March 24th, 2023
In this message...
  • Last call for APHA 2023 Abstracts Submissions! (deadline March 31st)
  • Register your NPHW events!
  • How to get involved in the Community-Based Public Health Caucus
  • Share with the Caucus Network
Submit your Abstract to the CBPH Caucus for APHA 2023!

This year's theme is Creating the Healthiest Nation: Overcoming Social and Ethical Challenges

We welcome you to submit your abstract to the CBPH Caucus Program!

Submission deadline:
March 31st, 2022 by 11:59PM PST

CBPH Caucus Call for Abstracts:

CBPH Caucus APHA 2023 Topics:

  1. CBPR and Place-Based Community Transformation
  2. Community Voices: Community Member Perspectives on Community-Academic Partnerships and CBPR (Submissions to this topic should center the perspectives of community partners within community-academic and other types of CBPR partnerships. The presenting author (or a co-presenting author) must be a community member (Note: APHA only allows one official presenter per abstract; our Caucus supports co-presenting of 2 authors).)
  3. Community-Driven Work to Transform Policy and Address Social Challenges
  4. Lessons Learned from CBPR Projects
  5. Measures, Methods, and Evaluation in CBPR
  6. Overcoming Social and Ethical Challenges through Community-Based Participatory Research (Discussions and examples of CBPR work seeking to overcome social and ethical challenges.)
  7. Participatory Approaches to Address Social and Structural Determinants of Health
  8. The Ethical Challenges of Community-Based Participatory Research (Specific focus on understanding and addressing the ethical challenges of community-based participatory research.)
  9. The Power of CBPR to Achieve Health Equity
  10. The Scholarship of CBPR: Innovative Strategies to Communicate Findings for Change
  11. Youth Roundtable: Youth Leading the Way to Healthier Communities (Submissions to this topic should center the perspectives and experiences of youth researchers. The presenting author (or a co-presenting author) must be a youth (13-24-years-old) (Note: APHA only allows one official presenter per abstract; our Caucus supports co-presenting of 2 authors).)

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your friendly Program Planners:
Rachel Berkowitz (
Angela Young-Brinn (
Zuleima Cortez (
Nina Lozano-Serrano (
Register your National Public Health Week event

"Our cultures have always shaped our health. We learn from the communities we're born in and that we build together. For this NPHW, we look to community leaders as our health leaders. We celebrate the unique and joyful ways different cultures focus on health. And we look to how we can learn from each other, with humility and openness."

Are you or your organization hosting events for National Public Health Week (April 3-9)? Be sure to let everyone know!

Register your event officially with National Public Health Week at

Check out the official National Public Health Week site for more information and resources:
Get Involved!

Do you want to get more involved in the Community-Based Public Health Caucus?

Are you interested in exploring leadership roles and gaining experience supporting our historic group within APHA?

We want to hear from you! Contact Chair DeWaun Robinson ( and Chair-Elect Dr. Raheem Young ( to learn more.
Share with the Network!

Do you have an upcoming community-engaged and/or community-based webinar, event, or opportunity that you want to share with the CBPHC network?

Email Rachel Berkowitz ( to see about including it in an upcoming newsletter!

Please include "CBPHC Newsletter" in the email subject.
Learn more about the CBPH Caucus by visiting our website