The Newsletter of
Bellevue High School PTSA
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벨뷰 하이스쿨에서 AP 테스트를 원할 하게 운영 하기 위해서는 여러분의 도움이 필요합니다. 5월 6일에서 5월 17일 사이에 7:15-11:30 또는 11:30-4:00사이에 도움을 주실 수 있는 분들의 지원을 기다립니다.
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지원을 원하시면 아래 사이트로 지원해 주시기 바랍니다. AP Exam Support, If your child is taking an AP exam, you are ineligible to volunteer for that specific exam.당신의 자녀분들이 속해 있는 시험에는 참여 하실 수가 없으며, 학생들을 지도해 주실 분들은 5월 1일 까지 지원해 주시기 바랍니다.
참여를 원하시는 분들은 Cathy Wellington. 에게 연락 주시기 바라며 구체적인 정보가 있으면 아래로 연락 주시기 바랍니다. Wellingtonc@bds405.org.
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Topic: 여름 방학 알차게 보내기
When: 5월 3일 금요일 8:15 am – 9:45 am
Where: 도서관 혹은 MS Teams (아래 링크를 확인 하시기 바랍니다)
올해 마지막 미팅을 Dr. Anderson and Ms. Hansen 께서 주도적으로 진행 할 예정이며 알차게 여름 방학을 보낼 수 있는 방법에 대해서 토픽을 준비하고 계십니다. 중국어, 일본어, 한국어로 번역 될 예정 입니다.
교장선생님과 함께 하는 다국어 커피 모임은 학생들의 학교생활 및 학국내 진행 되는 여러 프로그램에 대한 안내와 함께 여러분들이 학생 생활 지도에 적극적인 참여를 할 수 있는 다양한 방법들을 제안 합니다.
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
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Meeting ID: 288 199 265 570
Passcode: NeiKEU
Dial-in by phone
+1 206-800-4133,,496584195# United States, Seattle
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Phone conference ID: 496 584 195#
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다음 I-Connect 모임에 초대받은 Eric Ferguson은 실제 본인이 자녀를 양육하던 경험을 공유하면서 지혜를 나누게 될 것 입니다.
WHEN: 4월 30일 화요일 8:15-9:45 a.m.
Mr. Ferguson is a 28-year Bellevue School District veteran who has dedicated his
career to supporting students, parents, and educators. As an assistant principal, he witnesses the challenges and triumphs of high school life firsthand. At our I-Connect meeting, he will step into the role of a parent to reflect on what he learned during those formative years his daughter and son attended BHS. 교육자, 지원자, 부모의 역할을 모두 경험해 본 Mr. Ferguson 의 다양한 경험들과 아들 딸들을 기르면서 경험한 일들을 자세하게 공유하게 될 것 입니다.
- Navigating Adolescence: Mr. Ferguson will delve into the complexities of teenage emotions, friendships, and academic pressures. His insights will empower you to better understand and support your own high schoolers.
- Balancing Academics and Well-Being: From exam stress to extracurricular commitments, finding the right balance is essential. Learn practical strategies to help your child thrive academically while maintaining their mental and physical health.
- Communication Matters: Discover effective communication techniques that bridge the gap between parents, students, and educators. Mr. Ferguson will share anecdotes and tips for fostering open dialogue.
- Technology and Social Media: High schoolers live in a digital age. Mr. Ferguson will discuss the impact of technology on their lives and offer guidance on responsible online behavior.
- Preparing for College and Beyond: As our teens approach graduation, the path forward can seem daunting. Gain insights into college applications, career readiness, and life skills.
We will discuss these topics and more. Bring your own questions to join the discussion.
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As we witness the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) unfolding through daily news reports, one thing is clear: AI is reshaping the future of education. But how exactly does it affect our students, teachers, and schools? Join us for an illuminating PTSA I-Connect evening event on “Artificial Intelligence in Education: Opportunities, Challenges and What Parents Need to Know.”
