Streams of Awareness


June 20, 2023


Years ago there was a television ad that had a catch line where the experienced guy told the unexperienced guy to “stay in your lane bro.”  The line has stayed with me even though I have no idea as to who or what was being product was being pushed.  

The phrase stay in your lane is used as a term of admonishment or advice against those who express thoughts or opinions on a subject about which they are viewed as having insufficient knowledge or ability.

So often I feel like God, in his small whisper is telling me the same thing.  I want to fix things, and situations, and guide things in a way that I feel might make things better. I want to add my two bits in thinking whatever I say or do might have a positive effect. And then this little whisper of wisdom pops up in my head that I am finally starting to recognize ….”stay in your lane my child”. God has his reasons and his ways of using trials and defeats and struggles to grow us…. And day by day I am learning to stay in my lane and be patient and let God work things out his way; realizing that only God can see His whole picture. And he is always working for His good in our lives.  

Jesus Calling this week (July 18) was a gentle reminder that when we let go and  stay out of God’s lane… he is better able to efficiently  guide others on the  path that God has designed for them personally… God is the ultimate overseer of our lives… he know the past the present and the future of things to come and he uses whatever comes into our lives to equip us with wisdom strength and courage to carry on.   He has a plan to guide us according to His perfect plan. If we stay focused on God and not our circumstances it is then that he can weave our thoughts into faithfully trusting him no matter what is before us.   

YOU ARE MY BELOVED CHILD. I chose you before the foundation of the world, to walk with Me along paths designed uniquely for you. Concentrate on keeping in step with Me instead of trying to anticipate My plans for you. If you trust that My plans are to prosper you and not to harm you, you can relax and enjoy the present moment. 

Your hope and your future are rooted in heaven, where eternal ecstasy awaits you. Nothing can rob you of your inheritance of unimaginable riches and well-being. Sometimes I grant you glimpses of your glorious future, to encourage you and spur you on. But your main focus should be staying close to Me. I set the pace in keeping with your needs and My purposes.

In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps. —PROVERBS 16:9

And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory. —EPHESIANS 1:13–14

My prayer today is that God will help me to stay in my lane and teach me and hold me back when I am tempted to interfere with a plan that only God is able to negotiate. God is the ultimate fixer of hearts that need healing and mending and circumstances that have gone awry. It is through faith and prayer and seeking his intervention that I know that God not only hears my prayers but in his timing will show me the way through the murky waters.

Praise God wherever you are or whatever situation he has allowed you to be in...for his Glory will shine through!

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