Childcare FAQs
What is “the childcare”?
Almost two years ago, Westminster made a decision to optimize building utilization with a focus on serving the community. A group of church members, with varying skills and backgrounds, was assembled to create the “Childcare Task Force”. Since then, the task force has created a pathway for a childcare provider to lease our available space (6 spaces on the upper and lower floors of the east and south side of the building). The childcare operation is a business of its own with an owner/operator and its own employees, families, and children as patrons. After many interviews, visitations, background checks, and consultations, Bluebells Academy Daycare was chosen to lease our spaces.
Who is Bluebells Academy Daycare?
Bluebells is a growing business operated by Sara Wilson in West Salem. Sara has two in-home childcare operations located next door to each other, and she serves several Salem families with their daily childcare needs. Sara specializes in the Reggio Emilia approach to teaching and child development with intended values to make school “lovable, industrious, inventive, liveable, documentable and communicable”. Additionally, her approach practices the idea that “Education is a right of all, of all children, and as such is a responsibility of the community.”
Sara Wilson started Bluebells as an in-home program with six children in 2019. Her program has been growing since she opened. Sara brings to her program and business an extensive education. She graduated from Heald Business School with an AA in Business Accounting in 2014. Sara later earned her AA in Early Childhood Education from Chemeketa in 2019 and her Bachelor’s in Early Childhood Education from Eastern Oregon University in 2021.
Bluebells Academy Daycare will offer childcare and education for infants to five-year-olds.
How will it be different from the previous user, Creative Discoveries Preschool?
Creative Discoveries utilized a “low footprint” which meant they operated 2-4 hours/day with 5-15 children, 2 teachers, 8 months out of the year. Creative Discoveries was not certified by the state. Bluebells will be open full day/year-round with closer to 40 children, 7 or more teachers/staff and will be designed to serve multiple families in our community. Creative Discoveries used a cooperative preschool model, meaning the families were mainly responsible for creating the educational experience for their children. Bluebells is an operational childcare and preschool model with staff who have been trained or are in the process of receiving training. Bluebells Academy encourages low-income families to apply for care using supplemental childcare funding from state resources and, additionally, Sara has provided paid employment opportunities to mothers of children in the program.
What is the difference between a building user and a building lease?
Bluebells will be leasing our space just as any other business would lease space to independently operate their business. Bluebells has autonomy in their operations. Whereas another entity might use our space and pay a fee, for example to host a wedding, but would not have complete independent use of the agreed upon spaces. Westminster and Bluebells Academy have agreed to terms and hours for use of our space. Westminster will have access to classroom spaces for nursery and Sunday School use.
What might be some challenges?
Change can be difficult, especially when we are accustomed to our routines and our spaces. We will see more foot traffic in the building between dozens of children, staff, and families entering and exiting throughout the day (also a blessing!). They will not be invisible and are paying to utilize our previously low-utilized spaces. We will need to become accustomed to sharing some space, certainly not all, but that sharing may have some initial bumps as we solidify boundaries and as Bluebells becomes fully operational.
What might be some blessings?
There is an overwhelming need in our community for full-day childcare and preschool programs. Westminster has an opportunity to facilitate relief of a small portion of that burden by providing a clean, safe environment for children and families to thrive throughout the day. Westminster’s ongoing work over the last 20 months has led to a greater city and statewide conversation about childcare needs. Our staff and volunteers have become voices in the local movement for affordable and accessible childcare. Other churches and faith-based organizations are beginning to address similar concerns and are considering utilizing their available building space to serve the community for childcare. We are blessed to be a pioneer in this new venture!
Who can I contact?
The childcare task force is working on creating a “point team” as the childcare gets up and running. For now you can contact Jill Whitney (, Vik Schaaf ( or Pastor Kelly ( with any questions.