August 2023
President's Update - A New Era for Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound

Editor in Chief
Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound has been served by Jeryl Jones as Editor-in-Chief for the last 10 years. We were very fortunate to benefit from Dr. Jones’ guidance and evolution of our journal to keep abreast of the changing landscape of publishing. Dr. Jones oversaw the addition of a Consulting Editor for Experimental Design and Statistics; growth in the numbers of journal affiliate organizations; growth in the numbers, diversity and roles for members of the Editorial Board; implementation of yearly special issues; a redesign of the journal’s look; and helped ensure that journal policies and procedures were consistent with current recommendations by the Committee on Publication Ethics, International Journal of Medical Journal Editors and the World Association of Medical Editors. She instituted double-blinding of reviews to reduce bias and worked with Editorial Board members to add reporting guideline documents for describing study designs, imaging technical parameters, and radiation therapy protocols into the journal’s author guidelines. Our journal has grown significantly under her guidance, more than doubling from 240,00 full text views in 2013 to 530,000 views in 2022. Dr. Jones is a mentor to editors and authors, using her expertise to ensure that everyone learns from the submission and editing process. Our heartfelt thanks go to Dr. Jones as she nears the end of her term in December 2023, leaving the journal in an excellent position for the future.

ACVR is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Eric Hostnik to the position of Editor in Chief of Veterinary Radiology & Ultrasound beginning in July 2023. Dr. Hostnik has been an Associate Editor and ad-hoc editor with VRU since 2017 and is an accomplished scientist with an impressive publication record. He is currently an Associate Professor at Ohio State University. Dr. Hostnik is interested in Zoo and Wildlife imaging and was amongst the inaugural class of board certified Equine Diagnostic Imaging diplomates. His broad interests will help to expand the journal’s audience and reach and will bring the journal into the next phase of its evolution. The publishing landscape is changing, and Dr. Hostnik is poised to take advantage of new ideas and initiatives for VRU.

Wiley Publishing Contract
Our contract with Wiley publishing was due for renewal in 2024, and we spent significant time and effort reviewing bids and understanding the offerings from publishers. Publishing models have changed significantly since our last contract was drafted 10 years ago and required significant revision to bring it up to date. The new contract will go into place in January 2024. The most significant changes are a transition to online only publishing, reduced cost for member access, and increased editorial support from Wiley.

Online only publishing will eliminate the subscriptions that only a few members have ordered over the past few years, though print issues will still be available through a print service through Wiley. This has the effect of removing work from the Editor-in-Chief in laying out the issue and expands the number of articles that can be published in each issue. It will also shorten publication time for our issues. The decreased cost of production results in a decrease in the cost of member access to the ACVR and ECVDI. Increased editorial support will streamline and reduce the work from our EIC and Associate editors in the publication process, allowing time for future planning.

Evolution of VRU
Our journal is in excellent shape for its next phase of evolution. With a change in leadership, a new publishing contract, and new ideas from the editorial team, there is plenty of room for growth and change while maintaining the high quality of science and innovation that the journal has always provided. The ACVR Council and editorial team are continuing to evaluate the publishing landscape to determine when the shift to open access would be most advantageous. Wiley is willing and able to evaluate the publishing agreements with academic institutions to determine when there is enough uptake to make this financially viable for most authors, and we are able to change our contract at any time. We will continue to watch how this evolves and devise support methods for all authors, to be able to publish open access and increase the readership and reach of our journal. We are hoping to shift to open access within the next five years and will continue to evaluate our options.

Congratulations to Dr. Jones and Dr. Hostnik. On behalf of ACVR I would like to give my heartfelt thanks for their service to our journal and wish them both the best for the future.
Registration for the 2023 Annual Scientific Conference Now Open!

Join us for the 2023 Annual Scientific Conference at the Sheraton New Orleans Hotel beginning October 25, 2023! Take advantage of the discounted registration rates by registering before September 1, 2023!

Remember to reserve your accommodation in the ACVR Room Block at the Sheraton New Orleans Hotel. Discover more and book your room today by clicking here!
AVTDI Looking for ACVR Diplomate Help!