Date: Thursday, May 16
Time: 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Location: Bellevue High School (BHS) Performing Arts Center
Who’s Invited: Current BHS and Chinook Middle School Parents/Caregivers (This event is geared towards adults.)
Keith Onstot, Bellevue School District's Technology Integration Curriculum Developer
Mr. Onstot works to integrate new technologies into curriculum Districtwide. A former science teacher and AVID instructor at Sammamish High School, he will discuss ethical considerations and how he is helping to guide policy decisions for the future.
Mathew Wright, BHS Instruction Technology and Curriculum Leader
In his role at BHS, Mr. Wright supports teachers as an instructional coach. He has provided training to teachers on how they can use AI tools. He will talk about the shifting perspectives on AI and describe the ways teachers utilize AI to innovate.
WHAT PARENTS WILL LEARN: We will ask our speakers about the ethical concerns brought about by the sudden popularity of chatbots like ChatGPT and Microsoft CoPilot. How are teachers expected to deal with students who might use AI tools to compose their assignments? When is it acceptable for students to use AI tools? What rules has the School District made regarding the use of AI? How can parents ensure their students use AI responsibly?
- Empowerment: Equip yourself with knowledge to guide your child's digital learning journey.
- Ask Questions: Our speakers will answer your queries during the Q&A session.
Networking: Connect with other parents and educators enthusiastic about education technology.
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The week of 5/20 is our BHS staff appreciation week. The following events will take place:
- Monday, 5/20: Coffee and Doughnuts, 7AM-9AM, Staff Lunchroom
- Tuesday 5/21: Bagels, 7AM-End of Day, Staff Lunchroom
- Wednesday 5/22: Hot Lunch – 10AM set up. Lunch 12:45, PAC Foyer
- Thursday 5/23: Gift Cards, 7AM-End of Day, Staff Lunchroom
- Friday 5/24: Salty Snacks – 7AM-End of Day, Staff Lunchroom
PTSA is kindly asking parents and guardians to donate gift cards and salty snacks.
You or your student can bring actual gift card, bank check made payable to BHS PTSA, to school, front office deck, from now till May 22nd.
In the following weeks, up to the event, PTSA will also have signup genius links for salty snacks collection as well as for extra gift card donation.
Your generosity is greatly appreciated !!!
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The Addams Family Musical - Tickets on Sale Now!
The cast and crew of the Addams Family Musical are ready to present an amazing spring musical. Come out and support this hard working group and be entertained by the talent right here at Bellevue High School. Buy your tickets today for April 25th at 7 PM, April 26th at 7 PM, and April 27th at 2 PM and 7 PM. Tickets are available through Hometown Ticketing.
In the kooky, upside-down world of the Addams Family, to be sad is to be happy, to feel pain is to feel joy, and death and suffering are the stuff of their dreams. When Gomez and Morticia's beloved daughter, Wednesday, falls in love with Lucas Beineke, a sweet boy from a normal family, the Addams family realizes that their family is growing up. Join the Addams family in a fateful, hilarious night, when the two families come together and secrets are disclosed, relationships are tested, and the Addams family must face up to the one horrible thing they've managed to avoid for generations: change.
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It's not too late to join PTSA!
Have you been meaning to get your annual Bellevue High PTSA Membership? Would you like to access the 2023-24 school directory? All new and returning parents, guardians, students, staff, and interested community members are invited - it's not too late! Questions? Email: membership@bellevuehighptsa.com.
To sign up for membership go to: http://www.bellevuehighptsa.com/wp/joinptsa/
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Please save the date! Tuesday, April 30th for a joint event hosted by BHS and MIHS! All families are welcome to attend, the class of 2025 is strongly encouraged! Ask Mrs. Hansen hansenl@bsd405.org if you have any questions | |
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All parents of choir students please join us in the music room (1405) at 7:00PM for the final Bellevue Choir Booster’s meeting of the year. Mr. Jacobsen will tell us more about the final concert, we will discuss volunteer opportunities, and vote in next year’s Choir Booster leadership. If you have questions, please email Beth Halvorsen at beth.halvorsen@gmail.com or Jeannie McGinnis at Jeanniemcginnis@msn.com. See you there!
