Your monthly dose of flag related news articles, curated with care and intentionality for NIFDA members exclusively. Simply click on the headlines below to be taken to the article(s) in a new browser window or tab. Enjoy!

American/USA Flag

COMMENTARY: Make the American flag great again

Choosing Authenticity: Why Opt for American-Made Flags

Ace Hardware to honor fallen heroes with 1 million American flags 

Flag shop speaks about flag care

Patriotic Vista man gives new life to old American flags

Johnson Elementary students learn how to properly raise flags in Texas 

McCarthy orders Capitol flag at half-staff to honor 13 service members killed in Afghanistan exit 

Student's American Flag Banned by School Because of 'Potential to Distract'

Virginia family pulls son out of school after controversy over large American flags on his truck

'I was representing a big flag': Student says free American flags won't solve the issue

Texas Gov. Abbott to Australian woman complaining about 'too many American flags': 'Go back to Australia'

American flag stolen from Veterans Memorial at Fayette Cemetery for second time this year

Student's Gadsden flag patch prompts racism debate

Colorado Student From Viral Video Tells Ben Shapiro School Tried To ‘Tread’ On His Rights, But Failed

Colorado middle-schooler kicked out of class for ‘Don’t tread on me’ patch that teacher claims originated with slavery 

Maine small town’s plan to build flagpole taller than Empire State Building hit with another setback 

State & City Flags

Pritzker signs law to consider a new Illinois state flag 

Ann Arbor (MI) to adopt new city flag in honor of bicentennial in 2024 

Fifth-grader encourages Liberty (KY) to adopt official flag 

Greenwich (CT) Selectmen Mull “Hybrid” Flag Policy: Not a Free-All, but Not a Darien Government-Only Flag Policy

Puerto Rican flag-raising held at Buffalo City Hall (New York) 

Pride Flag

‘It’s like a target on our house’: homophobic murder sparks fears for those flying Pride flag

A California store owner was shot and killed over a Pride flag displayed at her shop 

International Flags

Everything you didn’t know about Ukraine’s flag 

Largest ever Ukrainian flag, signed by country’s soldiers, displayed in Kyiv 

Ukraine’s flag flies above Philadelphia (PA) as nation celebrates Independence Day

Ukraine Independence Day celebrated in Chicago (IL) with flag raising, sculpture unveiling

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