Week of 8/17/2023

We are halfway through the 3rd quarter of 2023. It’s a great time to make sure that your retirement plan contributions are on target. If you are wondering whether you are, we can review your paystub and let you know.

Please also remember that the new version of Investor360 becomes the permanent version on August 18th. Let us know if you have any questions!

  • We were deeply moved by this interview between Bari Weiss and Colin Campbell. Campbell and his wife lost both of their teenage children to an impaired driver. His thoughts on grief, and how we can help others in their grief, are worth a listen.

  • Yard work is commonly used as an example of a task that should be outsourced when you consider the value of your time versus how much it costs to have someone do it for you. Another good reason to hire someone? You may avoid getting attacked by a snake AND a hawk at the SAME TIME!

Q: What can we expect from the market in the last part of the year?

A: We don’t know exactly what will happen, but we do think history can provide some helpful ideas, and reasons to be optimistic. Tom Logue explains what past periods have shown.

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Advisory Services offered through Lowry Financial Advisors, Inc., a Registered Investment Adviser. Securities and additional advisory services offered through Commonwealth Financial Network®, Member FINRA/SIPC, a Registered Investment Adviser. Advisory services offered through Lowry Financial Advisors, Inc, are separate and unrelated to Commonwealth. Lowry Financial Advisors, Inc. is located at 12921 SW 1st Rd, Suite 215, Tioga, FL 32669. 352-333-7990
Lowry Financial Advisors is the only advisory firm that helps its clients reach their goals through The Achieving Simplicity® Experience™, providing clarity and confidence in their personal and financial lives.