St. Nicholas' mission is to be an example of

Christ's love for all people.

Our vision is to be the center of nourishment in mind,

body, and spirit for all people in our community. 

St. Nicholas Episcopal Church


Bob Farrow

The Spirit of St. Nicholas

August 3 to August 17, 2023

Sunday August 6

The Transfiguration

Exodus 34:29-35

2 Peter 1:13-21

Luke 9:28-36

Psalm 99:5-9

Sunday, August 13

Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost

1 Kings 19:9-18

Psalm 85:8-13

Romans 10:5-15

Matthew 14:22-33

From the Pastor


This bi-monthly newsletter goes out to all in our community – both friends and members of St Nicholas, and it is our sincere goal that this will keep you informed of news and events happening within both the community at large and within the parish. I am grateful for each and every one of you for your faithful interest and dedication to St Nicholas and our mission and ministries.


Over the last few months, we have been discussing the topics of grief and forgiveness and as we move into out next major topic, which is healing, I want to share this devotion focused on our need for forgiveness in our lives. I thank Gene Wells for passing this along.


A Devotion on Forgiveness



When someone hurts you or, worse, hurts somebody that you love, revenge can seem appealing. After all…

They were mean.

They were selfish.

They talked behind your back.

They broke a vital promise.

They lied about you.

They criticized you.

They ignored you.

They did the unthinkable.

They walked away.

They deserve to be punished, right? To feel some of that same pain? They deserve a consequence that will not only help them learn, but will be just as severe as the inflicted wounds.

And yet—because God sees things differently, both His standards and tactics can be surprising. And that’s why the apostle Paul, writing to the believers in Thessaloniki, said:

“See that no one pays back evil for evil, but always try to do good to each other and to all people.”

1 Thessalonians 5:15 NLT

Paul’s words sound a lot like Jesus’ words—to love your neighbor as yourself; to do to others what you’d like them to do to you. (See: Matthew 22:38-40)

God’s ways might not always be easy, but they can always be trusted.

When we choose unforgiveness, hate and anxiety and bitterness will likely take root. But when we choose forgiveness (even though we might need to consider new boundaries), love and peace and reconciliation can flourish.

So, what about you? Have you ever been mean? Have you been selfish? Talked behind someone’s back? Broke a vital promise? Lied, criticized, ignored, or done the unthinkable? Have you ever decided to give up and walk away?

In our unique-to-us ways, we’ve all let someone down. We’ve disregarded God’s instructions and, instead, created our own instructions. We’ve messed up.

We deserve God’s wrath but, instead, He’s offered us His unconditional love.

Because of Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice, we didn’t get what we deserve. And even while hanging on that cross, breathing His last earthly breaths, He cried out, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34)

Jesus repaid our evil with extreme mercy, leaving us free to conquer evil with good. So today, let’s honor His sacrifice by treating others the way He treated us.



In Christ’s name.




Bob Farrow

Pastoral Lay Leader.

******Parish Picnic at Blue Springs*******

We are looking forward to seeing you this Sunday at Blue Springs! The church will provide the chicken. As usual, we will depend on each of you to bring the wonderful sides and desserts that make this picnic delicious!!

If you're unsure of the location, it is on highway 116 heading west to highway 185 about 4 miles from Mobley Road. There is a downhill part of the highway and on the right, there will be a sign for St. Nicholas to turn into. If you see the Callaway Gardens entrance to the plant on the left, you have gone too far.


One note of caution: the Callaways have requested that we not take pictures nor put posts on social media about Blue Springs.


Low Country Boil Coming September 9

It's time to purchase your tickets. Don't miss this fun evening. There will be good food, live music, cash bar, and fun for all ages. A fire truck and a bouncy house for the kids and yard games for young and old can be enjoyed or just simply enjoy socializing and listening to the folk music from Beth Hagues and her group while awaiting the scrumptious food prepared on site by Chef Chris of J's Catch Market and Grill.

We will celebrate St. Nicholas's consecration on the 1st of October. There will be sign ups coming soon for various aspects of this day so please stay tuned for more updates.

If you have an event coming up, an announcement you'd like to share, or have recently experienced a birth, death, or sickness and would like some EXTRA prayers!! Send them to or call the office at 706-628-7272.

Prayer Requests

Prayers for Elizabeth Jordan, Barrett Smith, Mike, Laura, and Cathy. 

Prayers for safe summer travels and to all Harris County neighbors in need.


Please send any prayer request to

Happy Birthday & Blessings to...



Dick Wood

Garrison Flournoy


Kelly Dimon


Ashton Johnson

Happy Anniversary & Blessings to...



Chris and Andy Butzon


Lynn and Kenny Hall


Riley and Jay Johnson 

If your birthday or anniversary is not included or is incorrect,
please email the Parish Office at

Vestry Minutes

Income/Expense July 2023

Annual Meeting 2023

2023 Annual Budget

How to Give Electronically

The 2022 Lectionary Page

Church Directory Instructions

Pastoral Institute

Tithe Chart

Deadline for submitting news items is noon Wednesday.

 Send news and photos to: 


The Spirit of St. Nicholas 

is published on the first and third Thursday

of every month. 

St. Nicholas Episcopal Church.

69 Mobley Road, PO Box 752, Hamilton, GA 31811


Visit our website