July 2023
CID Newsletter
U.S. Embassy Event: Unleashing the Power of Inclusivity: Strengthening Democracy through Diversity
On Tuesday, July 11 at 10:30 IST, CID’s Mindy Romero will be the featured speaker at a webinar hosted by the U.S. Embassy in India called “Power of Inclusivity: Strengthening Democracy through Diversity.”
As the featured speaker, Dr. Romero will discuss topics of democracy, voting and inclusion, and how inclusion can help strengthen democracies and serve as a cornerstone of a democratic culture. Highlighting recent work by CID on voting and elections, she will also address how safeguarding the rights of marginalized groups is essential to democratic governance.

The event is part of the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi’s U.S. Speaker Program, jointly implemented with Meridian International Center. The Program is designed to connect U.S. experts with Indian audiences and institutions; to promote an understanding of U.S. strategic priorities, policies and institutions; and to discuss the political, economic, social and cultural context from which they arise.
Register Now: California Redistricting - Opportunities and Remaining Challenges, July 27 Event 
The redrawing of boundary lines for legislative districts every 10 years has a significant impact on representation and decision-making that affects communities and outcome for millions of Californians.

On July 27 at the California State Capitol, the Center for Inclusive Democracy hosts Mindy Romero and invited panelists in a conversation exploring how redistricting decisions after the 2020 census have affected voting and elections in the state. They will also look at the expected impact on the 2024 primary and general elections, and what communities and voting advocates can do now to prepare.

Event Details:

California Redistricting: Opportunities and Remaining Challenges
Thursday, July 27, 12 – 1p.m. PDT
California State Capitol, Room 126
1315 10th Street
Sacramento, CA 

The in-person event is the third session in CID's legislative series at the State Capitol in Sacramento which is being conducted in collaboration with the Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund. For more information on the full series, see CID's website.
Democracy News
Congress will focus on voting and election laws in the coming weeks. Both parties are putting forward their own proposals that could ultimately result in changes to federal voting standards under the Voting Rights Act.
The recent Supreme Court’s 6-3 decision in Moore vs. Harper put to rest the independent state legislature theory, assuring continued state court enforcement of state constitutional rights and guarantees when regulating federal elections.
August Democracy Events
41st Annual Election Law Seminar for County Election Officials.

Hosted by the Elections Division of the Texas Secretary of State’s office, this event will feature multiple panels and experts on voting and election issues, in preparation for the 2024 primary and general elections in Texas. 

The Center for Inclusive Democracy will be presenting its Voting Location and Outreach Tool Program Pilot at the three-day event. 

The web-based Voting Location Tool is designed to assist election officials in the placement of voting locations and election outreach. First released in California in 2018, the interactive mapping system now serves fourteen states representing 51% of the U.S. population: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia and Wisconsin. 

Conference Details: 
July 31 - August 2, 2023
Renaissance Austin Hotel
Austin, Texas

CID Presentation: 
Tuesday, August 1, 2023 
38th National Conference: The National Association of Election Officials

CID’s Mindy Romero will be among presenters at the 38th National Conference of the National Association of Election Officials. The national conference will explore new research and emerging issues related to election administration, voter registration and outreach, election reform and policy, among other topics. 

Aug. 27 – 30, 2023
Grand Cypress Hotel
Orlando, Florida
Past Democracy Events
League of Women Voters Woodland Annual Meeting

CID’s Mindy Romero was the featured speaker at this June 21 dinner event, discussing current election and voting trends.
League of Women Voters Los Angeles Annual Meeting

CID’s Mindy Romero was the featured speaker at the June 24th virtual annual meeting of the Greater Los Angeles League of Women Voters, discussing the state of voter engagement in the region and California, as a whole.
CID in the Media
Below is a selection of recent CID media coverage:
As America marked its 247th birthday, this special July 4 holiday broadcast looked at the growing political divide in the U.S. and at possible solutions to unite a democracy under attack. 

CID’s Mindy Romero and UCI Political Science and Law Professor Tony Smith joined KNX hosts Rob Archer and Charles Feldman to offer analysis and ideas.
Employment Opportunities
Check out the job opportunities below:
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Multiple Open Positions
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Center for Inclusive Democracy
The Center for Inclusive Democracy (CID) is part of the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy. CID conducts a range of national and multi-state research initiatives exploring voting behavior, civic engagement, electoral and economic research, the intersection of social justice and democracy, and more. Its research informs and empowers a wide range of policy and organizing efforts aimed at eliminating disparities in social and economic well-being.