July 2023

Case Manager's Corner

Care and Case Management (CCM) System News

CCM System Training Materials

Please use HCPF’s job aids and recorded trainings to learn how to complete case management activities in the Care and Case Management (CCM) system. These resources, including the “CCM System Job Aid Glossary” with information on specific processes within the CCM system, are here. As a reminder, HCPF shares these documents in Google Drive so case managers can have access to the most recent versions. Please access the documents through Google Drive, rather than downloading the job aids to ensure you have the current version. 

Case managers are encouraged to utilize the Known Issues Newsletter by signing up to receive updates. The Known Issues website also shares current information on CCM concerns under the Case Manager heading.

Case managers can also search for information in the CCM FAQs by using “CTRL+F” to open the find screen.

Finally, the CCM System Guide Phase 1 Road Map to Success is also a resource for case managers to utilize for their CCM user needs.   

Other News

The End of the Continuous Coverage Requirement

Colorado has returned to regular eligibility renewal processes for Health First Colorado (Colorado’s Medicaid program) and Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+), beginning with renewals due in May 2023. The renewal redetermination process will continue month by month, through April 2024 for all 1.75 million members. Each member’s renewal month will align with their already established annual renewal month. 


We appreciate the support of case managers in reminding people on HCBS waivers that they need to complete the renewal process on their annual renewal date. You play a critical role as a trusted expert and guide for members. For more information on the renewal process specific to the LTSS population, see the LTSS fact sheet


How can you help support members during the PHE unwinding process? 

HCPF has developed partner toolkits regarding the end of the continuous coverage requirement. Update Your Address, Understanding the Renewal Process and Take Action on Your Renewal toolkits all include resources to help members take action to keep their coverage. A new joint webpage includes partner resources and information for those who may need to transition to other health coverage. 


You can help us raise member awareness about the renewal process by using the messaging in our toolkits. The materials in the toolkits identify key actions for members to take: updating contact information, taking action when a renewal is due, and seeking help with renewals at community or county resources when they need it. Flyers, social media messaging and graphics, website content, and other outreach tools can be found in our PHE Planning Resource Center. Case managers can also educate themselves on the basics of the renewal process to better assist members who may need help. See our Renewal Education toolkit

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the end of the continuous coverage requirement and return to regular renewal processes are available in the PHE Planning Resource Center. Members with questions about the renewal process can learn more by visiting Health First Colorado’s renewal webpage available in English and Spanish

Thank you for your continued collaboration! 

Scammer Alert 

Scammers are targeting Health First Colorado (Colorado’s Medicaid program) and Child Health Plan Plus (CHP+) members through text messages and phone calls. They are telling members they must pay to keep or renew their health coverage. Health Care Policy & Financing (HCPF) never asks members or applicants for money, bank account or credit card information, complete social security numbers, or other financial information through text or over the phone. HCPF may contact members to ask them to update their address and contact information. Members can do this at any time online through PEAK and are not required to give this information over the phone. Please help us alert members of potential scams by sharing this important message. And report any suspected scam activity to the Attorney General Consumer Protection Unit

Register now for HCPF Annual Stakeholder Webinar

Please register to join Health Care Policy & Financing leaders for a webinar on Aug. 8 from 9-11 a.m. This event will share what we accomplished together last year, address priorities for this fiscal year, and invite stakeholder feedback and comments. 

Registration and other materials will be posted on our website

Telligen Office Hours

Telligen is hosting office hours for case managers to answer questions regarding Utilization Review Utilization Management (URUM) reviews for: 

  • Health Maintenance Activities 
  • Over Cost Containment 
  • Supported Living Services (SLS) Exception 
  • Children's Home and Community-Based Services (CHCBS) 
  • Children's Extensive Services (CES) 

Please submit any office hours topic requests by using the Telligen Support Request form no later than Aug. 4, 2023.  

Meeting Details 

10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.  

Aug. 10, 2023  

Please register to join.  

Each attendee should register individually. Questions and answers from previous office hours are on our webpage under Telligen Office Hours

In-Home Support Services (IHSS) new E-Learning

As the Training and Operations vendor, Consumer Direct Colorado (CDCO) is excited to announce a new e-Learning platform available for IHSS! This e-learning is geared toward members or their designated authorized representative (AR) who are new to the IHSS program. However, the training is available to anyone who is interested in learning more, including but not limited to, case managers, IHSS providers, attendants, family members, advocates, CDASS members and ARs, and HCPF staff. 

To view the training, send an email to CDCO with the subject line “new IHSS e-Learning account requested" and request an account be set up for you! You will be notified by email when your account is set up and receive a username and temporary password. Once you log in and reset your password you are ready to take the course!  Your account will be active for 6 months. 

You can also check out the IHSS Resource Guide as an additional tool and for information about IHSS. 

CDASS Overspending Protocol

As the Training and Operations vendor, Consumer Direct Colorado (CDCO) also assists and supports CDASS members who might be overspending. Overspending for CDASS members is defined as monthly expenditures exceeding 9.99% of the member's monthly allocation, with no reserve funds from prior months in the certification period, no prior approval for the overspending by the case manager and/or no documented fluctuation in overspending approved on the member’s attendant support management plan (ASMP)

There are a total of five different overspending “episodes” that are applicable throughout the process for CDASS members. Each episode has a different and progressive approach. To learn more about the CDASS Overspending Protocol, please visit the CDCO CDASS Resources page under “Case Manager CDASS Resources.” 

In addition, each case management agency will hear from CDCO's FMS and Case Management Coordinator every month on Overspending. Each Case Management Agency currently receives monthly FMS reports showing the spending history of all members. In the reports, there is an “Instructions” tab along with additional tabs for each level of spending (0-69.99%, 70-99.99%, 100-109.99%, and 110-130%+). Please review this monthly spreadsheet and instructions carefully and follow the protocol that is outlined within the required timeline for each. If a member or AR is overspending, please note in the protocol they should be referred to CDCO for mandatory overspending training (2nd episode for a member and 4th episode for an AR). CDCO is here to help! 

CDCO has two Case Manager Training sessions each month to assist with overspending questions or training. In addition, periodically there is a Case Manager monthly training that is dedicated JUST to overspending. Visit the training calendar and sign up for a session that works for you.

When A CDASS Member's Eligibility Lapses 

Have you ever received a notification from the Consumer-Directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS) Financial Management Service (FMS) providers that one of your member's waiver eligibility has lapsed?

This outreach by PPL and Palco is intended to help the case manager and member resolve any unexpected issues as quickly as possible so CDASS can resume and attendants can be paid. When you get this notification, it is important to provide the FMS any information you may have about the cause or the date of your last outreach if you've already been communicating with them. If eligibility has been restored, it is important to let the FMS know right away.

Send an email to Palco and PPL if you have questions about this process or to follow up on a member notice you have received. 

Contact Us

  • Please send questions about the new CCM system and Colorado Single

     Assessment & Person-Centered Support Plan to our CCM inbox.