Robin Bogan
President WACS Clearwater
| I am very proud to announce that the Women’s Auxiliary Church of Scientology (WACS) is now officially in Clearwater, Florida! We are a group of women who have come together to help our non-profit community by providing what is needed in kind. We are part of a large organization founded in Los Angeles over 20 years ago with chapters around the United States. | |
We launched this volunteer organization in Clearwater on 3 August 2022, with 30 members and now we are over 40 members and rising. We are honored by the support of our parishioners and the Office of Special Affairs Flag.
Our purpose is simple, to help the like-minded leaders who are dedicated to social betterment and who are passionate about lifting spirits and securing a better future for all Men.
Our mission is to establish goodwill in and around our parish, Flag.
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Traditionally churches the world over have undertaken projects that enhance the lives of their parishioners and their communities. The Women’s Auxiliary was founded to lend support to activities which improve the lives of our parishioners and to assist those less fortunate in our communities.
As Auxiliary members, we are always here to help.
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WACS Meetings
We hold monthly meetings on the second Tuesday of each month from 6:00pm to 7:00pm. If you are interested in attending, please contact Kate Davis at:
We would be very happy to have you join this incredible group of Theta women.
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Children With A Vision
School Supplies
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As a new group, we immediately started to flow help! | |
Our initial WACS meeting was held on 3 Aug 2022 and our first project was launched and completed on 4 Aug 2022.
This project was called Back to School Giveaway, 23rd Annual, for Children With A Vision, and was held at the Regan Park Community Center.
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Working very quickly with our contact, Mrs. Tonya Lewis, we purchased, packed up and provided them with the 55 requested backpacks full of school supplies like pens, pencils, pencil cases, composition books and folders.
As an added acknowledgement, Mrs. Tanya Lewis thanked us on her Facebook page live where she has 4,986 followers.
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We would like to give a huge thank you to Wendy Graffam for funding this project. We could not have pulled this off without her quick response to our request! Thank you, Wendy! | |
Hope Villages of America
Food Drive
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A very successful Food Drive was organized and put into overdrive by the Co-Chairs, Jeannine Hall and Marian Henry, along with the other WACS members who helped her pull this off.
The Food Drive ran from 4 Oct to 20 Oct 2022. Large barrels to contain the food donated were placed in 4 different locations: Delphi Academy, Washburn Academy, Buzzazz Business Solutions and Skyview Condominiums.
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And get this! 1,193 pounds of food were donated in total. This amount will serve a family of four, three meals a day for about three months! This is so helpful to families!
A special mention goes out to Delphi Academy, Form 2, who set up a fun game between the different classes to see which class could get the most food donated. As a prize, the winners were rewarded with a lemonade party. Thank you!
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As Delphi parents who have children in Form 2, Lindsey Noll Munson and Stephanie Gray played a big role in making this a success for Delphi. They both are WACS members. Thank you, ladies, for all of your help and Lindsey, thank you for your very generous support to get this project kicked off!
Brandi Mooney Baybak, who is also a member of WACS, played a major role in getting her daughter’s school, Washburn Academy, approved and coordinated for the Food Drive. Needless to say, it all just snowballed from there, ending in an overflowing barrel of food! Thank you Brandi!
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The Huge Toy Drive was a huge success! The Chairman of this project, Robin Bogan, and the Co-Chairman Keri Lee drove this project home. | |
It is a longtime tradition for the Women's Auxiliary Church of Scientology to provide toys and gifts to charities and churches during the holidays. This year is no different. We collected over 500 toys, books, and gifts for children of all ages.
The toys were delivered on Dec 17, 2022, and were put on display at Winter Wonderland where the children could pick the toy of their choice. Several comments were made as to the great quality and variety of gifts. Most of the recipients were children in Foster Care, and they were very happy!
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Hope Villages of America and Grace House Welcome Baskets | |
This was a very uplifting project! Kathy Oliver, the Chairman, and Patti Ferraro, the Co-Chairman organized this project. With the WACS team, they filled 20 large baskets with essential household items for homeless families that were moving into Grace House homes. On January 17, 2023, the baskets were delivered. The receiving families were thrilled when they found out they would be receiving a whole basket full of supplies that they needed very much. | |
Something as simple as a can opener brought smiles to their faces. Timothy Calhoun, the Manager, was present when the baskets were delivered, and he was so happy to see the magnitude of our donation to his residents. It was a beautiful day, and it gave everyone a beautiful feeling to see the happy smiles of each of the residents as they picked up their own basket.
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The Church of Scientology Women's Auxiliary members include many educators so we are honored to be a part of the "Adopt-A=School" program.
We’ve adopted Sandy Lane Elementary school and will help them throughout the year with items necessary to assist the faculty and staff with what they need to educate the children. This includes gearing up for Teacher Appreciation Week May 8th-12th. We can’t wait to help out with this project!
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We are getting prepared for our first annual WACS CW Gala this Fall. It is going to be full of surprises. Stay turned for more information! | |
We have so many people to thank in addition to the WACS membership!
Extreme and deep gratitude for generously sponsoring every one of our projects goes to the Noll and Munson Families. Thank you so much for your support!
We would like to give a very special thank you to…
The Clearwater community for giving us such a warm welcome!
The Office of Special Affairs Flag for sharing our vision and for their very needed support!
Lindsey Noll Munson, Wendy Noll Graffam, and Shannon Byrnes Noll for their very generous donation for the Huge Toy Drive.
Sigrid Burket and her school, Every Kids A Genius who raised over $1,400 for the Huge Toy Drive!
Pam Ryan Anderson, President of the Clearwater Community Volunteers, whom without, we wouldn’t have Winter Wonderland; a festive venue for the holiday activities!
The Women’s Auxiliary Church of Scientology of the Valley in California, and the President Lisa Malm, along with Nancy Reitze and Nikki Magnie, for helping us to establish this incredible chapter in Clearwater.
We love and appreciate you all very much!
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We are excited to introduce your Clearwater WACS Executives! | |
Lee Anne Gillotte
Vice President
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If you are interested in joining the Women's Auxiliary Church of Scientology Flag Service Organization, please contact Kate Davis at:
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Newsletter by Cheryl D'Arezzo and Shannon Magnie | | | | |