Accelerating Social, Academic and Health Equity
Monthly Report to the Community
August 2023
JFS staff members coordinate the move of 12 Haitian families from emergency shelter to more suitable short-term accommodations. Team members pictured above include Homecare Training Manager Dámaris Medina-Hernández, Director of Immigrant Services Alma Cothias and Case Manager Olivia Harvey.
Dear JFS Friends, Supporters, and Collaborative Partners,

I would like to thank everyone who responded so quickly and generously to the requests for donations to support JFS’ work with the newly arrived families from Haiti who were recently relocated to Framingham. Also, while I am extremely proud of all our staff and volunteers every day, I want to give a shout out to the JFS Immigrant Services team - led by Senior Director of Programs and Partnerships Lucia Panichella and Director of Immigrant Services Alma Cothias, including Homecare Training Manager Dámaris Medina-Hernández, Fahim Amin, Olivia Harvey, Sarah Leacu, Director of Volunteer Services IJ Anyanwu, Susan Delahunt, Vera DeSouza, Mandy Fleming, Sean Woo and Shashona Kaye. These team members have gone above and beyond over the last few weeks to respond to the needs of these families. Working late nights and weekends, the team jumped in, without hesitation, making sure that 3 meals a day were coordinated and delivered, moms had adequate baby food/formula and diapers, and children had safe car seats, boosters and strollers.

The team also helped move all 12 families, including 18 children, to more suitable, temporary shelter until long-term housing can be arranged (see photos above) and will continue to be a guiding and supportive presence as they (with JFS’ assistance) are connected with services, the children are enrolled in school, and they navigate various medical, legal, financial, transportation, and educational systems as they take their first steps to building a life in our community. 
It is an honor to do this holy work. We want to thank all our partners in this emergency response including the City of Framingham - Mayor Charlie Sisitsky's office and the Council that went into action, City Council President Philip Ottaviani and City Councilor Leora Mallach; our local legislature including Senate President Karen Spilka's office and State Representatives Jack Lewis, Priscila Sousa, and Kate Donaghue; Diego Low and Metrowest Workers Center (CASA); Metrowest Legal Services; Advocates; Aashka Dance Company; Daniel's Table; Department of Public Health (DPH); Department of Transitional Assistance (DTA); Discovering Hidden Gems; Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS), including Housing and Community Living (HLC) and Massachusetts Office of Refugees and Immigrants (MORI); Framingham Access; Framingham Board of Health; Framingham Fire and Police Departments; Framingham Public Schools; Metrowest Behavioral Health Partners; Open Spirit and Edwards Church, Rev. Debbie Clark; SMOC; MWRTA; Temple Beth Am; and all the volunteers that showed up to help. Thank You!!

We also want to thank CJP for a very generous donation to this work that will help with many of the gaps the Commonwealth is not yet covering because the system is overwhelmed with arrivals, including urgent care as many arrive needing medical attention but are not yet enrolled in MassHealth. Thank You!!

As we hear the courageous stories from these migrants who trekked on foot all the way from South America to the US/Mexico border to seek asylum in the United States, we are reminded of other migrants facing similar challenges who are displaced because of Climate Change across the globe. In October 2022 the Board instituted the JFS Climate Change, Environment and Sustainability Policy which highlights key areas where JFS will take action to reduce its carbon footprint and address these issues at a local level. Over the last year JFS has made several organizational changes defined by the policy and is looking at establishing partnerships and facilitating educational opportunities for the community. In this effort JFS has joined Adamah (Jewish response to Climate Change) and is partnering locally with JALSA (Jewish Alliance for Law & Social Action) and through that relationship, Mass Power Forward. Click here to read the July 2023 JFS’ Climate Change Initiatives REPORT.

I am also excited to announce that JFS has been nominated for Charity Navigator’s Community Choice Awards! This award spotlights top-rated charities that resonate most with people's passions. JFS earned this nomination through its four-star rating, having earned all four Charity Navigator beacons, and because JFS makes a significant impact in our mission areas.
JFS’ nomination for this tremendous honor recognizes the value of the work we do, and the difference JFS makes in the community. It is only with the support and involvement of our many donors, volunteers and community partners that JFS is able to jump into action and respond when we are called to help.

