Light in the Window - May 18, 2023

Dear Covenant Family,

A few days ago, I arrived at Dubuque Theological Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa, one of the ten seminaries of the Presbyterian Church, USA. This is the third intensive week for my cohort, which began in 2021 during the pandemic. There are ten of us who arrived from several different states, books in tow. All eager to dive into important subjects and form our temporary Christian community of prayer and support. The Doctor of Ministry degree is a practical one, intended to apply to one’s church context and practice of ministry. Even after three years of study, we all still need to complete our project or thesis in service of the Church.

I’ll miss being with you in worship this Sunday, but the Rev. Dr. Ken Chalker will be in the pulpit, and I know how much his preaching is appreciated at Covenant. Blessings on each of you this week and let me know if you want to talk about any of the books in my stack!


Pastor Jessie

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