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Dearly and Forever Beloved,
Contrary to popular opinion, The God of the Hebrew Bible Loves us with a deep love. It would be impossible for Jesus to be love incarnate, if that weren’t so.  And when we listen to the prophets, we can Hear it for ourselves:
The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.”  Long ago the Lord said to Israel: “ I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.” Jeremiah 31: 3
Let us pray:
Dear Lord Jesus,
How can I ever go anywhere else but to you to find the love I so desire! How can I expect from people as sinful as myself a love that can touch me in those hidden corners of my being? Who can wash me clean as you do and give me food and drink as you do? Who wants me to be so close, so intimate, and so safe as you do? Oh Lord, your love is not an intangible love, a love that remains words and thoughts. No, Lord, your love is a love that comes from your human heart. It is a heartfelt love that expresses itself through your whole being. You speak... You look... You touch... You give me food. Yes, you make your love a love that reaches all the senses of my body and holds me as a mother holds her child, embraces me as a father embraces his son, and touches me as a brother touches his sister and brother.
Oh dear Jesus, your heart is only love. I see you; I hear you; I touch you. With all my being, I know that you love me. I trust in you, Lord, but keep helping me in my many moments of distrust and doubt. They are there and will be there every time I turn my eyes, ears, or hands away from you. Please, Lord, keep calling me back to you, by day and by night, in joy and in sadness, during moments of success and moments of failure. Never let me leave you. I know you walk with me. Help me walk with you today, tomorrow, and always.
From the book Heart Speaks to Heart by John Henry Newman
So much love,
Mo. Nikki+

Email Migration

This weekend, Nikki and Kendall's email addresses will be migrating from one platform/server to another (not by their choice!). Chances are, this will not go as smoothly as promised. Please be patient as we navigate this process!

Remember Children’s Sunday School resumes this Sunday (Sept. 10) for current Kindergarteners through 6th Graders.  K-2nd will meet in one class; 3rd-6th in the other.  Come to the Children’s Chapel at 9:15 for gathering before classes divide. 

PARENTS: We ask you to stop by, at your convenience, and fill out a registration sheet for your child for the year, so our contact records are updated.  We are grateful for our Sunday School teachers and shepherds who love our children each week!

This Sunday, we will have a "Promotion Blessing" during the 10:30 AM Worship for:

   -all children who will be "promoting" from the Preschool Ministry to the Children's Ministry (kindergartners)

   -all who will be "promoting" from the Children's Ministry to the Youth Ministry (6th or 7th Graders)

   -all students who may be "promoting" from youth ministry to young adult ministry (recent graduates)

Outreach Committee Meeting & Opportunities

St. Gregory’s Outreach Committee organizes hands-on support for several worthwhile local ministries. This Fall, we will be seeking donations to the Barnett Shoals Elementary School Clothes Closet. During the year, we try to find parishioners to help with Family Promise, the alliance of local churches working to help homeless families achieve sustainable independence, Our Daily Bread, a mission that prepares and serves meals to the needy in one of our Athens churches, Athens Area Emergency Food Bank, the service to which our Little Red Wagon is dedicated, filled and delivered, and others. As is always true in providing for the “least of these,” we constantly need more in-person help. 

If you are interested in joining us in these- or other- Outreach efforts, please come to our next Outreach Committee Meeting, immediately following the 10:30 service, in the Christian Education Building Library, on Sunday, September 10, 2023.

You may also contact Susanne Burton or Gail Eilers with questions or to volunteer to help.

Seeking Nominations to the Vestry

The Nominating Committee is developing a list of potential nominees to the Vestry for a three year term beginning 2024. We want your recommendations. With those nominations and with recommendations from the current Vestry, the Nominating Committee will assemble a slate of four eligible candidates to replace the four outgoing Vestry members. The slate of nominees will be presented to the congregation before the end of the year, and the congregation will vote on the slate at our Annual Meeting in January, 2024. As specified in our Bylaws, the slate of four candidates will be elected collectively, not as individuals, so the election isn't competitive.

Not only can you nominate parishioners--with their permission--to be considered for the Vestry, you can self-nominate. That is, you can offer your own name in nomination to the Vestry.

Eligible candidates for membership on the Vestry, as stipulated in our parish Bylaws must:

* be confirmed communicants in good standing in the parish,

* be at least 18 years old,

* regularly attend church services,

* and have made and fulfilled a financial commitment (a pledge) to the church in the past year.

To submit your name or that of theirs in the parish for possible membership on the Vestry, simply send it to a member of the Nominating Committee: Wade McGlamery, Karen Brill, John Bray, Mark Richardson, LeeAnne Krause, or Nikki Mathis

Please send us your nominations by Friday, September 22.


