Dear CEE Community and Friends,
In celebration of Earth Month, we highlight the new undergraduate major in Climate System Science and Engineering and the work being done by the Methane Emission Removal Project to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Prof. Lydia Bourouiba’s research on fluid dynamics influenced new World Health Organization guidelines for infectious diseases, and Prof. Mike Howland joins the TILclimate Podcast to discuss the risks of wind turbines to birds. Prof. Elfatih Eltahir discusses how popular vacation destinations will be affected by climate change. We congratulate Prof. Saurabh Amin on receiving the 2024 HSCC Test of Time Award and Prof. Emeritus Eduardo Kausel on being inducted to the Mexican Academy of Engineering.
Also in this issue, we share research from my group that reveals a new way to measure homophily in large group interactions, and a new paper from Prof. Michael Howland and postdoc Liying Qiu examines the complex impact of renewables on climate and weather. Lastly, senior Mikayla Britsch is profiled by MIT News.