From Your Session
The WPC Session met for their monthly Stated Meeting on Wednesday, July 19 at 6:00 in Russell Hall.
The Session adopted goals for 2023-2024. Throughout the 2023-24 year, the elders will seek:
- Property-Intentional and robust use of the building and property (i.e. Winola house, childcare space, youth partnerships); with a dedicated line item from rental fees for projects that keep the building maintained.
- External community-Strong and wide partnerships with the wider community, both community non-profits and the mainline Christian community.
- Internal community-Internal health to include integration of programs, community groups for growth and support, intentionality about integrating the priorities of the strategic plan into a new committee structure (thinking outside the box).
- Strategic plan-Adopt and implement the 3-5 year strategic plan to include Matthew 25 articulation, sustainable finances, and mission aspirations, including an assessment and evaluation as an annual Session endeavor.
The elders approved Lucy Foster as our representative to the Presbytery for the 2023-2024 year. Other church members could also attend. If you are interested, contact Pastor Kelly.
The focused discussions were on the ongoing scout investigation (no new information), the strategic plan for committees (rough draft), and ways to use part of the IRS refund.
Yours in Christ,
Sandy McLean, Clerk of Session
Smile! Photo Directory time is coming! Get ready for the new Westminster photo directory. The last one came out in 2015, so we need a new one! We’d love to have this directory include all our members and friends, and this will all be done by our own Westminster volunteers. (The companies that do this professionally have stopped doing it, so it’s up to us.) We won’t be making fancy (and expensive) packages for you to purchase. It will be much simpler: just come and get your photo taken so we can make a directory that will help us all get to know each other better. Sign Ups begin in the narthex August 6, so bring your calendar! Photo shoot dates are scheduled to happen between August 27-September 11 at the church.
The Pastor’s Bible Study on Tuesdays @ 10:30am is shifting into its summer schedule with a variety of interesting topics. They are open to everyone--feel free to drop in any week!
- July 11/18/25: Philip Yancey reading with Bill
- August 1/8: Michele
- August 15: Vicki
- August 22: Dr. Jeffrey Larkin's thesis talk
- Aug 29/Sept 5: No Bible Study
Save the Date
July 24 - Red Cross Blood Drive (A few spots left!) Call Pam Garland at 503-551-2998.
August 6 - Plethora of Produce Sunday: Plan ahead! The service is in Boulder Hall and we will be seated around the tables. Plan on bringing your garden surplus - herbs, squash, tomatoes, cucumbers, beans, flowers and whatever else your garden grows to share.
In the Community
Westminster is hosting a forum for the mainline, progressive faith community to meet Salem-Keizer School District's new superintendent, Andrea Castañeda, on Sunday, August 6, at 4 pm. She will offer a short description of her plans for the district, and there will be an opportunity for questions and dialogue. View or share flyer here.
From Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon: The 2023 Oregon State Legislative Session has come to an end! EMO is proud to have participated in policy advocacy this session that makes Oregon a better, more caring and more welcoming place. Read more here.