Issue 109 April 2024

Featured Stories

In This Issue

"Want To Add Healthy

Years To Your Life?"

Recent research into longevity points to helpful strategies regarding diet, exercise and joy.

How To "Haggle" For a Better Deal"

From buying a car to remodeling your home, learn how "haggling"

for a better deal can save you big bucks!

"It's The Economy, Stupid"

In every election, the state of the economy is always a big factor. As will be the country’s spending, debt and inflation.

Ask Larry: "What Can I Do To Keep Hospital

Charges As Low As Possible?"

Hospital charges are outrageous but there are several strategies you can employ to help minimize your hospital bills without compromising quality of care.

Upcoming Senior Resource Fairs

Looking for help with caregiving? Need senior housing? Healthcare, financial or legal advice? Check out the latest information available at the many senior resource fairs being held in May.

Be Kind To Each Other

Let me know what kind of stories you like to read in the Scoop, the leading digital publication and website for boomers and seniors in the San Francisco Bay Area. Feel free to share the Scoop with your family and friends. It's FREE.

For more stories and news about boomers and seniors, visit

"Want To Add Healthy

Years To Your Life?"

By Matt Fuchs, The Washington Post

Recent research into longevity points to helpful strategies regarding diet and exercise. But don’t forget the joy.

Death comes for us all. But research points to interventions in diet, exercise and mental outlook that could slow down aging and age-related diseases — without risky biohacks such as unproven gene therapies.

A multidisciplinary approach involving these evidence-based strategies “could get it all right,” said Valter Longo, a biochemist who runs the Longevity Institute at the University of Southern California’s Leonard Davis School of Gerontology.

There’s a debate, however, about how much we can increase our longevity. All humans share 99.9 percent of their genes. This explains why even “super agers,” born with tiny genetic differences that promote longevity, almost never surpass 110. (Jeanne Louise Calment of France was an outlier, living until the age of 122, the current record.) Some animals make it well beyond that mark.


"Long Term Care Insurance:

Dealing With The Claims Process

& Rate Increases"

By Hans Hug


Long Term Care Insurance is a unique product with a claims process unlike any other Insurance. In addition to that, due to often extreme premium volatility, keeping what you bought can certainly be a problem as double-digit rate increases have been the norm for quite some time.


To help consumers effectively understand and navigate both of these topics, I have committed my 26 years of LTC Insurance experience to paper and have written comprehensive guides both available through my website for one price--$48 for 7 documents.

Filing & Managing a Long Term Care Insurance Claim”

 You will receive 4 additional documents to help launch and manage

your claim.

"Dealing with Premium Rate Increases”

Solid advice on what to do and not to do when evaluating a rate increase notice.

Please visit my website where you will see details about all you will receive that will be of great help with both Claims and Rate Increases. Email:

How To "Haggle"

For a Better Deal

By Larry Hayes, A050 publisher

From Buying a Car To Remodeling Your Home, "Haggling" For a Better Deal Can Save You Big


Haggling is second nature in many countries and cultures but most Americans have mixed feelings about bargaining. We should get over our trepidation, since haggling does work and shoppers who use this strategy can reap big rewards.

Recently, my wife and I traded in our 2014 SUV for a new one.

By "haggling," we saved several thousands of dollars. Admittedly, it takes some work and time. This is how it went down:

First, we researched the vehicle we wanted online so, we knew beforehand the "ball bark" price before visiting our first dealership.

We took a test drive and then settled down for an "expected"

high pressure sales pitch which didn't happen. Apparently "hard sell" pressure from auto salespeople is a thing of the past.

Although we wanted to "trade-in" our old SUV, we didn't mention that upfront. Part of our haggling strategy was to wait until we got an initial offer. Then mention a trade-in.

After getting a verbal offer at the first dealership, we thanked the salesperson and drove to another dealership. Same vehicle. Another test drive. Without revealing the price from the first dealership,

we begin "haggling" on price pitting one dealership against the other.

READ MORE for tips to help you master

the art of "haggling."

“It’s the Economy, Stupid"

By Evelyn Preston, Money Lady

Those were Bill Clinton’s words in the ‘90s…and it

helped get him elected. I agree. The U.S. economy worries many Americans in 2024. As longtime bill payers and money managers, seniors care deeply about the country’s spending, debt and inflation.


We understand that it’s crucial to “get things right!” Unfortunately, we’ve been getting a lot wrong lately. Let’s check some current economic examples and try to get our “smarts” back.


Food for thought

If inflation’s “around 3%,” according to latest stats, why are prices so obviously higher for food? Forget the grocery store! We hear explanations from supply chain to climate change, from shrinkflation to greed…and that higher wages will cover the shortfall.



OMG! A $260,000 Hospital Bill


By Larry Hayes, A050 Publisher

"I Need An Operation. What Can I Do To Keep Hospital Bills As Low As Possible?"

--Joe, San Francisco

A friend of mine recently spent six days in the hospital and received

a bill for $260,000! (With doctor bills yet to come). And this was for a minor surgical procedure. Fortunately, he had medical insurance, otherwise, he would have had to declare bankruptcy. Our healthcare system is insane, broken and outrageously expensive.

