Weekly e-Epistle
St. James' Mill Creek
Wilmington, Delaware

May 12th, 2024

We'd love for you to join us!

We would be pleased if you joined us in person or online from the comfort of your home for church services via Facebook Live at 9:30am.

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Sunday Bulletin (May 12th)

Forty days after Easter we mark the Feast of the Ascension, and fifty days after Easter is Pentecost Sunday. This means that on the seventh Sunday after Easter (the one coming up), we are in that liturgical in-between time of these two great feasts. This is important because it reminds us that there are about ten days in that time between the Ascension and the arrival of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, ten days when the disciples were vacillating between “We can do this because Jesus has trusted us” and “They’re out to get us, so we need to hide in this room.”


That ten day period is a moment of great transition in the life of the disciples, and they’re tasked with decisions about how to move forward and who will replace Judas, an account we will hear on Sunday. In that period of finding another disciple to add to the twelve, we see them trying to make the best decision they can, going back and forth on the merits of Matthias or Barsabbas, and then trusting the decision to the casting of lots, hoping for God’s will to be done in the selection.


It’s a short, seemingly inconsequential moment of the daily business of the disciples, but it changed the lives of Matthias, Barsabbas, and those they knew and loved. It’s a moment in Scripture that reminds us that our decisions and how we make them matter and they affect people in ways we may not know or understand. Even still, we try to make them in an informed and holy way, trusting that in all of our imperfections, somehow the Lord will make them work and make them holy.

Emmanuel Dining Room - May 31st

In months with thirty-one days (January, March, May, July, August, October, and December), members of St. James’ gather together to prepare and to serve meals for people at Emmanuel Dining Room. For years this ministry was largely funded by the gifts of an anonymous parishioner, but some time ago this person went on to their great reward. Since that time this ministry has been funded out of our operating budget and smaller donations, and our Emmanuel Dining Room volunteers have done a great deal with those limited resources.


Sustaining this ministry at the current level, though, does require extra funding. If you’d like to give to this ministry, please mark “Emmanuel Dining Room” in the memo line of a check or contact the Parish Office for more details.


Thank you for your consideration and for all of your ongoing support of the many outreach ministries at St. James’.

It’s Time For a Fun Filled Bingo Night

The 2024 Claudia White Memorial Bingo Night

Will be held on Monday, June 17, 2024

in the St. James’ Parish Hall


Games will start at 7:00 PM. Please mark your calendars. As in the past, there will be a $10 donation for 10 Bingo Games. There will be prizes for game winners, everyone will receive a Door Prize, a 50/50 Drawing will be available, and there will be a variety of refreshments. 


Call Nancy Patterson, (302) 239-7649, if you have any questions, and to let us know if you plan to attend our Bingo Night. Seating is limited, so be sure to reserve your seats no later than Monday, June 10th, 2024.


All proceeds are donated to the St. James’ Claudia White Memorial Fund. Repairs and renovations to the Parish House were very close to Claudia’s heart and the money raised is used to help maintain the Parish House. 

We hope you and your friends will join us for a fun filled evening with family and friends.

The St. James Bazaar Ladies are looking forward to seeing you on

June 17th!

Join TOGETHER at the Episcopal Church’s Youth Booth at the DE Pride Festival!

Calling all young people and their families!

The Diocesan Youth Advisors are thrilled to invite you to be a part of a vibrant celebration of love and inclusivity at our booth during this year’s Pride Festival, at Legislative Hall in Dover on Saturday, June 1st. It’s a day to shine, share, and show your support for the community.

Here’s what we’ve got lined up for you:

• Free T-Shirt: Be an ambassador of love and pride with our specially designed t-shirts, yours to keep and wear with pride!

• Flexible Timing: Spend some time with us between 10 AM and 4 PM, or stay with us for the whole day. Your presence is a blessing!

• Pizza Lunch and Ice Cold Water Bottles: Fuel up with delicious pizza on us. It’s not just about feeding the body but also the soul with fellowship.

• Parking at Christ Church Dover: No need to worry about parking hassles. We’ve got you covered with parking spaces reserved just for you.

This is more than just a booth; it’s a mission. A mission to be the hands of God, welcoming and affirming each person’s unique beauty and worth. As we join together, we become a living message of God’s unconditional love.

