground will be open Memorial Day (Monday, May 29) from 10 a.m.-8 p.m. The facility will offer extended hours beginning Saturday, June 10. To view the 2023 operating schedule, visit our website.
Whoever said "nothing in life is free" didn't know about the Wake Forest Loop (WFL).
If you’re not familiar with the WFL, here are the top three reasons you should give it a try:
- It’s free
- It serves Wake Forest and part of Wakefield every day but Sunday
- It offers major stops in downtown Wake Forest, the Northern Regional Center, Heritage, Wakefield Commons, and Wake Forest Crossing.
Oh, and did we mention it’s FREE? For more information about Wake Forest Bus Service, visit our website.
Wake Forest Police Department (WFPD) Victim Advocate Carly Simonton is hosting a weekly podcast on Next Door Radio Fridays at 10:15 a.m.
Victims Vibe – Tales of Trials & Triumphs will explore the domestic violence, sexual assault, and other family-related issues Simonton encounters daily in support of victims and witnesses in her role as Victim Advocate. Her podcast is intended to give the community greater insight into the issues and challenges facing victims and witnesses of crime, as well as the resources available to them.
Simonton plans to interview a different guest during each week’s 30-minute podcast, including experts in public safety, law enforcement, and criminal justice issues. She also plans to devote one episode each month to answering questions submitted by area residents. Questions and topics for future episodes may be submitted online.
Car break-ins happen all year long but tend to increase as the weather warms up. As a result, the Wake Forest Police Department (WFPD) is encouraging residents to practice the 9 PM Routine.
Originating in Pasco County, Florida, in 2017, the 9 PM Routine is a national campaign that encourages residents to create a nighttime routine consisting of basic safety measures, including locking your doors, closing your garage, making sure no items are left visible in your car, and turning on your porch lights.
WFTV 10 is the Town of Wake Forest's government access channel serving the residents of Wake Forest. Produced by the Town's Communications Department, WFTV 10 is available to residents and businesses that subscribe to Spectrum Cable TV service. For those who don't subscribe to Spectrum Cable, WFTV 10 is also provided in real-time streaming video and as a function of the Town App.
WFTV 10 Schedule
Board of Commissioners work sessions are broadcast live on the first Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. Regular meetings are broadcast live on the third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m., then re-broadcast daily throughout the remainder of the month at 9 a.m., 3 p.m., and 9 p.m.
Planning Board meetings are broadcast live on the second Tuesday of each month, then re-broadcast daily the following week at 9 a.m., 3 p.m., and 9 p.m.
The 2023 Spring & Summer edition of RecConnect is now available. Hard copies of the PRCR Program Guide are available at the Wake Forest Town Hall, 301 S. Brooks St.; Wake Forest Renaissance Centre, 405 S. Brooks St.; Joyner Park Community Center (JPCC), 701 Harris Road; Flaherty Park Community Center (FPCC), 1226 N. White St.; and Alston-Massenburg Center (AMC), 416 N. Taylor St.
Check out RecConnect for complete details on recreational programs, events, and activities for all age groups, including preschool, youth, and adult, scheduled from March through August 2023.
Program registration is underway online and in-person at JPCC, FPCC, and AMC during normal business hours. Online registration closes two business days before the start of a program.
The Wake Forest Farmers Market is a non-profit organization dedicated to educating our community about the value of local farms and the importance of local food systems.
From April-September, the Farmers Market operates Saturdays from 8 a.m.-noon along South Taylor Street behind the Wake Forest Town Hall.
Transportation Planning 101
The Town of Wake Forest Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) addresses regional traffic issues from the surrounding areas as well as alternative transportation methods, such as buses, greenways, and trains.
Check out the video above on our Comprehensive Transportation Plan (CTP) to learn more about how transportation projects are selected and funded. For more information, visit our Transportation Planning web page.
The following monthly meeting schedule is now in effect:
Board of Commissioners Work Session
First Tuesday/month - 6 p.m.
Planning Board Meeting
Second Tuesday/month - 6 p.m.
Board of Commissioners Regular Meeting
Third Tuesday/month - 6 p.m.
The UDO combines into a single document the Town's zoning, subdivision, land use, grading, storm water management, and historic preservation regulations. It outlines the requirements for all development activity.
The UDO was first adopted in 2013, along with the Manual of Specifications, Standards and Design (MSSD). With the update and adoption of several comprehensive plans, including the 2022 Community Plan and 2021 Northeast Community Plan, as well as several other comprehensive plans that are underway, the UDO and MSSD must be updated to implement the policies and recommendations of the plans.
In addition to reflecting the goals and actions of the comprehensive plans, the UDO needs to maintain compliance with state, federal and case law, which are constantly evolving. Finally, the update will exam best practices and trending topics.
The update process will involve multiple steps and take approximately two years. The updated UDO and MSSD will set the development rules for Wake Forest.
In 2021 the Town of Wake Forest launched a comprehensive public education campaign on proper recycling behaviors.
#RecycleRightWF introduced and emphasized a series of easy-to-understand messages aimed at simplifying the recycling process and improving the quality of materials residents place in their rollout recycling carts.
Thanks to the cooperation and efforts of our residents, we have recorded a significant decrease in recycling contamination over the past year. Great job!
Despite our best efforts, there are still some who complain about not knowing what is happening in our community. That's why we thought it might be useful for Talbot the Town Crier to again offer his "olde school" overview of all the ways you can stay informed.
The Town of Wake Forest is inviting individuals, families, churches and civic clubs to join the “Show Some Love, #KeepWFclean” campaign by picking up trash in their neighborhoods and along local streets and roadways. The initiative allows volunteers to pick up litter on a one-time or ongoing basis. Participants may also choose the area they wish to clean or request direction to high need areas around town.
To aid the effort, volunteers may reserve litter kits at no charge by completing the online reservation form. Each litter kit includes reflective vests, gloves, buckets, grabbers, trash bags, data collection sheets, hand sanitizer and litter education materials. A special thanks to B&W Hardware for donating the litter kits.
Loose trash in trucks creates litter along Wake Forest roadways.
Help keep Wake Forest roadways clean by securing any trash in your truck bed. When you throw trash in the back of your truck, it inevitably blows out and becomes litter on the roadside. In fact, half of all litter is blown, not thrown! Roadside litter costs millions of dollars to remove, decreases property values and has a negative impact on tourism.
The NC Department of Public Safety reports that an even bigger problem is unsecured loads in the back of trucks. At high speeds, even large items can fly out and hurt or startle other drivers causing accidents. Put trash into built-in containers. Use tarps, cargo nets and tie-downs to secure any loads. #KeepWFclean
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If you have questions or comments about the Town of Wake Forest website or E-News, please contact Bill Crabtree by email or call 919-435-9421.