The Ram Page

May 10, 2024

Bi-Monthly Newsletter for Garces Families, Students, Alumni & Friends

Important Dates

May 7th - 10th

Senior Exams

May 9th

FFA Awards Banquet

May 15th

Baccalaureate Mass

May 16th


May 16th-17th

Junior Exams

May 17th

Grad Nite - Six Flags

May 21st-24th

Final Exams

May 23rd

Junior Servant Leadership Day

May 24th

Junior Step Up Mass

May 24th

Final Day of Regular School Year

June 3rd - July 3rd

Summer Session

August 7th

First day of 2024-25 School Year

Follow us on our social media sites to stay up to date on the latest updates from Garces Memorial

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Message from the Office of the Principal

Garces Families, Alumni and Friends,

As the end of the year comes to a close at Garces Memorial, we are excited to host events to honor and recognize our Senior Class of 2024. This group of students is definitely going to be missed. In talking to the Garces staff this week there are many sad, but proud, faces. Teachers continue to say, “this Senior class is special '' and “I am going to miss this group” . 

We all wish the class of 2024 all the best in their future endeavors. I have no doubt you will make us proud. You are and will always be part of the Ramily!


Graduations Events:


May 15th: Baccalaureate Mass (7:30 PM in the Quad)

May 16th: Graduation (7:30 PM at Sam Tobias Field)


I would also like to say thank you to our staff. Your dedication and passion inspire us all, and I am truly grateful for the privilege of working alongside such an extraordinary team of educators. As we look ahead to the future, I am confident that together, we will continue to strive for excellence, innovation, and student success. Your unwavering commitment to our school's mission and vision is the driving force behind our continued growth and success, and I am honored to have you as partners in this journey.


This has been an exciting year as a Principal of Garces Memorial, and I look forward to next year! 

Noel Leon


Message from the Senior Class President

A Farewell Message from Jade Jamieson

It has been a busy couple of weeks as we prepare for the Class of 2024 to wrap up their high school careers as Garces Rams. On Friday, May 3rd we honored our seniors by celebrating their plans after high school. An impressive number of colleges and universities were represented by our students along with the armed forces. Senior Class President Jade Jamieson addressed her classmates with a walk down memory lane and heartfelt farewell to Garces.

Good morning parents, family, friends, teachers and other staff. I want to say without your support, love and faith in us, none of us would be here today. It was you who instilled in us the need for hard work and dedication, which is very evident in our success here. I’m very honored to speak here today on what I know is a very special day.

It is funny to think back to when we started here four years ago, awkward, immature, nervous, full of insecurities, bad haircuts.But look at us now. We are so good we even brought Mr. Fannuchi out of retirement to come hang with us.

So let us reflect on what we have accomplished in our short time here. We have matured so much, not just physically, but socially and emotionally as well. I feel our class has made a positive impact on the school and the community. For the first time ever in Garces history, two female ASB

co-presidents. On the sports level, so many valley championships one of our classmates needs two hands for all her Division 1 rings. Football making the Division 1 playoffs for the first time. Boys and girls water polo winning championships.

And so many of our classmates are so involved with the rising programs of FFA and PLTW. For those who don’t know, we recently had a classmate receive his first three catholic sacraments in front of the school. And we can’t forget we have the best high school barber in town EC cuts. We will be remembered for our school spirit, sense of humor, dedication to succeed, and our sometimes questionable antics. I feel we have raised the bar for future classes.

When I think of Garces I think how well it has prepared us for the future and what a fantastic family atmosphere there is that surrounds everything.

For a minute, let us go back to freshman year one more time with Mr.C, with the question of the day? What are you going to miss about Garces? Is it a love/hate relationship with Mr. Garcia? Love the guy…..hate all the material. Maybe you miss the glue aka MrsThompson who does everything and literally seems to hold everything together. Or maybe the candy and hug from Mrs Durrett. Perhaps it's your favorite teacher, “ mi maestra favorita la señorita Salazar. Or maybe it’s the Herd on a football Friday. The rallies. All the egg toss competitions in the quad. Or maybe it’s something so simple as a cafeteria cookie.

I would like to recognize all of my classmates. We are such a diverse group. We have classmates going to the Army, junior colleges, trade schools, and major universities like UCLA and Notre Dame. Our future is bright. I pray our Catholic faith will guide us in our next chapters and in all our challenges, especially in this ever changing world. My hope is that none of us forget the times we have spent together and that we cherish these times.

