About Izabela

"September BLOG 2023 - Self Awareness"

Hello WHL,

Have you ever realized that our whole life from the day we are born is externally focused?


We are conditioned to pay attention to everything that is going on and happening on the outside of us. We learn early in life in our families, schooling, and training how to be successful in life, how to be liked, accepted, smart and productive. Those ways of functioning in the world are not wrong, they are an incomplete picture of who we are. Those patterns keep us closed off from our true Self and we develop a way of protecting ourselves or proving and performing in the world.


Since everyone is doing that, we accept that way of operating in the world as a norm and simply think that that is just how life is.


Many times, we end up being unhappy inside, unfulfilled, unsatisfied, sick and in pain.


What is truly happening to most of us in life is that we all splat or disperse early in life. Meaning our body, mind, and our breath (Spirit) work as separate parts of us and honestly life does not flow easily and smoothly for us. In this way we operate ONLY as a mental body and react to life, at best responding and living in survivorship, feeling like we are victims in life.


I used to live that way as I did not know any better or any other way until I DID, and everything started to change for me.


I learned that Self Awareness is the key to life, to learn and understand all parts of us, and to embrace them fully in love to create more personal freedom. When we do that on a consistent basis, externally we will be able to experience well-being, beauty, personal power, and more personal fulfillment in all life aspects.


There is NO change without Awareness- John F. Barnes, P.T.


What if I told you that all your emotional unhappiness, uneasiness, lack of well-being, and pain are the byproduct of only one thing?


If the Energy Flow is NOT moving in your body, the byproduct is that the life experience you are having is not optimal.


Steps to Self Awareness are becoming radically aware that:


1.       I exist, and I AM this life experience.

2.      Nobody is responsible for me, my life experience and all that is happening in my life is happening for my highest good if I shift my perception.

3.       I am the Awareness itself and I Have a body and mind.

4.      Body, Mind and Breath are one and I am here to learn how to integrate those three so my life experience can improve, so my health, vitality and sense of joy and internal peace can be enhanced.

5.       Everything in the Universe is Energy. I am also at the core of my being’s pure energy, and my work is to bring my awareness to within.

6.      I am the creator of my own life experience, and I am either creating intentionally and bringing more of what I want to my life, or I create by default and create more of what I do not want in my life.

7.       My health, vitality and happiness is directly related to my own level of Self Awareness.

8.      The core of my true self is purely unconditional, greater love and the more I am in touch with that Love the more I create from the place of wholeness.


If you have been unhappy, tense and dissatisfied with your life and health, it will take some time to create a new State of Being. The key to healing is to live from the space of our heart and soul. It’s the source of how things flow to us . . . fulfillment, joy, bigger and deeper love, abundance, fulfillment in relationships and friendships, total health, and prosperity.


When we are internally relaxed and happy and we make better choices for ourselves, the body is more relaxed and can heal itself. The brain releases happy hormones like dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins, enhancing internal well-being.


Healing HAPPENS as a byproduct of the Authentic life, life lived from the INSIDE OUT, is the life that’s worth living. The quantum Flip or the Awareness of that which is living as an Essential Self vs Personality is the first building block of your healing journey. Sometimes, it is best to hear from my clients... please click here or on the image below for additional testimonials.

I am deeply grateful for all the clients who have been brave and had an open heart and mind to embark on that inward journey of the greater truth as their life experiences have dramatically shifted into a different reality.

The First Quarter of 2024 is open for scheduling

We are here to serve you and help you to meet your goals and intentions.

In love and health,

Izabela Adamus, PT 

7667 W. 95th Street #108

Hickory Hills IL 60457

Ph (708) 525-4640

Fax (888) 755-5582