Chesapeake Bay Retreiver Relief & Rescue Inc.

Dedicated to all our dog moms, we thank you.

CBRR&R foster needs her Chessie Community's help

Sweet Chelsea Daisy needs orthopedic surgery.

You may remember Chelsea Daisy coming in as a neglect case and having suffered a broken leg that then did not heal correctly. Her veterinarians recommended she finish growing before surgery. Chelsea Daisy is almost one and the surgeons are saying it's time.

Chelsea Daisy had two orthopedic consults and the surgery estimate is $9063.68 → $9816.08. This estimate does not include the required pre-op CT scans or post-surgery rehabilitation. The total estimated cost for surgery and rehab is $12,000 - $13,000.

In both visits, amputation was discussed and both veterinarians agreed that would not be the best option for Chelsea. However, if no surgery is done shortly, Chelsea will develop more lameness and pain, and amputation will be the only option. Click to read more here.

Please help us raise money for Chelsea Daisy to have the needed surgery.

Lets give Sweet Chelsea Daisy the best first birthday, a strong leg to stand on, pain free.

Please Donate to help Chelsea Daisy

Silver Seniors Showcase

For our 25 year anniversary we are featuring our sweet senior souls. Every one has enriched our lives as our best friend, protector, wing-man, faithful companion.

Sweet Pea - 12 to 13 years old


Abigail "Abby" Lewis - 11 years

Princess Tikki

Princess Tikki Prineville 5

Princess Tikki




Arnold, Mira with rescue Siamese cat Kahuna

Junior - almost 9


Gunner - 12 years old




Wyatt - 9 years old


Aspen - 9 1/2 years

Aspen is even good with Grinch

Taylor and Kodi

Keep Sharing our "Silvers"

Send in your best alumni photos, silver-faced or younster, and you may just see them featured in our newsletters, on the website and on social media.

Please send your photos, and stories to Alumni Photos. Include your name, and dogs name, and state.

What we are thankful for...

Our first two Chessies were Hudson and Ella by Cynthia Riordan


Ella lived to 15 and was an incredible dog, expert at hunting, even killing a rattlesnake! Mostly, her prey were gophers, rabbits, mice, birds and one time, a big toad which we quickly released from her jaws. She would climb on the roof of her dog house to scare baby birds in a nest five feet above on our deck. She had the most welcoming smile that exposed her top front teeth while she nodded her head up and down to greet us or any guest coming down the driveway.

Hudson was our first Chessie and the most stubborn to train. When he had been naughty, he would run and jump in our pool to avoid being disciplined.

Once he was trained and had matured, he never required a leash and would walk by my side, accompanying me on many of my outdoor painting trips.


Everyone loved him and at 100 pounds, he was our most gentle dog.  

One time I was painting by a lake and a wild boar and her six babies were heading toward the lake. Hudson took off after them in a run. Fearing the mother’s defense of her babies, I yelled “Come” as commanding as I could. Hudson stopped and returned to me.

If another dog came on our property, his standard practice was to run and head butt the dog, which always resulted in the dog leaving. He never growled or snarled. 

Hudson was obsessed with balls and never tired of us throwing them into the pool so he could jump in after. When we wanted to stop and took the ball away, he would find enormous rocks and drop them in the deep end for us to retrieve.

CBRR&R Anniversary Gear

25th Anniversary Dog Bowl & Waterbottles

25th Anniversary Gear from our Bonfire Swag Store

Order Yours Today

2024 CBRR&R Board of Directors

President – Liz Krizenesky

Vice President – Sarah Scheel Cook

Treasurer – Dianna Haley

Secretary – Lisa Nicol

Member – Lisa Bernardez

Member – Paul Shank

Member – Richard Wootten

Member – Bert Keldgord

Contact the Board

Facebook  Instagram

CBRR&R| P.O. Box 50892, Amarillo TX 79159 |