Footsteps of Messiah:

Perfect Attendance at the Greater Exodus
(Shavuot 2024 Registration is now open! See below for link)

It happened on the 10th of May, 1946. My mom received a Perfect Attendance Award for Fourth Grade from Hampton Elementary School. I found it in some of her things as I was sorting through boxes several years after she passed away, may her memory be for blessing. 

Maybe we all have some little scrap of our childhood preserved somewhere, and when we find it, for the briefest moment, it carries us back to a time in which we didn’t know what we know now. We were blessedly ignorant of most of the world’s ills, especially a Fourth Grader born during the Great Depression and living on a farm through World War II, when to a ten-year-old girl, war rationing was so much a part of life as not to be noticed because she was too young to compare current hardships to a different time. They grew most of their own food, and they fed many people during the Depression. Tire rationing was not a big deal when you could hop on a horse and ride to town. Processed white sugar was not yet more delightful on a biscuit to rural Arkansas taste as nutritious, thick molasses. 

Not that Perfect Attendance wasn’t a real accomplishment. Mom and her nine siblings attended school, rode the bus home, ate a hot sweet potato for an after-school snack, then worked in the fields or on farm chores until dark. After supper, the girls cleaned up, and then, if they could still hold their heads up, they did homework. Crammed three kids to a bed, they slept until Grandaddy woke them up before dawn for morning barn chores, and then they ate breakfast and climbed back on the school bus for another day of Perfect Attendance. Mom once said it was a good thing they didn’t subtract the days she fell asleep in class. 

The Greater Exodus will have its own challenges, but is Perfect Attendance possible? If we see it as the presence of every chosen one, then Scripture indicates yes, it is more than possible, but promised. Our working text is Song of Songs Chapter Four:

  • Your teeth are like a flock of newly shorn sheep which have come up from their washing, all of which bear twins, and not one among them has lost her young.

Translations will vary. Some will say “all of them perfect” or “not one of them is missing.”

This “twins and pairs” passage of the Song of Songs is also seen by the sages as hinting to the missing daughters of Jacob, of whom there is only the brief mention in Genesis 37:35. Where did these daughters come from? Scripture is often so subtle when it reveals information about women in Scripture that the hint is often read over without notice. 

Although Scripture only names one daughter, Dinah, who is believed to have been a single birth, the sages believe that each son was born with a twin sister. Like Rachel, whose name means “ewe lamb,” she was thought to be a twin to Leah as Jacob was a twin to Esau.  Where did these daughters go? Why aren’t they mentioned in the descent to Egypt? Were they too attached to the Land of Israel to descend, preferring instead to remain? 

We have no answers, but we have a deliberately-placed hint, and in addition to its plain meaning, that not one sheep of the flock of Israel will be missing when they cross over the Jordan, we also have some insight as to Joel’s prophecy, quoted by Peter in Acts Two, that the latter days of prophecy will be characterized by a pouring-out of the Ruach HaKodesh on both sons AND daughters, male AND female servants. Not one will be missing when they come up from their washing. In fact, maybe they never were missing, just unseen.

The twinning aspect is seen in the 24 courses of the Temple service. This may explain much about Acts Two and Peter’s explanation of Yoel’s prophecy of “sons and daughters,” “male and female servants.” In the “House,” or Temple, the male AND female disciples were praying on Shavuot, commemorating the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, the “mountain of testimony” also from Chapter Four of the Song of Songs: “...your hair is like a flock of goats that have descended from Mount Gilead.”

The 24 courses were a twinning, or “perfection” of the twelve.  The 24 mishmarot priestly watches would each consume the sacrifices with their teeth: “Your teeth are like a flock of newly shorn sheep which have come up from their washing.”

Three times of year the 24 courses are equal, or ”perfect,” all in attendance. These times are Pesach, Shavuot, and Sukkot. While only those kohanim on duty would eat the sacrifices at other times, at the foot festivals they all were present to serve, so they shared equally. Every priest was part of the Perfect Attendance of the feasts. There were also the 24 watches of the Levites who served for a week on a rotating basis, functioning as gatekeepers and singers, along with other duties. The kohanim and Leviim were mishmarot who “watched over” the Israelites by seeing to the sacrifices and doing the work for Adonai’s atonement.

