July 2023
The Early Learning Network recently released a set of briefs focused on four impact areas that have potential to narrow opportunity gaps and help children maintain early learning success as they transition from prekindergarten (pre-K) to elementary school and beyond.

This month, we're highlighting the network's collective research associated with the impact area of Classroom Experiences and Learning Opportunities.

Read the story linked below to dig deeper into the network's findings, including a key takeaway, action steps for practice, policy and research, and insights from the field.
Impact Area: Classroom Experiences and Learning Opportunities
Impact Area: Classroom Experiences and Learning...

Early Learning Network research emphasizes the importance of providing culturally responsive, intentional and supportive interactions in classrooms that focus on students' social-emotional, cognitive and language development. Early Learning...

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The Early Learning Network, funded by the Institute of Education Sciences, leverages its expertise, resources and geographic diversity to help narrow opportunity gaps and maintain early learning success as children transition from preschool to third grade. Together, network researchers from universities and organizations across the U.S. are examining current policies and practices, identifying malleable factors associated with early learning and achievement, and developing tools to assess early learning instruction, interactions and environments. Learn more at
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