Student News

Company G - The Little Mermaid

The crazy May weather couldn't stop Company G from performing for three nights the fun musical The Little Mermaid. As they say "the show must go on." Congratulations to the cast and crew of Company G on an outstanding job. Your creative talents and commitment to the arts...impressive! Your company G performers and crew:

Ariel - Jocelyn Sala

Sebastian - Brandon Antongiovanni

Ursula - Jordan Manning

Prince Eric - Colby Hughes

King Triton - Isaac Rodriguez

Flounder - Yoly Cazares

Scuttle & Sea Creature - Charlie Anspach

Grimsby -Yovanni Nguyen

Chef Louis and Aquata - Aurora Velazquez

Adella & Princess - Reece Yaksitch

Arista & Princess- Kelsey Buena

Alana & Princess - Talia Escalante

Attiona & Princess - Ella Escalante

Andrina & Princess - Kyralisa Riel

Carlotta & Sea Creature- Analiese Arredando

Pilot, Sea Creature, Sailor & Seagull - Tristin Leija Stephens

Sea Creature, Sailor & Seagulls- Emery New

Sea Creature & Sailor- Alayna Burris

Tech Crew: Esme Gohn-Rosales, Steven Fogel, Madie Aralar, Emma Villanueva, Luke O'Reilly

Juniors Sponsor Diaper Drive

Support this junior class project by dropping off diapers sizes newborn to size 7. All donations will help families supported by Bakersfield Pregnancy Center.

BSU Teams Up with JCW Kicks

BSU Teamed Up with JCW Kicks for an Epic Rally at Thompson Jr High as BSU and JCW joined forces to kickstart an unforgettable rally! But that's not all—imagine the thrill as the students not only engaged in exciting games but also had the honor of listening to none other than hometown hero Carl Jones Jr.!


Fresh off his drafting into the Chicago Bears, Carl Jones Jr. took the stage, igniting the room with his passion and wisdom. He shared invaluable insights, emphasizing the crucial role of wise choices and unwavering dedication in the pursuit of dreams. His message? Always give 100% in everything you do—because that's the secret to turning dreams into reality!

As cheers soared, it was evident that today wasn't just about fun and games—it was about empowering the next generation of champions to reach for the stars. With BSU, JCW, and Carl Jones Jr. leading the charge, the future looks brighter than ever for the young stars of Bakersfield! BSU will continue to be active during the summer and more events. The UCLA campus tour was cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances and BSU will look to reschedule a campus tour. Club moderator is Mrs. Silver Edwards at 

Latina Leaders of Kern Club

This week marked an amazing milestone for four students. Cynthia Ramirez, Sophia Castellanos, Olivia Garcia, and Hernandez participated in a educational year-long journey of leadership growth and empowerment. All students participated in the Latina Leaders of KernCounty Youth Leadership Program and celebrated the graduation of all four exceptional students! Their adventure included immersive Saturday workshops on topics such as financial literacy, self-defense tactics, fostering healthy relationships, teen wellness, mastering first impressions, and more! In addition, they also embarked on two unforgettable field trips to UCSB campus and the awe-inspiring Cesar Chavez monument. These girls aren't just leaving with certificates; they're departing armed with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to conquer any challenge that comes their way. Congrats to all these girls! Latina Leaders of Garces will continue to be active as they close out the year with one final meeting. Club moderator is Mrs. Silver Edwards at

Summer School

10 Unit High School Courses

Summer Camps for 3rd - 8th Graders

Garces will hold Summer School again this year. Our ten-unit classes will run from June 3rd - July 3rd. Please get in touch with Mrs. Denise Limi with any questions about the high school classes.

The Summer Camps for 3rd through 8th graders are one week long beginning June 3rd. Please get in touch with Mr. John Fanucchi with any questions regarding Summer Camps.

Questions about high school athletic summer classes can be directed to the team coach or Garces Interim Athletic Director, Mrs. Joan Finch.

Registration is open online at

Uniform Sale Day

Monday, May 13th from 1:30 to 6:30 is the ONLY DAY NORMAN'S WILL BE ON CAMPUS! Norman’s Uniform will be on campus for all lower-body uniforms; skirts, pants, and shorts. They will bring inventory that day so you can purchase or order. This is the only day they will be here on campus.

The Student Store will also be open during those same hours on Monday and will also be open on Tuesday the 14th from 1:30 to 6:30. You can purchase all upper body items now through the end of the school year. After May 24th the Student Store will be closed for the summer. Purchase on May 13th or 14th or before school gets out please. There is only in store purchases (no online purchases for Garces Student Store).

Monday, May 13th 1:30 to 6:30

Norman’s Uniform in MLH (cafeteria) Skirts, shorts and pants

Student Store (located by the pool) All other items

Tuesday, May 14th 1:30 to 6:30

Student Store only

All old gently used uniforms, spirit wear and text books are welcomed back so please bring those items our way when you start emptying out the closets! Especially you seniors! Please drop them in the student store. Any questions please email Mr. Geissel at

No online or email orders accepted. Forms of payment are cash, credit card, ApplePay or check. 

Norman's Uniform is having a 10% off sale for orders over $200.

