UMOM WALK TO END HOMELESSNESS | Dayspring has a team at UMOM’s 14th annual Walk to End Homelessness. We invite you to join us this Saturday, May 6, from 6-9am at the Phoenix Zoo, for a family-friendly event aimed at restoring hope, rebuilding lives, and ending homelessness in our community. Walkers not only help save lives, but also get a FREE day pass to the Zoo! Register at: https://fundraise.umom.org/team/497485 | |
REMEMBERING BETTY DAVIDSON | A memorial service for Betty Davidson, long time member of the Dayspring Chorale, will be held this Saturday, May 6, at 10:30am in the Tempe Sanctuary. Please keep her husband Joe, her family, and friends in your prayers during this difficult time. The service will be livestreamed HERE. | |
From Coffee Hosts to Children's Sunday School teachers, Shepherds to Sound Booth, and everyone in between, Dayspring wouldn't function without you! We'd like to show our appreciation at a volunteer brunch this Sunday, May 7, after both services. Please join us as we celebrate all the wonderful people who help us make God's world more peaceful, just, compassionate, and inclusive. | |
Sno cone Sunday returns this week! All church volunteers will receive a free sno-cone. For everyone else, sno-cones are $1. All money earned from sno-cones benefits Project Hope, our clean water well project in Liberia. Learn more about this project HERE. | |
Are you new to Dayspring UMC or have you been attending for a while and are interested to know more about the church and what is involved in membership? We invite you to learn more about the UMC and Dayspring specifically, at our next new member orientation this Sunday, May 7 at 11:45 in Room 112 and on Zoom. Please email the church office if you are interested in attending. | |
Join the Arizona Cantilena Chorale as they present Favorites of the Stage at 4:00pm this Sunday, May 7, in the Tempe Sanctuary. When is the last time you heard your favorite Opera choruses or Broadway hits live? With works by Bizet, Offenbach, Verdi, Gershwin, Sondheim, Rodgers & Hammerstein and Lin-Manuel Miranda among others, you couldn't choose a better way to spend your afternoon. Come see your Favorites of the Stage performed expertly by this premier choral ensemble. The concert is free and donations are appreciated. | |
On May 14, the 9:00 Explorer's Class and the 10:30am Contemporary Issues Sunday School Class will host Professor Jennifer Linde from the ASU College of Communications for a class on civility in public and personal conversations involving controversial topics. Professor Linde will introduce the audience members to consider a provocative statement, assume a position of agree or disagree in an atmosphere that promotes respect and equanimity. The goal of the session is to reacquaint us with the notion that we can have differing viewpoints and disagree without demonizing the opposition. Please join us as we welcome Professor Linde and we learn about civil dialogue. Email Jim for more information. | |
We recognize our graduates on Sunday, May 21 during services. If you or someone in your family is graduating from high school or beyond, please email us their name and a photo by May 14 so they can be included in the celebration. | |
The Dayspring choir leaves Phoenix on May 24 for their residency in Portsmouth, England, becoming the choir-in-residence for five Evensong services the week of May 29, including the Feast of the Visitation of Mary on May 31. You’ll have a chance to hear their repertoire at a concert on May 21 at 4pm in the Sanctuary. Please come to hear some magnificent music and to offer your generous support to the choir and our remarkable music program.
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After a recommendation from Dayspring leadership, the congregation was informally polled and it's been decided we will have a combined service starting at 10am in Tempe during the summer starting Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend. | |
This Sunday's Message:
Introducing Sophia
Ecclesiasticus 15:1-10
Amy Notbohm
at 11:00 at Dayspring Arcadia
Salt & Light
Matthew 5:13-16
Pastor Jeff Procter-Murphy
at 9:00 and 10:30 at Dayspring Tempe
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Our most recent livestreamed services: | | | | |