September 8, 2023

Red, White, and Blue Day

Please join us in wearing red, white, and blue on Monday, September 11 in honor and memory of 9/11.

Class Fees

We hope you have had a great start to the year! We wanted to let you know that all activity fees are now in EZ pay. The fees will be able to be paid online as soon as they show up in your student’s account. These fees include intramural sports, 7th and 8th grade sports, and all clubs. The $80 class fee is also in your student’s EZ pay account and can be paid at this time.

Please email Vickie Cappas with any questions at

Cross Country:

9/9: @Brecksville



9/13: @Crestwood


No scheduled events this week


9/13: Vs Wickliffe

9/14: Vs Greenbriar

Chromebook Academy

This week, all students participated in Chromebook Academy. Chromebook Academy is designed to help students understand what is EXPECTED of them when they are using technology at Independence Middle School. Topics discussed were the purposes of district supplied devices, the districts Acceptable Use Policy, care and use of student Chromebooks, WiFi agreement, lost/broken charger fee ($30), and cell phone use. 

Click here to see the slide presentation. 

Class of 2028 Parents and Students, 

Reminders for the DC Trip:

Rooming List Forms are due on Friday, September 1st. The third and FINAL deposit of $150 is also due on Friday, September 1st. This can be paid through the EZ Pay system or through check/cash to Independence Middle School. I look forward to sending out more information and getting all the final details together for the trip! 

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. 

Thank you, 

Mrs. Vecchio

8th Grade Trip Coordinator

Indy Alive

Below is the link to the INDYAlive! Community Perception Survey. InDYAlive! is a group representing the city, schools, and community always looking to better connect with those we are fortunate enough to serve.


Important Dates/Events


19: PTO mtg @5:30 p.m.

25: Waiver Day: No school for students

29: All-Pro Parent breakfast (5th grade) @7:15-7:40AM


3: School Picture Day

10-12: 8th grade DC Trip

13: NEOEA Day: No School

17: PTO mtg @5:30pm

26: Parent/Teacher conferences-3:30-8:00pm

27: End of 1st quarter

27: All-Pro Parent Breakfast (6th grade) @7:15am

27: Halloween/Fallfest Event

10/30-11/3: Spirit Week


7: Waiver Day: No school for students

14: PTO mtg @5:30pm

17: All-Pro Parent Breakfast (7th grade) @7:15am

17-18: School Musical

22-24: Thanksgiving Break: No school

11/30-12/1: IMS Holiday Gift Shop


8: All-Pro Parent breakfast (8th grade) @7:15am

12: Choir Concert-7:00pm

15: Winter iReady Testing

20: Band Concert-7:00pm

21: Winter Fest

12/22-1/5: Winter Break: No School


15: No School: MLK Day

19: End of 2nd Quarter

22: Staff In-Service Day-No School

25: Parent-Teacher Conferences-3:00-8:00pm

26: All-Pro Parent breakfast (5th grade) @7:15am


9: 7th and 8th grade dance

19: No School: Presidents' Day

23: All-Pro Parent Breakfast (6th grade) @7:15am


8: Waiver Day: No school for students

22: End of 3rd quarter

22: All-Pro Parent Breakfast (7th grade) @7:15am

3/29-4/5: Springbreak-No School


2: All District Band Concert-7:00pm

8: All District Choir Concert-7:00pm

17: Spring iReady Testing

24: Spring Into Summer-Adjusted Schedule

27: No School: Memorial Day

31: All-Pro Parent Breakfast (8th grade) @7:15am


4: Awards Day/8th Grade Promotion

5: Last Day of school-Adjusted Schedule

5: 4th quarter grades posted

Safe Schools Helpline

This Helpline has been developed for you and other students, parents, and staff members to help maintain your safety and the most positive school environment possible. The purpose of the Safe School Helpline is to promote school safety and report wrongdoings or illegal activity. Any type of information involving a threatening situation to students, the school, or staff should be reported. Examples include thoughts of suicide or self-harm, violence, weapons, bullying, drugs and alcohol, and theft.

Access Link:

800-4-1-VOICE ext. 359

800-418-6423/ Text:66746, TIPS

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