The Academy of Veterinary Technicians in Diagnostic Imaging are looking for engaging content to present at the Annual Scientific Conference in New Orleans! If you are interested in presenting, please email Lisa Chant.

Visit for more information on the progress this group is making. 
Save the Date - Upcoming ACVR Annual Business Meetings

Mark your calendars for these upcoming ACVR Annual Business Meetings! Registration links will be available to their respective members soon.

CT/MRI Society Annual Business Meeting
Wednesday, October 18 - 1:00 PM Eastern Time

Radiation Oncology Annual Business Meeting
Thursday, October 26 - 10:00 AM Eastern Time
New Orleans, LA | Zoom option available

ACVR Annual Business Meeting (Diplomates Only)
Thursday, October 26 - 11:30 AM Eastern Time
New Orleans, LA | Zoom option available

Nuclear Medicine Society Annual Business Meeting
Tuesday, November 7 - 1:00 PM Eastern Time

LADIS Annual Business Meeting
Wednesday, November 8 - 1:00 PM Eastern Time

Equine Diagnostic Imaging Annual Business Meeting
Tuesday, November 14 - 1:00 PM Eastern Time

Veterinary Ultrasound Society Annual Business Meeting

ZEWDIS Annual Business Meeting
This schedule is subject to change. Email with questions.
Join the Discussion!

Are you looking for a way to share ideas, ask questions, and connect with your peers? Join the discussion and make a post on Discourse! To access Discourse, visit the Dashboard and click on the chat bubble on the left side navigation bar!
If you have trouble accessing Discourse, contact ACVR Administrative Staff at
Introducing the New ACVR Diplomate Shop

We’re thrilled to unveil a brand-new shopping destination crafted exclusively for ACVR Diplomates! Featuring an array of options including polos, vests, jackets, and more, these pieces are designed to promote comfort while stylishly representing the field of veterinary radiology.

But that’s not all – our collection extends to accessories that showcase your ACVR pride. From stylish hats to spacious bags perfect for carrying essentials to conferences and clinics, our offerings are tailored to reflect your commitment to excellence.
Volunteer to Serve on an ACVR Committee!

Did you know the ACVR has over 25 active committees? ACVR needs you! Our college depends on committee and society volunteers to ensure its success, so we hope you’ll consider volunteering for a committee or a society!

We have positions for a variety of interests...grant funding, residency standards, exam committee, and many more!

Committee Volunteer FAQ

Q: What if I don’t have much time to offer?
A: We have committees with a variety of time commitments!

Q: What if I’m a new diplomate? Do I have the experience to serve on a committee?
A: We have positions open for new diplomates, experienced diplomates, and everyone in between.

Q: I don’t have anything to offer to an ACVR committee!
A: Everyone brings a unique perspective, and each one is meaningful! We’re sure your contributions will make a positive impact.

If you'd like to volunteer, email Brendan Leahy, ACVR Deputy Executive Administrator, to learn about open positions and opportunities.
Discount of Wiley Books for ACVR Members
ACVR Members can save 35% on titles from using our special promo code. To view the promo code, or for more information on this discount, click here
Attention Diplomates
Did you know that there are different types of Diplomate memberships? Check them out here!
ACVR Job Board Notifications

ACVR no longer sends out weekly job board updates. Instead, ACVR members can opt-in to receive automatic job posting notifications to provide them with instant access to new jobs.
Click here to view the current jobs posted on ACVR's Job Board.
ACVR Calendar of Important Dates
August 30-September 1, 2023 ACVR-RO Certifying Exam
October 1, 2023ECVDI deadline for theoretical and practical exam applications
October 1-30, 2023 – Registration window for Spring 2024 ACVR Board Exams
October 24, 2023 – ACVR Executive Council Meeting - New Orleans, LA
December 1, 2023 – Diplomate Grant Progress Reports Due

To view a full list of important dates, click here.
Contribute to Next Month's Insights e-Newsletter!
Email ACVR Staff at with your content ideas and contributions.