Do you enjoy being a Wild Oats member-owner and supporting its values and role in the community? Are you passionate about building our local food economy and advancing a cooperatively owned, democratically-run local business? Are you a team player who would enjoy working with a group of respectful, thoughtful, and collaborative neighbors? If you answered yes to these questions, we would value your participation on the Board. The nine-member Board is elected at the annual member-owner meeting. Directors serve for three years, with three positions up for election each year. The Board is responsible for ensuring the successful performance of the store. This includes developing clearly stated operating policies, delegating responsibility for the store’s day-to-day management to staff, and monitoring policy compliance. Generally, the Board focuses on strategic planning, financial oversight, member-owner communications, and community outreach. It does not make decisions about, become involved with, or take part in any of the day-to-day activities of Wild Oats.
To be considered, directors must be member-owners of Wild Oats, over age 21, and cannot be employed by the store. The Board holds one regular meeting each month lasting two to three hours, and may require prep time prior to the meeting of one to two hours. In addition, each Board member generally serves on one of the Board’s committees which meet periodically.
To express interest in running for the Board, or simply to learn more, send an email to