Here are a few ways you can become part of the JFS team:

-       Attend a backpack event - bring a new/empty backpack and fill it with school supplies so a student in need can start the year off right – events will be held:
  • Sunday, August 27th at The Rashi School
  • Monday, August 28th at the Framingham Public Library
  • Tuesday, August 29th at the Wellesley Free Library

There is no charge to participate in these events, however advance registration is required to ensure we have enough supplies for all attendees. Click here to register.

-       Volunteer with JFS – spend a few hours a month helping older adults get to and manage their medical appointments. There is a growing need for Patient Navigators – your help is needed! Flexible opportunity, only accept the appointments that fit your schedule. Click here to learn more or learn about other ways you can volunteer with JFS.

-       JFS is hiring!
  • Join our team as a homecare direct service provider – no experience required, flexible hours to work around most schedules. There is a waitlist of over 300 frail older adults waiting to receive these life saving services. Consider helping out a few hours a week or make it a full time career. Click here to learn more.
  • Our homecare team also seeks to hire an RN or LPN to provide in-home staff supervision. This is a PRN position, a few hours a month. Flexible schedule, great way to supplement income. This is a critical role in the team and it is only with adequate supervisory support can the team accept new clients. Click here to learn more.

-       Spend a year at JFS gaining job experience as an AmeriCorps Service Member. If you or someone you know would like to learn how to work with clients providing job readiness training, ESOL/civics instruction, and/or citizenship application assistance as an AmeriCorps Member serving in the New American Integration Program, consider serving at JFS - click here to learn more.

-       Make a donation – 80% of JFS' total annual revenue is philanthropic dollars, supported by donors like you! Recognized as a top charity by both Charity Navigator (JFS has a 4-star rating with a 100% perfect score) and Candid/formerly Guidestar (JFS has consistently earned their Platinum Seal of Transparency since 2018), you can have confidence that your donation will drive change and make a difference.

As the summer comes to a close and we look ahead to the start of school and cooler temperatures, we at JFS will continue to jump into action when our neighbors come to us in crisis. Scroll down to learn some of the other ways you can get involved –join JFS today and start making a difference in the lives of people who need help the most.

To all who partner with JFS, thank you for your ongoing commitment and support! And for those that have not yet joined this fast and nimble ship, come aboard. You will love the high speed ride!

Lino Covarrubias, Proud CEO
As part of the Uniting for Ukraine initiative, The Shapiro Foundation, Alight, Social Finance, Kuja Kuja, Talent Beyond Boundaries, and Miles 4 Migrants are partnering to build a Jobs Sponsorship Program, which will match Ukrainians with relevant skills and language to employers with substantial vacant jobs. Thus, the initiative creates a pipeline that predictably delivers large volumes of Ukrainian candidates who meet employers’ needs.

As part of this program, JFS is proud to partner locally with Bright Horizons and Temple Beth Shalom to welcome 30 Ukrainian cases to the Metrowest and Greater Boston area. Click here to read a news story about the program's first arrivals!

To support this endeavor, we are looking for volunteers and or community groups to secure and furnish apartments, welcome the newcomers, get them settled, and support them as they start work.


JFS has welcomed 76 new cases (128 individuals) this fiscal year so far.  
Total numbers to date since Fall 2021 = 193
162 Afghan clients (first arrivals October 2021) 
134 Ukrainian clients (first arrivals June 2022) 
8 Venezuelan clients (first arrivals September 2022)
60 Haitian clients (first arrivals February 2023)
3 Cuban clients
This prestigious honor spotlights top-rated charities that resonate most with people's passions. JFS earned this nomination through its four-star rating, having earned all four Charity Navigator beacons, and, most importantly, making a difference within the agency’s mission areas.

To help us secure this honor, please VOTE NOW! Your support can make a huge difference in the lives of those we serve. By casting your vote, you're not just helping us, you're helping our cause. Let's show the world the impact we can make together! Vote now and don't forget to share this post with your friends and family. Together, we can make a difference! #CommunityChoiceAwards #MakeADifference

Start the 2023-2024 school year right by lending a helping hand to children in the Metrowest area. This is the 12th consecutive year of the Build-a-Backpack event, where the goal is to give away 300 backpacks full of school supplies to families in our community who need it most.
Build-a-Backpack brings families together and gives kids the chance to learn how they can help support their community. The backpack events are part of JFS’s Pathways to Academic Growth, Empowerment and Success (PAGES) initiative, a unique, multi-tiered program addresses the academic, social, and basic assistance needs of low-income children of immigrant families in Framingham.
This event is free and open to the public, but registration is required to ensure an adequate stock of supplies. Click here to register for this year’s events.

