
UHF to L-Band Up/Down

Converters and Translators

Model 2017-0923#-370


Racky Saver would like to remind you of the space-saving solutions from Cross Technologies, like these UHF to L-Band Combo Up and Down Converters. There are also Dual and Quad versions available at multiple frequency bands. The additional space you gain can be used to expand the number of channels provided to your customers!

Model 2083-0312-30036


2083-0312-30036 Block Diagram

2083-0312-30036 Team

Save Rack Space by Combining 

Converters into a Single 1RU Space

Cross provides a wide range of Frequency Converters, Translators, Test Loop Translators, Amplifiers, and Reference/Source Inserters to support operational systems, development, testing, calibration and maintenance of SATCOM, Communications and Antenna installations. These products can often be combined into a single rack unit spacing, as noted above. Many Up/Downlink Band options are covered from UHF through Ka-Band, but if you have an application that requires specialized options and/or alternate frequencies, Cross can typically develop a new model to accommodate your needs quickly. Do not hesitate to ask for it your way! Cross is here to serve our customers and assist them in their work.

"Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ."

-Galatians 6:2

Contact Cross Technologies today for

further information or to request a quote.

Norm Johson
VP Sales & Marketing

Gail Williams
Administrative Assistant

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