Resources - Laudato si Week - May 19 - 26, 2024
"To contemplate is to grant oneself the time to be silent, to pray, to restore harmony to the soul, the healthy balance between head, heart and hands, between thoughts, feelings and action." - Pope Francis.
Seeds of Hope is the theme for the upcoming International Laudato si week. The resource is available in 6 languages and has 8 short units with reflections, education and actions on living Integral Ecology including:
- Encountering Nature
- Sustainable Transportation
- Sustainable Food
- Waste Reduction
- Water Conservation
- Integral Ecology Catechesis/Education
- Renewing our Commitment.
Join in spirit by praying with Creation on Pentecost Sunday (May 19), and considering using Ecological Spirituality from our Marianist Spirituality series.
The Integral Ecology Team’s monthly meeting - Wed May 29 from 8-915 PM ET | 7CT | 5PT | 2 HT will focus on sharing our responses to these resources. All are welcome. Email Sr. Leanne Jablonski FMI for the zoom info.