Back to your question--sorry to hear that you need surgery. Pray that you have good health insurance and doctors.

CLICK HERE to learn ways to help lower your hospital bills:

Got a question or comment? Ask me anything. If I don't know the answer, I'll ask someone who does. Ask Larry is written by Larry Hayes, A050 publisher. Email: Visit:

Discover Chateau-Cupertino

Senior Independent Living Community With a Flair

Senior living doesn't get any better than living at 

Chateau-Cupertino whether you're in retirement or just ready for the next great phase of your life. Enjoy a home-life environment in your own senior apartment with three fresh served home-style meals daily. 

Housekeeping and laundry services, all basic utilities, great activity programs, game rooms and transportation--all included starting at $3,400 per month.

Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, Cupertino is one of the best places to live in Northern CA--home to world famous Apple, Inc.

Come and see for yourself.  Chateau-Cupertino.

Call 408.446.4300. Or email:

What Are The Signs

Of a Stroke?

May is National Stroke Awareness Month


A stroke is a serious medical emergency that can cause long-term issues. May is the month when we raise awareness about the dangers and warning signs of strokes.


There are two types of strokes: an ischemic stroke and a hemorrhagic stroke. Ischemic strokes are more common and are caused by a blood clot that cuts off blood flow to a part of the brain. While a hemorrhagic stroke is when a brain aneurysm or a weakened vessel bursts or leaks in the brain.


Someone in the United States has a stroke every 40 seconds. A stroke is a medical emergency that requires immediate attention, so it is important to notice it as quickly as possible.


Acting F.A.S.T.

This acronym is an important way to spot a stroke:

Facial weakness: Is one side of the face drooping down?

Arm weakness: Is one arm weaker than the other?

Speech problems: Is the speech slurring?

Time: to call 911


Signs of a Stroke

Signs of a stroke often come on very suddenly, such as weakness on one side of the body and difficulty speaking. Other signs include sudden blurred vision, memory loss, confusion, and a severe headache. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is crucial to call 911 right away.


Stroke Prevention

While strokes are scary, the good news is that there are steps we can take to prevent them, such as quitting smoking and limiting alcoholic beverages. It is also a good idea to eat a healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables and lower sodium, cholesterol, and trans fats. Staying active can help lower your risk of stroke as well. Finally, you should also manage other health conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and atrial fibrillation.


Stroke Risk 

Several factors put you at a higher risk of strokes, including hypertension, high cholesterol, heart and blood diseases, and sickle cell disease. Genetics and family history may also increase your risk of strokes. Finally, obesity, anxiety, depression, and stress can increase your chance of stroke.  


Speak with your doctor about stroke prevention and steps you should take. Physicians Medical Group of San Jose is the largest independent physician’s association in Santa Clara County. We have been part of the community for 40 years with more than 1,000 doctors in 460 offices plus we speak 30+ languages. Call 888-988-8682 or visit for more information.

Upcoming Events

Mountain View Senior Resource Fair

266 Escuela Ave, Mountain View, CA

Tuesday, May 7 3pm--5pm

Brain Health Conference

"A Holistic Approach To Brain Health"

Grand Bay Hotel, San Mateo, CA

Friday, May 10 8:30am--4:30pm

To register:

Sponsored by the Rotary Club San Mateo & Redwood Shores

Live Well, Age Well Health Expo

Cupertino Senior Center

21251 Stevens Creek, Cupertino, CA

Friday, May 10 10am--1:30pm

Los Gatos Rec 55+ Resource Fair

Los Gatos Senior Center

280 E. Main St., Los Gatos, CA

Thursday, May 16 10am--12pm

Community Senior Resource Fair

City of Gilroy

7371 Hanna Street, Gilroy, CA

Friday, May 17 9am--12pm

Be Strong, Live Long

Health & Wellness Fair

Santa Clara Senior Center

1303 Fremont St., Santa Clara, CA

Friday, May 17 10am--2pm

Family Health & Wellness

Resource Fair

City of Morgan Hill

17000 Monterey Rd, Morgan Hill, CA

Saturday, May 18 10am--2pm

Avenidas "Lifetimes of Achievement Awards"

Honoring people for contributions to the community

Avenidas 450 Bryant, Palo Alto, CA

Sunday May 19 3pm--5pm

Info: Nisha Kou

"Mystery Day" Trip

Campbell Adult Center 50+

1 West Campbell Ave, Campbell, CA

May 22 8:30am--6:30pm


To Brighten Your Day, Check Out

John Donaghue's Latest Comics.

Go To:

Under Cardiac Arrest is a comic series starring a quirky couple loosely based on John Donaghue's parents. Besides thousands of followers online, UCA has been translated into greeting cards, shirts, mugs and a book.

Get The "Inside Scoop" On

Living a Longer & Healthier Life

Published by A050, the Scoop is a free, online publication for boomers and seniors in the San Francisco Bay Area reaching over 100,000 across multiple platforms including the A050 website and social media. For editorial and advertising opportunities, email: Visit:

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