JFS of Metrowest’s sound fiscal management practices and commitment to accountability and transparency have once again earned a Platinum Seal of Transparency on Candid (formerly known as GuideStar)! JFS celebrates this honor for the 6th year in a row!

When you give to JFS of Metrowest, you can have confidence that your donation will drive change and make a difference.

One component of JFS’ work within the Immigrant Services program is the collection and distribution of children’s clothing through the Framingham Public Schools’ Resource Room. When needs arise, JFS also works with volunteer groups and donors to collect household goods and furniture for individuals and families who are being resettled in this area from other countries.

The photos above highlight JFS staff and volunteers who spent a recent hot summer day at a warehouse in Randolph, MA which was generously donated by community members to temporarily store donations until they could be sorted, organized and ultimately distributed to community members in need.

JFS Attends Incentive Marketing Association Summit!
Thanks to former Board member Deb Merkin, CEO of Giftcard Partners and a member of the Incentive Marketing Association (IMA), JFS was chosen to be the Incentive Marketing Association (IMA) Philanthropic Partner of 2023! Each year the IMA supports a nonprofit local to the IMA Summit and provides opportunities for members to engage through fundraising activities and conference session activities. Earlier this month Jayne Lampert, Senior Director of Philanthropy and Lucia Panichella, Senior Director of Programs and Partnerships were invited to speak at the IMA Summit in Boston. They shared the work and impact JFS has on the Metrowest community and beyond. We look forward to working with the IMA this year!

As part of JFS’ commitment to Tikkun Olam (Repairing the World) and reducing its impact on Climate Change, JFS has also joined Adamah as a member organization. Through this membership, JFS gains access to innovative tools and powerful resources that will enhance JFS’ role as a Metrowest Jewish community convener to collaborate with partners that will boost the collective impact of community engagement opportunities to address Climate Change at the local level.

Healing Hearts and Helping Hands: Moving on through Grief with the Power of Volunteering
Grief is the normal and natural response to loss. Each person grieves in their own way and their own time. When working through grief, it becomes essential to find a new sense of purpose, to structure our days to do something meaningful and to channel our loneliness away from isolation to connection.

One activity that can help is spending time with others as a volunteer, a unique way to channel one’s grief into something powerful and meaningful.

Sabira Khalili
With JFS since: June 2023
Job Title: Resettlement Case Worker
From: Afghanistan
Speaks: Dari, English

"Being a woman in Afghanistan's patriarchal society was not easy, but I persevered to follow my dreams. I pursued a bachelor's degree in international relations with a strong desire to seek answers to the challenges my country faces. Currently, I am furthering my studies in Journalism, driven by my passion for global issues and making a positive impact on society. As an immigrant, I understand the challenges of starting anew and empathize deeply with those I serve as a case worker."

"I believe in the significance of supporting people in their journey to adjust to a new environment. It's a privilege to serve the community and provide the necessary support to help them feel at home."
Olivia Harvey
With JFS since: July 2023
Job Title: Case Manager, Immigration Services
From: Born in Hoboken, New Jersey but has lived in Massachusetts for thirteen years

Speaks: Spanish and Catalan fluently, and French at an intermediate level, also learning Italian and Arabic

"I recently graduated from Denison University in Granville, OH with a degree in philosophy, politics, and economics, and a minor in Spanish. I really enjoyed the opportunity to bring my interests in each of those fields together and conduct research projects applying theory to world events. When I have free time though, I love to play with my dog, read (currently The White Album by Joan Didion), and dance–I was in three different groups in college, for Latin, hip-hop, and modern dance styles."