The Finance Committee will meet in the office next to Kendall’s after the 10:30AM service this Sunday, Sept. 10. Anyone is welcome to join!

Come join us this month, on Friday, September 15, when we will watch Come From Away (2021) (for real this time!). “7000 passengers are stranded after the 9/11 terrorist attacks in a small town in Newfoundland, where they were housed and welcomed. Based on a true story.” Join us in Parish Hall and enjoy some popcorn and soft drinks - or bring a blanket and a picnic dinner! The movie begins promptly at 7pm.

Meridian Women's Chorus

Director Stacie Court invites all women to join the Meridian Women's Chorus. We meet on Thursdays from 12:30 - 1:45 at Holy Cross Lutheran Church on West Lake Drive. We start rehearsals for the fall on Thursday, September 7; our annual Tapestry Concert is Saturday, December 2. For more information, please contact Stacie Court via email or 706-424-9516.

lifelong christian faith formation

for children, youth and adults


a complex maze

we each learn in

different ways

a challenge when

a lone pursuit

for the novice

and the astute


for study then

a benefit

time and again

with leadership

to help us through

christians mature

both old and new

alice mohor

Counter needed

Someone to count a week’s worth of contributions to St. Gregory the Great.

 Counters work together in pairs, and a new counter will be paired with an experienced counter. Counting takes about 30 minutes, and counters work just once a month. Our new counter is needed to start in September (or October at the latest).  One of our current counters is willing to be flexible about when she counts, so our new counter can choose to volunteer during the week after the 2nd Sunday of the month or during the week after the 4th Sunday of the month. This is not a difficult task. Counting partners determine together a mutually convenient time to meet in the copy room in the Parish Hall to count during their week. If you want to talk with an experienced counter, talk with Jane Hudson, Mark Reinberger, Maggie Reinberger, Stacie Court, Angela Greene, Lois Alworth, Katie Hein, Gail Eilers, or Alice Mohor. Contact Jane Hudson to volunteer.

The Athens Area Emergency Food Bank needs paper bags, canned tuna, canned tomatoes, and cooked cereals (i.e. grits, oatmeal)! Please help us fill the Little Red Wagon!

Adult Sunday School

Adult Discussion Group: (Parish Hall) The Adult Spiritual Formation Sunday morning Bible Study group meets at 9:15AM and is currently on a journey through The Gospel of John. Please join us! 

Lectionary Class: (Library) The lectionary class meets in the Library at 9:15AM. We study the assigned readings for each Sunday. Please contact Les House at 478-733-2939 or via email if you have any questions. 

Instructions for Live Streaming

  • Near the time for service, underneath our channel logo, you will see our video for that day, with the word ‘live’ on it. The page will look like this:

  • If you don’t immediately see the video that says ‘live’, (for instance, if you opened YouTube before the service begins) keep refreshing it.  

  • When you see the video square that says ‘live’, click on it. 

Welcome to worship!

Meeting Opportunities

Parish community offerings via Zoom or in person:

* Fall Community Yoga The fourth class of every month will be chair yoga. ALL are welcome! The class is free, but I am again accepting donations that will go toward purchasing more class props, and a carpet sweeper. Please bring your own yoga mat. 

   Schedule: September 4th – November 27th, MONDAY nights at 5:30 

Contact Anna Hiers for information, or if you would like to have the Zoom link. Feel free to share this information with your friends.

* Blindspot Group Our 20s and 30s group meets on the last Thursday of each month at 6:30PM for dinner and a small group study (usually off-site of the church). We also meet at least once a month for game nights, dinner and drinks, movie nights, and more. Newcomers are always welcome! Contact Wade McGlamery, 770-624-4837 for more information.

Hebrew Reading meets via Zoom on Wednesdays from 1-3PM. If you're interested, email Joel Hunt for more info!

Stacie Court hosts "Let's Chat!" for women of the parish. The days and time vary, and not everyone can join every time, but everyone is welcome to join whenever they can! Email Stacie!

* St. Gregory's Book Club meets the first Friday of the month in Parish Hall @ 7PM ongoing for the foreseeable future. Exception: September's meeting will be Sept. 8th.  Email Lois Alworth if you are interested in participating.

*Threads of Prayer meets on the 1st Tuesdays of the month @1PM! We'll meet outside if the weather is good and inside the Christian Ed building if the weather is bad. Email Annette Bates if you are interested in participating. All knitters and crocheters welcome!

*Men's Group: 9AM on Saturdays. 1st & 3rd Saturdays at St. Gregory's library and 2nd & 4th & 5th Saturdays at the Somerville's house ! Email Peter Rice

* group(s) meeting in person

Acolyte Sign-Up

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St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church |
706.546.7553 |