States, territories and tribes receive Section 319 grant money to support a wide variety of activities – such as technical assistance, education, training and monitoring – for specific nonpoint source implementation projects. During this episode, hear about the role of local support, volunteer monitoring, and building strong partnerships that make nonpoint programs succeed.
About our guests:
Steve Konrady joined the Iowa Department of Natural Resources Water Quality Bureau in 2016 and is currently the western Iowa basin coordinator for the Water Quality Improvement Section. His duties include managing several regional and statewide water projects funded by multiple federal grants to Iowa from the U.S. EPA, including the Section 319 grant.
Michaela Lambert is the nonpoint source and basin team section supervisor with the Kentucky Division of Water. In this role, she oversees the implementation of Kentucky’s Nonpoint Source program, including the Clean Water Act Section 319(h) Nonpoint Source Grant Program, education and outreach initiatives, and basin coordination efforts for Kentucky’s major river basins.