May 10, 2024

Construction Safety Week

Thank you to everyone who has highlighted the foundational nature of safety in construction this week, and promoting this year's theme of "Value Every Voice!"


AGC-Legislative Priority Heading to Governor Walz

The AGC Government Affairs team is thrilled to report our worker safety and underground utility legislation was passed this week by both the House and the Senate and is on its way to the Governor for his signature! The bill was included in the transportation policy conference committee report, which is the final product when a select group of Representatives and Senators negotiate between their respective positions on a bill or multiple bills within an issue area. In this case, they came to an agreement on transportation policy issues, and the full House and Senate then voted to approve. The conference committee report that includes the safety and underground utility bill received broad bipartisan support- and unanimous support in the Senate. (97-30 vote in the House and 67-0 in the Senate) In the era of divisive politics, it’s important to highlight this area of agreement for our bill and many other transportation issues.

Go here or the full language: HF 3436 transportation policy conference committee report (pages 66-73).

Governor Walz will receive the bill in the coming days for his consideration and signature.

Stay tuned for future opportunities to celebrate and learn about these important safety updates and changes.

Thank you to all of our AGC members and allies for helping to push this across the finish line after years of advocacy! 

67-0 vote in the Senate

97-30 vote in the House

The Transportation Alliance, AGC, and other infrastructure advocates gathered at AGC and the Capitol to push for a bonding bill this session. 

Bonding Bill Status


As usual, capital investment and bonding bill negotiations are coming down to the wire. This last week, the House Ways and Means Committee approved their bill that included $930 million overall. There is still a lot to be worked out, namely the overall number and local designated projects. As a reminder, a bonding bill (using general obligation bonds for the state) requires a three-fifths majority of each legislative body to pass. This requires votes from the minority party, in addition to the majority party. A capital investment package, if agreed to and passed, is almost always the last piece of legislation passed during session.

AGC will be issuing an action alert next week to urge passage of a capital investment package that gets the state back on track. Please take a minute to send to your legislators! 

Legislature's Final Week


Next week represents the final week of the legislative session. Only five legislative days remain out of the 120-day limit for the two-year biennium. A legislative day is a day when either the House or Senate meet on the Floor. Floor session days will be long next week and leaders will meet behind the scenes to negotiate remaining issues. They must adjourn sine die on Monday, May 20, and it’s expected that they will work up until 11:59 PM on Sunday, May 19. The legislature cannot pass any bills on their final day. Monday, May 20 with likely be reserved for retirement speeches by outgoing Representatives. The legislature must adjourn sine die on Monday, May 20.

Join the AGC Legislative Committee for their final meeting during session on Thursday, May 16 to get the latest information. Contact Laura Ziegler for the Zoom link. 


Labor Updates

AGC has reached tentative agreements with the trades it works with. A copy of the summary of these settlements is available on our website under Union Documents

We are finalizing our uniformized wage sheets. Those that are complete are posted on our website under Union Documents. The remaining should be completed next week as questions and final reviews are completed.

If you are an AGC member and do not have access to the above web page, please contact Renee for login credentials.


Minneapolis Fed Construction Survey: Free Webinar

The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis will host a free webinar on Tuesday, May 21 (9:00 a.m.) to discuss the results of their most recent Construction Sector Outlook survey.

Let's Talk Rental Agreements


We’re entering peak landscaping season. This brings a checklist of necessary items, particularly attachments. Renting equipment offers a smart solution for acquiring non-standard attachments, enabling you to tailor your machines to your project’s requirements. Our rental equipment boasts an extensive array of attachments, saving you from purchasing items you might rarely use. Read more

By Taylor Kelenic

Scholarship Application Closes NEXT FRIDAY!

The application form for 2024-2025 AGC of Minnesota Foundation scholarships is open until next Friday, May 17. Please share with any young people pursuing a degree in the construction industry!


Registration is open for all of the following events.

Secure your sponsorship or registration before events are sold out!

Summer Networking Event - July 10

(Hoops Brewing Co. | Duluth)

Join the AGC Board of Directors and your industry colleagues for some informal networking!

Golf Tournament - August 2

(Keller Golf Course | Maplewood)

SOLD OUT for golfers, but sponsorship opportunities are still available!

St. Paul Saints Game - August 7

(CHS Field | St. Paul)

Join AGC and MBEX members for an afternoon of Minnesota Twins AAA baseball against the Columbus Clippers!

Sporting Clays Fundraiser - Sept 11

(Minnesota Horse & Hunt Club | Prior Lake)

Register your team of 5 to join us at the 25th Annual Sporting Clays Fundraiser to benefit the AGC of Minnesota Foundation!

Fall Networking Event - October 10

(Somerby Golf Club | Byron)

Join the AGC Board of Directors and your industry colleagues for some informal networking!

Holiday Reception - December 4

(Minneapolis Event Center)

Raise a glass to another year in the industry together with your peers!

AGC Honors 2025 - February 18

(317 on Rice Park Event Center | St. Paul)

Join us as we honor award recipients!   


2025 Minnesota Construction Summit

February 19-20

(St. Paul RiverCentre)

Don't miss the industry event of the year! 


2025 Minnesota Construction Summit

February 19-20

(St. Paul RiverCentre)

Don't miss the industry event of the year! 


Thank You to our 2024 Annual Partners!


Don't Miss These Events!

Register now for these upcoming AGC events:

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Associated General Contractors of Minnesota 

525 Park Street, Suite 110 |  St. Paul, MN 55103