Laker Bulletin Boards
At Northwood School, our teachers do a great job in many areas, but one I would like to highlight today is the bulletin boards that are around NWS. On the surface, this might seem like a minor aspect of our school, but bulletin boards can serve many purposes. When viewing these, students can often reflect on what is happening in a classroom, as well as reinforcing a focus on a particular area of the curriculum and what they are learning in the classroom. As bulletin boards appeal to the visual side of learning for students, our educators strive to create bulletin boards that introduce new concepts in an exciting and eye-catching way. Bulletin boards will build interest and curiosity will begin to increase and they will be more likely to engage in the lesson. After the lesson, bulletin boards can be used to display student work. Knowing that their work will be displayed in the hallway for all NWS students to see, students will be motivated to do better on assignments. When their work is posted on a bulletin board, students develop a sense of pride, ownership and motivation to continue to create work that is worthy of attention.
Enjoy some of the great bulletin boards that our students and teachers have created thus far.
~ Howie Drolet, Assistant Principal
Weston, V. a. P. B. D. (2020, January 5). What is the purpose of a bulletin board?
Importance of bulletin boards. (2020, June 5). Classroom.Synonym.