The Sixth Week After Pentecost

14 July 2023

Parish Breakfast Sunday:

This Sunday

16 July @ 8.30-11am

Join us for our 3rd Sunday parish breakfasts, which are held on the 3rd Sunday of every month from 8.30 - 11.00 am. The men's group, the Knights of Columba, prepare a delicious breakfast and the cost is only $3 per person and $10 max per family. All men of the parish are invited to join one of the breakfast teams. Each teams cooks 2-3 Sundays a year. For more information, chat with any of the guys in the kitchen or contact Dale Humphries (email).

Donation Opportunity

Outdoor Flags for Main Entrance

We would like to invite donations (memorial donation or thanksgiving in honor of someone) for outdoor flags which we would have out each Sunday on the front pillars of the main entrance to the church. We would like to have an American flag and and Episcopal Church flag as well as indoor stands for the main lobby where they can be stored when the church is not opened. Our goal is $1,800: $900 per flag set (flag, pole, stand, and mount). Donations can be for an entire flag set, or any partial amount.

If you would like to make a donation (as memorial, thanksgiving, or anonymous), please speak with Father Tripp or make your check payable to St Columba's earmarked "outdoor flag." We would love to have these out in time for our 20th anniversary celebration this September. If you have any questions, please contact Father Tripp {email or 770-861-6399}

Sunday School Teachers Needed for Fall Start

Teacher Meeting: August 13

We need 8 more teachers for our Sunday school program for children and teenagers this coming school year. The Sunday school year begins after Labor Day.

We'll have an organizational meeting for teachers between the 8.30 and 10.00 am Masses on Sunday, 13 August. Please consider teaching this Fall. Contact Kristen Weems (email) or Father Tripp (email) for more details.

Summer Outreach

“Summertime, … and the livin’ is easy.” 

So the saying goes, but summertime is not so easy for the more than 8,600 Forsyth County low-income students who lose access to breakfast, lunch and after-school meals. Please help these kids by purchasing food items (suggested below) and placing them in the brown wicker basket in the Narthex. Needed items include: pancake mix and syrup, tomato soup, single serve snack crackers, variety pack of cold breakfast cereals, pack of individual applesauce or fruit cups, single -serve cups of shells and cheese, 1-pound packages of rice and/or pasta, cans of tuna or chicken. Your food donations will be transported weekly to The Place. If you have any questions about this program or have an interest in learning more about The Place, please contact Tom Dillon (770-888-3073).  

Serving On Sundays

Click the link below to volunteer to serve as Lector, Chalice Bearer, Acolyte, Thurifer, or Subdeacon at the 8.30 and/or 11.00 Masses. New volunteers are always welcome! Speak with Father Tripp or our verger, Jerry Adams, after Mass with any questions.

We would love to have more volunteers in all positions!!

Sunday Rota


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