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Once again, the Bellevue High School Orchestra Booster Club will be selling Leis for the graduating class of 2024.
Looking for a unique and meaningful way to celebrate your upcoming graduation? Look no further than Hawaiian leis! Wearing a beautiful Hawaiian Orchid Lei, a custom that originated in Polynesia, for graduation is…
- a long-standing BHS tradition
- the must-have accessory for our graduating students’ big day
- a way to give back to the Bellevue High School Orchestra!
Congratulate yourself on your hard work and celebrate your accomplishments in style with Hawaiian leis.
The Orchid Lei will be available in three colors: Purple, White, and Yellow at $35.00 per Lei.
Information regarding how to purchase will be shared via the Blast and can be found by visiting our website: https://www.bellevueorchestra.org/product-page/graduation-lei
All orders must be submitted by May 20th.
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Dear Class Of 2025 Parents,
We almost have all of our volunteer lead positions except for one. Thank you to all of you who volunteered to take on these roles. The last one is for Treasurer and would love someone as soon as possible. Please contact us if you are interested and we can fill you in on the role of this position.
Don't forget to buy your raffle tickets to help support the Class of 2025 and if you are interested in selling raffle tickets, please contact Laura Weingartner at lweingaertner@hotmail.com
Thank you,
The Class of 2025 Advisors
Stephanie Dash, colbyd2001@aol.com
Kerrie Rose, kerrie.rose@icloud.com
Cindy Moss cindylmoss@me.com
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Sign up for Baccalaureate Auditions 4/24
Calling all Senior performers!
Sign up to Audition for a spot to perform at Baccalaureate!
Date: Monday, April 24th
Time: 3:30pm
Location: Room 2112 (English Hallway)
Any senior student who can sing, play an instrument, rap, tell jokes, read a poem, etc. – come audition to perform at your Baccalaureate celebration! We are looking for individual performers or groups to lend their talents as we gather to celebrate and share a message of inspiration to the senior class and their guests (held on Monday, June 10th at 7pm).
Sign up today!
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The 2023-24 Wolverine Guard Program deadline is fast approaching!
Here are some important reminders:
Application is due midnight on April 30th, 2024. No late application will be accepted!
Time log forms should be detailed and with signed signatures from volunteer coordinators.
Volunteering is usually done through a non-profit organization (which has a 501C3 tax status).
The PTSA Wolverine Guard program is separate from the Bellevue School District’s volunteer hours requirement for graduation. We do not coordinate with Naviance and will only accept Wolverine Guard time logs.
Students should plan to submit early in order to avoid last-minute complications!
Please contact Lucille Tam or Michelle Pflaum (Your WG Co-Chairs) at wolverineguard@bellevuehighptsa.com with any questions that you have.
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Room 1405
All parents of BHS Band students, please join us on the first non-holiday Monday of every month, for a chance to learn more about the Bellevue Band Boosters.
Mr. George and Mr. Harvey share all the ins and outs of BHS Band happenings and news about upcoming performances, special events, fundraising needs, and share how you can help volunteer and support your student and the band program! We have a lot of fun!
Meeting dates are April. 29, June. 10.
If you have questions, please email bellevueband@gmail.com
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Celebrate our BHS senior baseball players this Saturday 4/27
Join us at 11:40 for the celebration – BHS VS Lindbergh @ BHS 12NOON
Free hot dogs and snacks for all who cheer on BHS!!!
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Tryout dates: May 21 and May 23, 4-7PM in the upper auxiliary Gym
Sign up is required on final forms with updated physical.
Any questions can be sent to Coach Kiara at wilsonki@bsd405.org
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ImPACT Test Dates for the BHS Sports:
No registration needed, just show up – the impact test takes approximately 30 – 45 minutes.
