As we approach Memorial Day Weekend, we can all lose sight of what we're meant to honor during this holiday. We think about three day weekends and the first camping trip of the season and getting the last of our vegetable gardens planted and a backyard BBQ and if there's time we'll catch the parade on Monday. Raise my hand.[Guilty]
"Originally called Decoration Day, from the early tradition of decorating graves with flowers, wreaths and flags, Memorial Day is a day for remembrance of those who have died in service to our country." I have two brothers who have served our country and have been deployed. I have two brothers who have come home. I consider myself lucky, "According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, the US military has recorded 1,190,085 fatalities since 1775".
We celebrate freedom with what we say, with what we write and with what we do. But let us never forget, not today and especially not on May 27th, who and how that freedom came to be. If you lost a loved one that served, our hearts are with you this Memorial Day. We honor the men and women who fought and served so bravely for this beautiful 'home of the free' country.
So this weekend while you're roasting marshmallows around the campfire, be grateful for the opportunity to gather freely. While you're planting your gardens take a moment to consider the men and women laid to rest. And if you find yourself in someone's backyard waiting to be served a plate full of burgers, brats or dogs...raise a glass in honor of the brave.
Kate Abbe
The Elkhorn Chamber