Hello Patriots! Thank you for supporting Stephanie Phillips for Nevada and following along the campaign trail with her. We are so glad you are here. Please note that next week there will be no newsletter as Stephanie will be attending her son's college graduation and his Army Commissioning Ceremony with her family.

SPECIAL NOTE TODAY: Friday night is the RALLY for STEPHANIE in Las Vegas. Please scroll down to "Upcoming Events" to find all the details...and we'll see you there!

We're turning up the heat these days as we close in on the primaries. Have you registered to vote Republican? Click below to register.


Last Friday, Stephanie joined the FIORE (Fun Italians Organizing Ridiculous Events) at the Italian American Club. She had the opportunity to share a bit about her campaign with them and enjoy a meal with fellow Italians. She looks forward to joining them again for another fun evening soon!

Check out those shoes!


This past weekend, Stephanie was burning up the highways of Nevada once again. She attended the Elko County Lincoln Day Dinner on Saturday night. The room was packed at this sold out event and she spoke to many who are eager to vote and save our country. She was up and back that evening to attend the event, getting back home around 3AM, and had a wonderful time seeing everyone up in Elko.


The following morning, Stephanie was on the Dee Mounts Radio Show at 97.7FM in Pahrump. The replay will be uploaded and available soon.


On Monday, Stephanie went to the First Baptist Church in Henderson to meet their pastor and many of the members. They were holding a town hall for candidates and she is very appreciative of the fact they are involved in politics and are educating the public about those running for office.


Tonight, Stephanie will be at a Meet and Greet with the Sun City Summerlin Conservatives Club. This event is from 6-8PM and located at the Sun City Summerlin Desert Vista Community Center Ballroom. Join her at 10360 Sun City Blvd in Las Vegas. She will have a table there and would love to meet you.


More and more signs are going up all over the state. Many people have been asking why they don't see any commercials on TV. That costs many thousands of dollars and we would love to create a commercial for TV, but as a grassroots movement, the funding simply isn't there. We need donations in order to continue pursuing the marketing efforts we have already started and Stephanie has contributed all she possibly can. If you can donate any amount, each dollar is used very wisely.


You will not want to miss this big event coming up in Las Vegas. Come to a RALLY for Stephanie. We are hosting a fun event at the Parkway Tavern on Friday evening, April 19th, from 6-8PM. There will be food, music, drinks and opportunities for everyone to get involved. Bring your friends and family out for a great evening with the Senate Candidate. If you're on Facebook, please share the event page within your own networks.

RSVP here or on the FB event page.


On Saturday, April 20th, Stephanie will be at the Mesquite Spring Festival. She will have a table there and looks forward to everybody who attends. Mark your calendars for this fun event!


Coming up next month is another debate that Stephanie will be attending; The Great Washoe Debate. This event is in Verdi and hosted by The Franklin Project. Get this on your calendar and be sure to grab tickets. If you're not local, it will be streamed live so you can watch.


Join us in making a difference! We are currently seeking dedicated volunteers to join our campaign efforts. Whether you have already signed up or are considering doing so, we need your help to canvass neighborhoods in your area. This is a crucial opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and make a positive impact in Nevada. Reach out now to get involved!

Many new banners are being put up around the state and many yard signs are being picked up. We need funds to cover the costs of these advertising items. If you can donate today to help cover these costs, we would greatly appreciate it.

As a grassroots movement, we rely on supporters like you to make a difference. We don't have a large budget for expensive marketing tactics like commercials, so we ask that you help us by sharing the Phillips4Nevada website and social media posts. Attending our events is also a great way to show your support for Stephanie and our cause. Right now there is an immediate need for signage and banners as well as the literature required to go door-to-door. Together, we can make a difference!

Don't forget that you can support the campaign by shopping at the Merch Shop. We would LOVE for you to be showing off your support for Stephanie while wearing some cool gear. Each purchase helps the campaign and also gives you the chance to show your support and share news about this Senate candidate.

PLEASE take a minute today to invest in the Phillips4Nevada campaign! We truly appreciate your support.


Vinyl banners are being put up around the state. People who have large properties have been asking to attach banners to their perimeter fencing to advertise the Phillips4Nevada campaign.


If you have such a property or you have a business property where a vinyl banner could be securely attached, please reach out and let us know if you'd like to promote your favorite Senate Candidate. They can be created in custom sizes to fit the space you have.


Yard signs are available in several locations around the state and at each hosted event so you can grab one for your yard...and for your neighbors too.

They can be found in Clark, Nye, Washoe, Douglas, Lincoln, Mineral, Esmeralda, Churchill and Carson Counties.

Please reach out if you need one! Click below.

Request a Yard Sign

Don't forget that you can support the campaign by shopping at the Merch Shop. So many have been asking about the T-shirts they see Stephanie wearing or have wanted bumper stickers for their vehicles, so now you can grab your Phillips4Nevada Merch and share your support for your favorite candidate. It would be awesome for you to show up to events wearing your new garb in support of Stephanie!


We hope that you enjoy these updates and being on the Campaign Trail with Stephanie. We will continue to bring you the latest news, upcoming events and share her experiences as she continues to fight for our freedoms and liberties in the great state of Nevada.

Sincerely, the Phillips4Nevada Team

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Paid for by Stephanie Phillips for Nevada