September 15, 2023



Dear Centenary Family,

I’m very excited about our fellowship, worship, and mission together as we enter this fall. I’m so grateful to our excellent interim musicians who’ve led us in worship—Mark Fleisher and Mark Koontz. I’m so grateful to our choir members who’ve helped us worship this summer and the wonderful music our soloists have provided in worship. I was so grateful for our Fried Chicken and Fellowship gathering Sunday. The conversations around the table, the new relationships being formed, and old relationships being renewed made me think, “This is what church is about!”

You’ll see that the next big event for us is the opportunity to welcome Carina Brackin as our new Choir Director and Organist on October 8. I hope you’ll take time to read about the reception being planned by our Staff Parish Relations Committee below as well as the new course that’s also beginning on Sunday, October 8 that we’re inviting everyone to be part of.

I also want to invite you to continue to brainstorm about our theme this year: Centenary Connects! Would you continue to think of ways—simple ways—that we can create gatherings, small or large that provide us with opportunities to connect with each other as well as opportunities to share with our friends and neighbors? Here are some ideas from a recent brainstorming session:

  • Murals Walk
  • Farmer’s Markets Visits
  • Chili Cook-Off 
  • Neighborhood gatherings—invite Centenary neighbors and friends in your neighborhood to meet in your home or restaurant or coffee shop for fellowship and connection
  • Mission Opportunities—Think of something creative, Rise Against Hunger
  • Lewis Ginter to see the lights at Christmas!
  • Don’t reinvent the wheel—use things that are already going on and invite people to join you.
  • Special Speakers before/after church
  • Slave Trail
  • VMFA visit
  • Art show with Centenary artists!
  • Art show with community artists!
  • Volleyball game at a park
  • Movie nights/go to a movie together
  • Go to plays, lectures, concerts together


If you’d like to put something on the church calendar, or want to talk over an idea for gathering people together, contact the church office.


I’m looking forward to worshipping with you this Sunday!






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Sundays at 10:30am

In person and online.


Church Online or Facebook

Being United Methodist Christians

You are invited to join Kathy Talley, Bob Blinn, and Matt Bates in a 6-8 week course to refresh your understanding of the United Methodist version of the Christian faith, or perhaps explore this spiritual tradition for the first time. We will offer the course at two different times and in two different formats. The in-person format will begin Sunday, October 8 and conclude on November 26.  We will gather at the church at 9:00 a.m. for coffee and fellowship and start our conversation at 9:15 a.m. and conclude at 10:15 a.m. 


The online format will begin on Thursday, October 12 through November 30 (excluding Thanksgiving November 23)  at 7 p.m. and conclude at 8 p.m. 


We invite all people to join us whether long-time Centenary members or those just exploring Centenary as well as people from the larger community who are interested in learning more about Christian faith from a United Methodist perspective. This will be an opportunity not only to learn but to build new relationships and experience the joy of Christian community!


Our conversations will focus on themes like how United Methodists view the Bible, what we share in common with other Christians and what distinguishes us, how we nurture our spiritual lives and how United Methodists serve God and neighbor. 


Click here for more information about the book we will be using to guide our conversations and to register for the class. We’d love to have you join us, and any friends you think would be interested.  

Register Here

Zoom Bible Study

Wednesdays at 10:00am

We are taking a little break and will be back on October 11.

If you would like to join us in October, contact the church office to be put

on the email list for all the details.

Smethie Circle News

UMW Smethie Circle will meet on Wednesday, September 27, 2023. Join us at 1:00 pm at the home of Leah Hundley. Light lunch provided. Rev. Kathy Talley will be our speaker. Please RSVP to the church office.


Pecan Update

The pecans are on order and will arrive mid-November. Thanks to all who supported the UMW!



Welcome Izaak "Izzy" Spiers,

our Centenary Intern

for this academic year

(September 2023-April 2024)

Izzy is a dual degree student at Union Presbyterian Seminary where he is in his third year working toward a Master of Divinity and a Master of Arts in Christian Education. Izzy's time with us will count as his internship for his MACE degree. Izzay served last year as an M.Div. intern at Chester UMC. Izzy's home church is Ivey UMC in Colonial Heights. He is a graduate of VCU where he majored in Religious Studies and minored in Sociology. For his capstone project required for graduation, Izzy studied the tensions between the Church in America and its history with LGBQ+ persons. He also worked with Dr. David Bromley and his World Religions/New Religious Movement project. 

Please welcome Izzy when you see him.

Mark Your Calendars Now! - October 8

We will welcome

Carina Brackin,

our new Organist/

Choir Director.

We invite you to join the Staff Parish Relations team we we welcome Carina Brackin, our new Organist/Choir Director, to Centenary on Sunday, Oct. 8. We plan to gather in the Fellowship Hall following the service to “meet and greet” Carina and her family and to enjoy light refreshments. 

This is a wonderful opportunity for the congregation to extend its warm hospitality to Carina and her family! 

Pride Eucharist at

St. Paul's Episcopal Church

September 21

6:00 pm

The Episcopal Churches of Central Richmond will gather at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church (815 E Grace St, Richmond) to host a Pride Eucharist.

All are invited to participate in this powerful celebration of God’s love.

We hope you will also join us at the Brown’s Island Pride Festival.

For more information about being

a part of the Pride Eucharist Choir,

please contact Scott Hayes 

Grace & Holy Trinity Church,

Special Benefit Event

Saturday, Sept. 23 at 3:00pm.

Kyiv Symphony Orchestra and Chorus,

featuring musicians will be performing classical and sacred works, with an emphasis on Ukrainian composers and folk songs. ALL funds raised in conjunction with this concert go directly to Ukraine toward meeting needs of all those affected by the war and require hope and healing. All contributions are tax deductible. For more information or to purchase tickets, please visit Grace & Holy Trinity's website.

Click here for more information or a link for the online service.

Fellowship and Fried Chicken

Good food and a good time

was enjoyed by all!


Sunday Sept. 17 @ 10:30 am - Worship - In-person & Online

Monday, Sept. 18 @ 5:00 pm - Change the World RVA

Tuesday, Sept. 19 @ Noon - AA - Room 106

Wed., Sept. 20 @ 7:15 pm - Choir Rehearsal

Friday, Sept. 22 @ 10:30 am - Walk-In Lunch

Friday, Sept. 22 @ Noon - AA - Room 106

Sunday Sept. 24 @ 10:30 am - Worship - In-person & Online

Online Giving Made Easy

Use the QR code to quickly get to

our online giving page.


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Rev. Matt Bates -

Office/Laura Nealley -


Our mission is to change the world through love.

To acknowledge God’s love is, for each of us, a life-changing event.

As followers of Jesus, we share God’s love for all people, and work together to make our world a better place, one life at a time.