Students will need their BSD laptops for ImPACT testing.
ImPACT Testing will begin at 2:00pm at Bellevue High School - Lower Aux/North Gym - Room 0302
April 24, and June 12
Impact testing is required for Football, Soccer, Divers, Volleyball, Water Polo, Cheer, Wrestling, Basketball, Gymnastics, Baseball, Softball, Lacrosse and Pole Vaulting prior to participating.
Any question please contact Kelli Mayer, BHS Athletics & Activities at mayerk@bsd405.org
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Monday April 22nd
Girls Varsity Tennis v. Hazen High School @ Bellevue High School 4:00pm
Girls Junior Varsity Tennis at Hazen High School 4:00pm
Boys Junior Varsity Baseball v. Hazen High School @ Bellevue High School 4:30pm
Boys Varsity Baseball v. Hazen High School at Bannerwood Park, Bellevue 7:30pm
Girls Varsity Fastpitch Softball at Hazen High School 4:00pm
Boys JVC Soccer at Liberty High School 7:00pm
Girls Junior Varsity Lacrosse v. Seattle Prep at Montlake Playfield, Seattle 3:30pm
Tuesday April 23rd
Boys JVC Baseball v. Issaquah High School at Central Park Field #1, Issaquah 5:00pm
Girls Junior Varsity and varsity Water Polo v. Curtis High School at Edgebrook Swim Club 4:00pm
Boys Junior Varsity and Varsity Lacrosse v. Juanita High School at Kirkland Lacrosse Center JV 6:00pm, Varsity 8:00pm
Wednesday April 24th
Girls Junior Varsity Tennis v. Mount Si High School @ Bellevue High School 4:00pm
Girls Varsity Tennis at Mount Si High School 4:00pm
Boys Varsity Baseball v. Juanita High School @ Bellevue High School 4:30pm
Boys Junior Varsity Baseball at Juanita High School 4:30pm
Girls Varsity Fastpitch Softball v. Juanita High School @ Bellevue High School 4:30pm
Boys JVC Soccer v. Juanita High School at Chinook Middle School 6:00pm
Thursday April 25th
Girls Varsity Golf v. Liberty High School at Overlake Golf Club 3:00pm
Girls Varsity Water Polo at Gig Harbor High School 5:00pm
Boys and Girls Track & Field v. Mercer Island High School and Garfield High School @ Bellevue High School 4:00pm
Boys JVC Baseball v. Newport High School @ Bellevue High School 4:30pm
Boys Junior Varsity and Varsity Soccer at Interlake High School JV 5:30pm, Varsity 7:30pm
Girls Varsity Lacrosse at Mount Si High School 7:45pm
Friday April 26th
Girls Varsity Tennis v. Mercer Island High School @ Bellevue High School 4:00pm
Girls Junior Varsity Tennis at Mercer Island High School 4:00pm
Boys Junior Varsity Baseball v. Liberty High School @ Bellevue High School 4:30pm
Boys Varsity Baseball at Liberty High School 4:30pm
Boys JVC Baseball v. Mercer Island High School at Island Crest Park 4:30pm
Girls Varsity Fastpitch Softball at Liberty High School 4:30pm
Boys Junior Varsity and Varsity Lacrosse v. Issaquah High School @ Bellevue High School JV 6:00pm, Varsity 8:00pm
Saturday April 27th
Girls Varsity Water Polo v. Peninsula High School at Curtis High School 9:15am
Boys Varsity and Junior Varsity Baseball v. Lindbergh High School @ Bellevue High School Varsity 12:00pm, Junior Varsity 3:00pm
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The PNW KoPA (Pacific Northwest Korean Parents Association) is hosting our first annual 2-D Art Competition and the registration is now OPEN for anyone in grades K-12. Submission is open through May 12th.
Art Competition details and registration link: 2024 Art Competition Flyer - PNW KoPA
Official Awards partnered by Governor Inslee, Congresswoman DelBene, Bellevue Art Commissioner Lydia Aldredge.