For more information, please contact the Diocesan Youth Advisors, Let’s make this a day to remember!

Click here for more information

Lemonade in the Circle Announcement

Thank you to everyone who hosted Coffee Hour this year. We will be starting Lemonade in the Circle on May 26th. If you would like to bring lemonade and snacks on a Sunday this summer, please speak to Eileen Marvel. 

From Kathy Jackson:

On June 1st is the Epilepsy 5K Walk and Run. I would appreciate your support and request that you go into my Facebook page via the below link or use the QR code for the EFDE Fundraiser page to submit a donation by May 31st. If you prefer you can hand the donation to me directly. If you have questions please call me at 737-8142 or 690-3513.   


Thanks, for your support!!

Kathy Jackson

  • QR to EFDE website to donate

St. James' Mission and Outreach updates


Sharing God’s gifts with others

Reaching out to those in need

And serving them with dignity and respect…

New Castle County HOPE Center-for Individuals and Families in need of temporary housing and support services.

What started as temporary housing during the cold weather of 2020-2021 has grown into a permanent center that provides housing and support services for individuals and families who are without adequate housing in New Castle County. New Castle County (NCC) purchased the former Sheraton Hotel on Airport Rd (now named the New Castle County HOPE Center) and kept the hotel management staff to keep the facility running.  Working together, many non-profit organizations including Family Promise provide various services and support for individuals and families to obtain emergency and more significant housing and medical, psychological, and job skills opportunities as well. The hotel can accommodate 400 and suites and adjoining rooms are given to families and enable households to stay together. Housing is coordinated through the Delaware Housing Alliance. 

If you know of anyone who needs this housing, please ask them to call 1-833-FIND-BED (1-833-3463-233) and leave a message.

How can you help?

Review the list below and see where you might be able to help.

 Current items needed:

  • Hygiene items such as deodorant, shampoo, and soap (regular and travel size)
  • Individual sized peanut butter crackers, tuna, microwavable meals (pastas, soups, etc.)
  • Non-alcohol hand sanitizer
  • Tide pods or other laundry pods
  • NEW Underwear, and socks - all sizes, children through adult
  • New or gently used t-shirts and light jacket
  • New books for adults and children

Please drop the items off:

     ·        Monday-Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the parish hall porch 

Please place your donations in the bin labeled Donations for HOPE Center on the porch of the parish hall. Liz will bring in the bin and any donated items at 12:30 p.m.

    ·        On Sunday, there is a container in the foyer of the church.

 We take the donations to the distribution center about every two weeks.

Thank you,

St. James' Mission/Outreach Ministry

Prayer Team Updates

The prayer team continues to lift up prayer requests shared by parishioners through emails or calls to the church office at 302-994-1584, to individual members of the prayer team, or requests left in the prayer basket in the church foyer. We collect the prayer requests and other concerns of the parish, community, and world. They are compiled weekly and then these requests are lifted up in the daily prayers of the team members. All are welcome and encouraged to share their prayers.

For those who have an immediate prayer need, we invite you to email your prayer needs and request to Carolyn Mack at or call 302-565-8675

St. James' Pastoral Care Team

St. James' Pastoral Care Team continues to support our parish family and our community.

If you or someone you know is in need, we: 

·        send cards, make phone calls, and pray with you and/or for you.

·        Make home, hospital, and Eucharistic visits.

Please call the office (302-994-1584) and leave a message. Someone will get back to you. Messages are retrieved daily, seven days a week.

Please let us know if you need us or someone you know needs us. We will not know if you do not tell us.

“Blessful” Meditations

We all know that life can be a little stressful and hectic sometimes. We hope that by reading this short bible passage and watching a relaxing video will help you take a moment and reflect on God’s gifts.  

Proverbs 31:10

Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.

Prayer in the Morning

Almighty God, you alone gave us the breath of life, and you alone can keep alive in us the holy desires you impart. We beseech you, for your compassion’s sake, to sanctify all our thoughts and endeavors, that we may neither begin an action without a pure intention nor continue it without your blessing. And grant that, having the eyes of our mind enlightened to behold things invisible and unseen, we may in heart be inspired by your wisdom, in work be upheld by your strength, and in the end be accepted as your faithful servants; through Jesus Christ our Savior. Amen.

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St. James' Mill Creek
2106 St. James Church Road
Wilmington, DE 19808
