Purchase Football Tickets: https://offer.fevo.com/syracuse-football-vs-army-5dg4hmx-b469f0e?fevoUri=syracuse-football-vs-army-5dg4hmx-b469f0e%2F

Q U E S T I O N S ? C O N T A C T T V E R S A C I @ N D N Y F C B A . O R G

NDNY Federal Court Bar Association welcomes CNYWBA members to join us for the pregame festivities. 

Registration: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=pf8peovab&oeidk=a07ejylodo9b8076edb

Sponsorships available: [email protected]

Email your resume and bio (if available) to Awards Committee Chair [email protected]