In addition to the kohanim and Leviim were the royal priesthood on duty. They served for a full month rather than a week, providing continuity during the changing of the Levitical and priestly courses, just as each tribe represents a month on the calendar. The royal priesthood provides year-round service. This royal priesthood ministered to the needs of Israel and the nations on behalf of the king, just as we do today. As the kohanim were to the tribes of Israel, so the tribes of Israel were to the nations.

The 24,000 men were sent from each tribe, one tribe per month, to serve as maamadot who were at the king’s disposal. They assisted in the execution of royal duties and ensured the security of the Israelites while they worshiped. They also fasted, recited Scripture, and prayed, like Channah (Annah), who remained in the Temple day and night. Their duties of security, administration duties as assigned by the king, fasting, and prayer/Scripture reading is consistent with the identity of the tribes as a royal priesthood.

This is unique from the kohanim and leviim, for the 24,000 both served in the Temple and mingled with the people, conducting Kingdom business. At the feasts, the royal priesthood from the twelve tribes would also have Perfect Attendance, for all were required to present themselves in Jerusalem for Pesach, Shavuot, and Sukkot. 

Although only the able-bodied males were required by Torah, the prophetic perfection of the commandment in Acts Two included the women as well, just as Channah was sought as a witness to the infant Yeshua's birth, for she served as a member of the Tribe of Asher.  Likewise, the royal priesthood of Yeshua’s disciples assembled at The House (Temple) with Perfect Attendance on Shavuot, and the Ruach HaKodesh fell on them, equipping them to execute the King’s commandments and see to His business on earth, declaring His mighty deeds through their testimony of Yeshua’s resurrection.

Another line from the Shir:

  • “Your lips are like a scarlet thread, and your mouth is beautiful.”

Another translation: 

  • “Your speech [midbarekha] is beautiful.”

Your sons and your daughters. Your male and female servants. Not one is missing, and their testimony of Yeshua and the commandments of Elohim is beautiful.

  • “It will come about after this that I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind; and your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on the male and female servants I will pour out My Spirit in those days. (Joel 2:28-29)

Will you be serving the King of Kings at the upcoming feasts? If we all show up, then no matter the exact date of the Greater Exodus, we have



Wars of Kings is a foundation for using the template of the first Exodus to understand the Greater Exodus and the accompanying plagues in the Book of Revelation. Click on Wars of Kings to go to the first segment of the Wars YouTube video. Last week's video explained up to plague five, and this week's video will complete the rest of the plagues, providing examples from our time to connect with the texts. Click Siege to join the Wars livestream at 4:00 pm Eastern on Shabbat.

Wars of Kings and the Revelation Siege

Shabbat shalom!
Fund-raiser for the orphanages...Sukkot boxes from Bridal Armor!
From Bridal Armor: "Our creator’s feast days are special, and we should be beautifying the commandments and set apart days to the best of our ability. The principle of enhancing the Mitzvah (commandments) through aesthetics is called Hiddur Mitzvah.
Let’s bring back the importance of Adonai’s biblical feasts and make these joyous appointments extra special this year by creating beautiful celebration tables. Our small shop is open to the public for a 2 week period, 3 times per year. During that time, we're open for pre-orders in preparation for our Passover, Shavuot and Sukkot tablescape design boxes.
Shalom & blessings from Nena, James, Remi & Grandma Mita’
You will find a pre-designed Moedim Box offering. This design will be a designers choice based on seasonal offerings available. Each box has all the ingredients to create a beautiful tablescape design. Not only will your tables look gorgeous, but all proceeds from this passion project will go back to supporting widows and orphans in Africa, Peru and India.
Thank you all for praying and/or donating to the work at LaMalah Children's Home in Kenya. The multi-purpose building will be two levels. The ground level will have a kitchen, laundry, guest rooms, a small office, and class rooms. The second floor will be the meeting hall. Funds have been disbursed to begin the second floor.

The re-building of the orphanage in Rwanda is proceeding. Foundations have been built, the exterior walls is up, and building construction has begun.

We've had a good response to the pressing needs of Hadassah Orphanage in India. We hope to help them with the final need on their list, which is to build a dining hall. The cost is estimated at $22,000.

