May 2023

Notes from Commissioner Dennis:

May has been a busy month with budget hearings. Commissioners heard from every department, the other elected officials and the appointed officials. Now the County Manager, his staff and the Commissioners will begin to analyze all the asks and start to draft the 2024 budget. There will be two public hearings, prior to budget adoption, so we can hear from the community on their needs. The first hearing is scheduled for the evening of August 2, and the other will be during the BoCC meeting August 23.

We have a couple ways to honor our veterans this month. Memorial Day recognizes those 1.1 million Americans who paid the ultimate price for our freedom. Those who have died cannot hear you; however, the millions of veterans can hear your thanks, and they will pass them on to those who died defending our freedom when they meet them again. Also, we are very proud of those cities in Sedgwick County who have been designated Purple Heart Cities, including Derby and Haysville. Sedgwick County is in the process of being designated a Purple Heart County. Thank you to all who have served, those who have died for our country, and family members who sent loved ones to war.

Please remember the law enforcement professionals who have served our community and died in the line of duty. We recognized those individuals during a ceremony on Friday, May 26th at the Law Enforcement Memorial. Take time to thank the officers who continue to protect us.

I am a member of the Electric Vehicle Planning Committee. We have only met one time, with another meeting scheduled in June. I did learn a lot during the first meeting and hope to continue to learn more about the infrastructure needed to support electric vehicle. Also, we are looking at safety issues with the batteries on those vehicles.

We are very happy that Kansas released funding for the new KU/WSU Biomed Campus here in Wichita. It will be transformational to this area. Sedgwick County is proud to support this initiative and appreciates the vision that KU and WSU leaders have displayed to make this project a reality. In addition, the state released funds for the new Regional Mental Health Hospital. Sedgwick County has been advocating for this for at least six years. Once completed, the hospital will be a state-run facility, responsible for operations and staffing. We know that staff is in short supply at this time. That is why the KU/WSU Biomed Campus is critical to train the workforce of tomorrow.

In early June we will have a ribbon cutting for one part of the North Junction project. This will carry traffic from Northbound I-135 to Westbound I-235. This is an important opening because it will eliminate the tight curve and traffic merge we have in place today. Thanks to all the partners who made this possible. This ribbon cutting does not end construction in the area, but it is a big step forward.

It is an honor to serve District 3. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have issues I can help with.  

The views expressed by Commissioner David Dennis in this newsletter do not necessarily represent the governing body of the Sedgwick County Board of County Commissioners or Sedgwick County Government.

Register of Deeds offers free services for veterans

As a show of appreciation for our military, the Register of Deeds wants to safeguard veterans' discharge form, or DD-214, by filing it for free and providing five certified copies. Vets can also get a free discount card with their photo on it to save money at restaurants and other participating businesses. The video below shows how the program works.

Sedgwick County steps out for 2023 Riverfest parade

Wichita's biggest party - Riverfest - kicks off Friday, June 2, at 6:30 p.m. with the Sundown Parade, sponsored in part by Sedgwick County. Come out and say 'hi' to many of your elected officials participating in the parade, along with staff and vehicles from several County departments. Learn more about the parade and other Riverfest events here.

Sedgwick County Correctional Officers honored

The Board of County Commissioners proclaimed May 7-13 as Correctional Officers Appreciation Week. Watch the video below to learn more about their important work.

National EMS Week May 21-27

Sedgwick County joined communities across the country in recognizing the important role our EMS providers play in safeguarding our health and well-being. This video explains what it takes to work on an ambulance crew and save lives!

Public Works wins award for bridge repairs

Work on the 63rd Street South bridge near Derby earned Sedgwick County Public Works an award from the American Public Works Association Kansas Chapter (APWA) for Project of the Year under $5 million. The Board of County Commissioners also proclaimed May 21-27 as Public Works Week and shared the video below, as a tribute to our hard-working crews in all divisions.

Second phase of Civic Ready Alerts includes many more cities

Sedgwick County Emergency Management (SCEM) launched the second phase of Civic Ready Alerts to include 17 more cities, in addition to the two initial test sites of Wichita and Mt. Hope. Residents who sign up for this free service will receive notifications by phone or email of emergencies or important news in their community.

Click to opt-in, customize how you want to be contacted and which notifications you want to receive!

Sedgwick County needs YOU on an advisory board or committee!

The Board of County Commissioners values input from its citizens and encourages you to consider serving on an advisory board or committee in one of the five districts. Click here to see a list of current vacancies.

Out and About with Commissioners

Commissioners attended the Wichita Prayer Breakfast where they enjoyed fellowship with other community members, listened to thoughtful speakers and enjoyed a good meal.

The Kansas Aviation Museum celebrated the grand opening of the Rip Gooch Black Aviators Exhibit. Ulysses Lee "Rip" Gooch was a well-known politician and Wright Brother Master Pilot.

Wichita Public Schools and WSU Tech unveiled the FutureReady Manufacturing Center that trains high school students on the latest equipment and technology used throughout Sedgwick County.

At the Annual Sedgwick County Sheriff's Office Cookout, Commissioners thanked Sheriff Jeff Easter and his staff for their hard work and dedication to public safety. The event is sponsored by VitalCore.

Contact Commissioner David Dennis


100 N. Broadway, Ste. 660, Wichita, KS 67202

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