Click here to start shopping!

Re-Enrollment Information

Re-enrollment packets have been emailed to all returning families for the 2024-25 school year. If you did not receive one or have any questions or concerns, please contact Sherry Burns at 327-2578 Ext. 109 or email If you have questions about tuition, please contact Laura Lee at 327-2578 Ext. 124 or email

Teachers Honored

Garces is proud to announce the following educators are being recognized by their peers and Class of 2024.

Teacher of the Year : Has a minimum of eight years teaching experience. Is a full-time employee and is not retiring. Has been an advocate for all students. Has been supportive of students across all academic levels. Has provided outstanding service to his/her students, school and community.

John Fanucchi - Faculty Vote

Ms. Susana Salazar - Senior Class Vote

Rising Star Award: Has a minimum of 3 years, maximum of 7 years teaching experience. Is a full-time employee. Has been an advocate for all students. Has been supportive of students across all academic levels. Has provided outstanding service to his/her students, school and community.

Voted by their peers- Mrs. Ashleigh Rossi and Mrs. Caitlin Thompson

Congratulations to these outstanding individuals on this well deserved recognition!

John Fanucchi

Corrine Cattani Excellence in Teaching Award

Susana Salazar

Class of 2024 selection for Teacher of the Year

Ashleigh Rossi and

Caitlin Thompson

Shooting Stars

FFA Update

Provided by Kennedy Olney '24, FFA Reporter

SAE Showcase

As we wrap up the school year, Garces FFA is looking forward to new beginnings!


Our chapter is so excited to announce that we have two Garces FFA members serving on the Sectional officer team! Congratulations to Maddy Baeza who is our new Sectional President along with Sienna Surgener who is our Sectional Reporter. We are so endlessly proud of you! Our chapter is honored to be represented by two driven and passionate individuals!

Fun Farmers Academy

Get your grow on at our chapter’s Fun Farmers Academy summer camp! Open for 1st-8th graders, this enriching camp is full of agriculture activities, learning opportunities, and much more! Registration is available through Garces Summer School. We are so excited to meet our new Fun Farmers! 

Garces FFA Banquet

Monday May 13th in the quad! We can’t wait to honor our chapter’s hardworking and dedicated members!

Garces FFA’s SAE showcase was a huge success. Our members displayed their hard work through their SAE project boards. Thank you so much to all of our judges who devoted their time and support to our chapter! Congratulations to our Top SAE Finalists!

1.   Sophia Camou

2.   Gia Wattenbarger

3.   Analeina Lugo

4.   Sienna Surgener

5.   Presley Reed

6.   Mariana Etchemendy

7.   Melanie Haught

8.   Ava Etcheverry

9.   Ashby Lane

10.  Gigi Antongiovanni

Thank you to all of our members, parents, and Garces community who came to support! 

Farm Leadership Program

Six of our FFA members participated in the farms leadership program this year. They got the privilege to go on multiple industry tours, talk with industry professionals, and learn more about how agriculture plays a role in their daily lives. They were also taught about different careers they could pursue in the agriculture experience. Each and everyone of our participants had a great experience and can’t wait to be a part of the advanced farms leadership program next year!


Congratulations St. Francis Award Winners!

On Wednesday, May 8th Garces President, Steven Antongiovanni and Bakersfield Catholic Education Foundation Executive Director, Lou Ann Durrett attended the St. Francis 8th Grade Awards Ceremony. Mr. Antongiovanni was there to present three Garces awards to some very deserving students. The Valedictorian award to Nathaniel Catalan, The Salutatorian Award to Sienna Giumarra, and the Father Bernie Award to Anton Etcheverry.

Ms. Durrett was there to present the Carl and Barbara Fanucchi scholarship to Dylan Ralls. Congratulations to all of the St Francis students honored! We are so excited to have you on campus next Fall.

All Incoming Freshman Families

We know it can be overwhelming starting at a new school so please do not hesitate to contact our academic team if you have question. We are here to help!

Summer School link:

Garces Summer Session Enrollment

Uniform Sale:

Monday, May 13 - 1:30-6:30 - Norman's Uniforms in MLH for pants, shorts and skirts

Monday, May 13 - 1:30-6:30 - Garces Student Store for polos, dress shirts, outerwear, PE clothes, etc.

Tuesday, May 14 - 1:30-6:30 - Garces Student Store for polos, dress shirts, outerwear, PE clothes, etc.

Student schedules or academic questions:

Students with last name A-L - Dr. Ashley Pavletich at

Students with last name M-Z - Mrs. Candis Howlett at

You still have time to apply!

We are still accepting applications for the Class of 2028. If you are interested and would like more information call Tonya Abbott Director of Admissions at 661-327-2578 ext. 118, or email her at

Click here to begin the application process.