Here is Brother Peter's Ndungu's update on the progess of the multi-purpose building at LaMalah and his recent trip to Uganda to visit other Torah-observant communities:

Shalom, my sister.
    We are all doing well and pray you too. All the children are in best of health. The schools are closed,albeit for just two weeks. The children are happy to be helping with some work.
    Our trip to Uganda was a success. So fruitful already we feel we want to go back. But we may not be able to do so until after the Feast of Tabernacles.
   We visited at least 3 torah observing groups and spent the sabbath with this group in the picture.In almost every compound here, there is a mud-walled, grass thatched house. Being a hot place ,it's cool to sleep in the houses save for big rock lizards 🦎 which are more than plenty here.
 Apparently, the Praise House of this lovely people with such welcoming hearts had caved in while still under construction. We sacrificed a few shilling to buy them a few bags of cement. If Abba provides, we hope to assist these brethren in any way. It may not be until a year down the line for them to rebuild though.
   Back home, we are putting all materials in place for the upper floor slab. Hopefully early next week the slab will be in place. Things here are still done the conventional way but ultimately the building will be one of a kind. After we cast the slab, it will be just a matter of days we go to roofing, Father willing.
    The education calendar is yet to fully normalise since covid. Prior we knew the whole months of April, August and December, the schools were closed;- always for a month and sometimes with with a few days more. Nowadays it's abrupt, sometimes even for just a week. In about a weeks time, they will be expected back to school with full third term fees. Recently , there was chaos in this country and end result is economy going bad. It seems like again, this time we would request the regular support earlier . If Father wills and permits.
    We try to be as frugal as possible while making sure the children are comfortable and the caregivers are paid as well as the bills too. The children may not be living in luxury ,but they are comfortable. So comfortable not many want to go greet their grandparents for those who have them.
    We don't mix project funds with operating costs. That way we are able to keep everything in good shape.

I forgot to mention logistics did not favour our transporting a cow from Limuru to our current location. We tried to relocate some chickens, and most died. The weather in Limuru is a bit cold while in MaaiMahiu it's hot. So for many months, we were buying milk. Eventually, we sold the cow in Limuru but added some money from the regular help and bought two cows. There is lots of milk now at the children's home and also a considerable number of chickens.
  We have onions and tomatoes in the greenhouses too. We even grow assorted melons;- water melons, thorn melons, and pepino melons.
   The borehole continues to serve us. We give all honor, thanks and praises to our Heavenly Father.
  We can't thank you enough!

   Thank you and blessings to you all.

If you feel led to help with the operating expenses of LaMalah and the construction of the multi-purpose building on the site, you can always use the Paypal donate button below, Zelle (use, or send a check by snail mail to:

The Creation Gospel
PO Box 846
East Bernstadt, KY 40729

Your continual prayers for the children of LaMalah and our brothers and sisters in Kenya are so much appreciated. If you've never heard the story of how LaMalah was conceived and built, please take a moment to look over the brief description by clicking on the photo above or clicking here.
Ready to Make a Foot Festival Pilgrimage?
Hosted by Dr. Hollisa Alewine with Coordinators Cheryl Hill and Robyn Cowherd
June 10 - 20, 2024
$2,995 Land Cost

This will be an ideal time to take a teen to a Feast of Israel if it's been difficult to take them out during the school year. It also would be an ideal graduation present. Go ahead, Grandma and Grandpa; have the family pitch in!

To read the itinerary and register, click here.
Did you know?
You can listen to the live streams of our podcasts on Podbean by clicking on the link below. Soon we'll be adding Torah portions.

We are transferring most of our YouTube videos to Odysee, which will eliminate those pesty ads. All this takes time and money, so it won't happen tomorrow, but it is something to look forward to soon. You can see what has been posted so far on The Creation Gospel at Odysee. The videos will remain on YouTube as well.
The weekly Shabbat live streams are available either on demand at our new Creation Gospel podcast page or at Hebrew Nation Radio. Please note the following air times (PST) on Hebrew Nation Radio:
Thursdays: 9-10 am & 10-11 p.m.
Mondays: 4-5 am & 2-3 p.m.