Dear CEE Community and Friends,
In this month’s newsletter, postdoc Damian Stefaniuk discusses new research to bolster concrete’s natural carbon sequestration potential. PhD student Elijah Martin’s photo weathering method provides a framework for designing degradable plastics. Postdoc Miaomiao Zhang highlights the importance of graphics in research writing, and Prof. Elfatih Eltahir explains the source of extreme heat in the Mediterranean to German newspaper, Die Zeit. We congratulate Prof. Lydia Bourouiba on receiving the 2023 Paul Gray Award for Public Service, postdoc Hannah Lu on receiving the Best Presentation Award at the U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, and Prof. Heidi Nepf on receiving the M. Selim Yalin Lifetime Achievement Award from the International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research.
Also in this newsletter, we share new research on an energy-storing supercapacitor made from ancient materials developed by a team of researchers including Professors Admir Masic and Franz-Josef Ulm. Lastly, we highlight graduate student Kristen Riedinger, whose research focuses on the contamination of drinking water with harmful organic compounds.