"He is not here: for he is risen." - Matthew 28:6
Dear friends,
In the Gospel of Matthew, we read how an angel appeared to the women at the tomb early that first Easter morning. The angel explained to them that Jesus was not there because he had been raised from the dead, just as he said! Matthew tells us that the women hurried away from the tomb, afraid yet filled with joy.
That's what the resurrection does. It takes our fear, our worry, our hurt, our sadness...and it puts it all into perspective. The fact that Jesus is risen from the dead, that he was victorious over death and sin, is reason to celebrate. It's that fact that gives us joy despite our circumstances and through whatever we may face. What happened on that first Easter day still brings us joy and it still changes lives today.
I hope you will join us on Easter Sunday to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, that you will be filled with joy no matter what your circumstances, no matter what you face. Invite a friend to come to share in the joy. Rejoice and sing as we celebrate how Jesus still changes lives today.
This week’s opportunities:
-Maundy Thursday: 7:00 pm – The Lord’s Supper
-Good Friday Prayer Walk: 12:00 pm beginning in the sanctuary
-Community Sunrise service: 7:00 am at Memorial Park (at end of Farnsworth),
bring a lawn chair. Breakfast to follow at Zion Lutheran Church.
-Easter Sunday Service: 10:30 am at Waterville UMC
In Christ,
Pastor Teresa
A Hoppy Note for anyone who may be searching for that perfect church...
Stop hopping around like the Easter bunny from church to church looking for the perfect place. It does not exist! Join an imperfect church to serve and worship a perfect God with a congregation of flawed people who need grace as much as you do.
Please know that all are welcomed just the way you are here at Waterville United
Methodist Church. We are family ... a multi-generational family filled with grace, love and understanding. Here at Waterville UMC, we embraced all with peace, love upon our neighbors and dedicated to being the church... inside and outside the walls.
Make a friend, be a friend, bring a friend to Christ.