Yoga/Mindfulness with Darlene

Sound Therapy with


Saturday, September 9th

9:00-10:15 A.M

59 Tariffville Rd. Bloomfield, CT

Classes are "all levels". Everyone Welcome. Yoga $11.00 cash/check

First class free, bring friends, share the joy!

What is Sound Therapy?

Sound Therapy is a form of energy healing through sound vibrations created by various percussion instruments. It has the potential to help us recognize and release things that we may be holding onto in our bodies and in our mind, clearing and making new pathways.

What are the benefits of Sound Therapy?

As in Yoga the benefits are:

Decreases blood pressure

Slows heart rate

Relaxes muscles

Reduces stress

Improves circulation

Improves your mood

The tide rises, the tide falls,

The twilight darkens, the curlew calls;

Along the sea-sands damp and brown

The traveller hastens toward the town,

And the tide rises, the tide falls

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, 1879 - excerpt