"I recognize the responsibility and impact managing client cases will be and am so motivated to play a part in helping transition families from all over into the community. Throughout my studies, I honed in on a passion for community development, and I admire the equitable and empowering values JFS stands for. I am so grateful for this opportunity to grow while working in a hands-on way–I’ve learned so much already!"
Start the 2023-2024 school year right by lending a helping hand to children in the Metrowest area. This is the 12th consecutive year of the Build-a-Backpack event, where the goal is to give away 300 backpacks full of school supplies to families in our community who need it most.
Build-a-Backpack brings families together and gives kids the chance to learn how they can help support their community. The backpack events are part of JFS’s Pathways to Academic Growth, Empowerment and Success (PAGES) initiative, a unique, multi-tiered program addresses the academic, social, and basic assistance needs of low-income children of immigrant families in Framingham.
These events are free and open to the public, but registration is required to ensure an adequate stock of supplies.
Need help caring for an aging loved one?
JFS Geriatric Care Managers can help.

When you need expert guidance navigating the challenges that come with aging, the elder experts of JFS Allies in Aging can help.

JFS in partnership with Jewish Vocational Service (JVS) provides support to eligible clients who are unemployed or underemployed.
JFS in partnership with Jewish Vocational Service (JVS) provides support to eligible clients who are unemployed or underemployed.

Are you in need of mental health services? 
JFS Supports Our Veterans
JFS has a commitment with our partner agencies to ensure
no veteran is left behind.

If you know an older adult veteran who is struggling with dementia or has an Alzheimer’s diagnosis, it is important to understand the options.

Visit Memory Care Resources for Veterans for information about services and programs and the steps to obtain memory care through the VA.
Patient Navigators Needed!

Join our Patient Navigator team and accompany older adults to medical appointments, easing the stress of the appointment for both the patient and their families.

You’ll help older adults prepare for upcoming medical appointments, serve as a companion at the appointment, facilitate communication between doctor and patient, and take notes during the visit.

Patient Navigator is a flexible volunteer opportunity that can work with your schedule! We ask you to commit to a minimum of 4 appointments per year. All appointments are during weekday, daytime hours.

Second Chance Cars is a Massachusetts nonprofit with a mission to connect low income working adults with affordable vehicles so they can maintain living wage jobs and support their families.

SCC solicits “gently used” car donations from the public and offers in return:
  • The highest tax deduction – the car’s retail value
  • The most rewarding donor experience – meeting who got your car
  • The most impact – getting someone to work

Make a Legacy Gift to JFS of Metrowest and
Join the JFS Generation to Generation Legacy Circle

Your concerns and priorities have helped shape JFS today. Your legacy gift will help shape tomorrow.

To ensure that the values and concerns that have inspired your involvement in JFS will endure for generations to come, consider:

- Including JFS in your estate planning -
- Making a gift to JFS as a bequest in a will or trust -
- Designating a gift to the JFS Endowment Fund -

Together, we can maintain the agency’s promise to the community to stand up for those left behind.

Contact Jayne Lampert, Senior Director of Philanthropy today
to learn how you can become a member of the Legacy Circle
 Email: jlampert @ - Call: 508-875-3100 x 430

Want to learn what you can do to respond when incidents happen in the community? Sign up to attend a future training and become an Active Bystander.

To learn about upcoming news and events as they occur, like/follow the JFS Committee on Anti-Racism and Fighting Antisemitism social media channels, and CLICK HERE for a list of resources specific to this work.


  • JFS is a multi-year recipient of the 4-star Charity Navigator rating with a 100% PERFECT SCORE! Less than one-tenth of one percent of charities rated earn a perfect score.
  • JFS serves over 7,500 individuals yearly, 40% of whom are not Jewish
  • JFS engages over 300 volunteers across 17 programs
  • JFS distributed over 7,000 clothing items for children of low income families in the past six months
  • JFS serves 3,500 older adults by increasing access to healthcare and safe aging solutions
  • JFS, in partnership with CJP, distributed 6,000 holiday meals for Passover and Rosh Hashanah
  • JFS resettled almost 300 displaced refugees from Syria, Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Venezuela in partnership with local faith organizations
  • JFS works hand in hand with immigrants and families from 60+ countries
  • JFS is a community convener in the areas of bigotry and antisemitism
  • JFS works with over 100 collaborative community partners throughout Massachusetts
  • 80% of JFS' total annual revenue is philanthropic dollars, supported by donors like you!

Partner with JFS and make a meaningful impact in our community.
Thank you to all who partner with JFS to
Accelerate Social, Academic and Health Equity in our community.

Your help is needed - get involved today!
JFS of Metrowest | 508-875-3100 | |