Two Topics are: you can pick one topic or both!
- Me, Us and Korea - What's your connection/impression about Korea
- Free topic - pick any topic of your choice that is non-political
Please contact competition.pnwkopa@gmail.com with any questions.
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Today, Gaza’s reality is that there are roughly 1 million children in need of aid. They continue to face hardships, with over 90% of the population facing high levels of acute food insecurity in the Gaza Strip, and water production is estimated to be only around 5% of regular production. From the lack of basic
healthcare to the lack of adequate schools, those in Gaza are in urgent need of humanitarian aid. We must act now.
From April 22nd to May 1st, UNICEF Club, Muslim Student Association, and the Jewish Culture Club are collaborating for the Gaza Relief fundraiser. We are excited to bring to BHS another opportunity to provide substantial humanitarian aid for those in need this year.
Our goal is to focus solely on humanitarian aid needed as a result of the ongoing conflict, not to make a political statement regarding its cause. We strive to remain apolitical and to make sure that this fundraiser does not leave anyone feeling alienated and targeted. Donations will be going directly to UNICEF to support their operation in Gaza, which provides children with necessary resources, like clean water, food, and medical supplies.
Teachers at Bellevue High School have volunteered to complete various activities in order to incentivize donations from students and promote the fundraiser. The teacher sets a goal fundraising amount and when the students reach the fundraising goal, the teacher performs an activity that was collectively chosen; activities such as completing a hair shave design, a free period, etc.
You can donate online using this link by selecting UNICEF Gaza Relief Project, or you can ask your student to bring cash donations directly to participating teachers. You may also bring the cash donations to Ms. Golding in room 2106. If you choose to donate online, please upload your receipt here so we can track our totals. Follow us on Instagram for updates.
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Be a Difference-Maker for Disadvantaged Youth!
Treehouse and YMCA need your support to provide new/gently worn trendy clothing and sports equipment, as well as funds, to help local youth. Treehouse and YMCA are organizations dedicated to creating opportunities for young people to thrive and reach their full potential.
Your contribution will make an impact. To help support, you can donate funds through Treehouse Donations or come to the Northtowne Park parking lot on April 28th between 2:00-5:00 PM to drop off clothing and sports equipment. This is a great opportunity to clear out some closets and help some incredible organizations.
If you have any questions, email laurenhdex@gmail.com!
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Be mindful. Be free.
Spend a half-day learning mindfulness, a practice of being aware of what you're doing in the present moment, free from the burden of self-consciousness and troubling emotions.
Enjoy the simple yet wonderful things we do every day: standing, sitting, walking, eating, talking, and being silent, to name a few. Be mindful; be free.
Date: April 27, Saturday
Time: 12:00pm-5:00pm
Age: 13-18
Lunch will be provided.
Online Registration is required: https://forms.gle/Bw5iupc84SgAxmmz7
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Triangle Pool has a special offer this summer for teens this summer. Teens 14 and older may join the Triangle pool for a very discounted price of $25 for the entire summer when committing to join the Tigersharks Swim Team ($225 registration fee). The qualifications for joining the Tigersharks are to be able to swim a 25 yard length of the pool and tread water for 2 minutes. Everything else you will learn by being on the team. Joining the Tigersharks swim team is a great way to get ready to join the BHS Swim Team and also to strengthen your swim skills before becoming a lifeguard. Plus - the team is just plain FUN!! Practices start May 6 and run through mid-July. Visit trianglepool.org to find out more and to register. Questions? Email swim team coordinator Deanna at tigersharks@trianglepool.org We can't wait to see you at the pool!
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The deadlines for submitting Bellevue Blast articles are as follows:
School news and PTSA articles – Friday 6 pm deadline
Athletics and Activities articles – Sunday 6 pm deadline
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Our Address:
10416 Wolverine Way
Bellevue, Washington
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