You may remember Chelsea Daisy coming in as a neglect case and having suffered a broken leg that then did not heal correctly. Her veterinarians recommended she finish growing before surgery. Chelsea Daisy is almost one and the surgeons are saying it's time.
Chelsea Daisy had two orthopedic consults and the surgery estimate is $9063.68 → $9816.08. This estimate does not include the required pre-op CT scans or post-surgery rehabilitation. The total estimated cost for surgery and rehab is $12,000 - $13,000.
In both visits, amputation was discussed and both veterinarians agreed that would not be the best option for Chelsea. However, if no surgery is done shortly, Chelsea will develop more lameness and pain, and amputation will be the only option. Click to read more here.
Please help us raise money for Chelsea Daisy to have the needed surgery.