Transfer Students

Interested in transferring to Garces? We are now accepting applications for current high school students interested in attending Garces Memorial in the fall.

Click here to begin the application process to transfer to Garces.

Development Department


We have so many fun events scheduled for next year and we want to get the dates out to all of you so you can make sure not to miss out.

Monsignor Leddy Golf

Dinner & Man of the Year at Luigi's

Thursday, September 12th

Tournament at Bakersfield Country Club

Friday, September 13th


Friday, October 11th - Sam Tobias Field

Holy Smoke Fall BBQ

Thursday, October 15th - Garces Quad

Hall of Honor

Thursday, November 14th - Luigi's

Garces Gala

Saturday, March 15th - Garces Gym

Garces Annual Fund Drive

The end of the school year is almost here! For those of you who haven't had a chance to contribute to The Garces Fund and want to be included in our 2023-2024 Annual Report as a supporter of this year's Annual Fund Drive, please click on the button below. We appreciate your support for our little school on the hill.

The Garces Fund

This Week in Garces Athletics


The Garces Swim and Dive team had a very successful league and section championships.

At Varsity League Championships 4/26/2024:

Men 200 Medley Relay - 4th Place: Nick Garcia, Ben King, Colby Tenter, Jace Wimbish 1:50.87

Women 200 Free - 2nd Place: Katie McCarthy 2:01.56

Men 200 Free - 1st Place: Charlie Potter 1:44.91 (MOVE UP TO 4th on the Garces Top Times) & 2nd Place: Johnny Mendiburu 1:50.94

Men 200 IM - 2nd Place: Charlie Potter 1:58.85 (already holding first place with a 1:54.61) & 4th Place: Ben King 2:07.86

Women 50 Free - 2nd Place: Eden Coughran 24.56 (NOW 4th on Garces Top Times) & 4th Place: Sasha Mariani 25.92

Men 50 Free - 2nd Place: Clay Selvidge 22.12 (MOVE UP TO 4th on the Garces Top Times) & 3rd Place: Levi McKay 22.82

Men 100 Butterfly - 3rd Place: Clay Selvidge 56.56

Women 100 Free - 2nd Place: Eden Coughran 54.58 (NOW 5th on Garces Top Times) & 4th Place: Sasha Mariani 57.66

Men 100 Free - 3rd Place: Levi McKay 50.14

Women 500 Free - 2nd Place: Katie McCarthy 5:27.88

Men 500 Free - 4th Place: Johnny Mendiburu 5:10.91

Women 200 Freestyle Relay - 2nd Place: Sasha Mariani, Katie McCarthy, Cindy King, Eden Coughran 1:43.36

Men 200 Freestyle Relay - 1st Place: Levi McKay, Johnny Mendiburu, Charlie Potter, Clay Selvidge 1:29.35 (NOW 2nd on Garces Top Times)

Women 400 Freestyle Relay - 1st Place: Katie McCarthy, Cindy King, Sasha Mariani, Eden Coughran 3:47.32

Men 400 Freestyle Relay - 1st Place: Clay Selvidge, Johnny Mendiburu, Levi McKay, Charlie Potter 3:15.66 (NOW 5th on Garces Top Times)

Women 1m Diving – 2nd Place: Addison Roberts 369.45 & 3rd Place: Cianna Antongiovanni 356.25

Men 1m Diving – 2nd Place: Jagger Renteria 372.35


Girls Placed 2nd

Boys Placed 3rd

At Section Championships 5/3/2024:

Charlie Potter 4th in 200 Freestyle 1:40.71 (MOVE UP TO 1st on Garces Top Times)

Eden Coughran 8th in the 100 Freestyle 54.26 (NOW 3rd on Garces Top Times)

Cindy King, Eden Coughran, Sasha Mariani and Katie McCarthy got 7th in the 200 Freestyle Relay 1:44.22

Cindy King, Eden Coughran, Sasha Mariani and Katie McCarthy got 7th in the 400 Freestyle Relay 3:52.54

Charlie Potter, Johnny Mendiburu, Levi McKay and Ben King got 7th in the 400 Freestyle Relay 3:16.93

Addison Roberts got 5th in the 1m Diving

Jagger Renteria got 5th in the 1m Diving


Girls Placed 8th in the Central Section

Boys Placed 12th in the Central Section

Addison Roberts qualified for the State Championship in 1m Diving

Charlie Potter qualified for the State Championship in the 200 Freestyle

Boys Golf

The Garces boys golf team of 2024 has improved the most in league this year.Our top 3 Juniors of, Carson Sorci 73 avg Grant Periera 76 and Bennet Michaud 78 are all in the top 10 in league play. Our Senior and first year player Ian Harrison 85 , Sophomore Jackson Thorn 85 and freshman Vincent Merha 90 round out our top 6 for our tournament team. As a team we have qualified to compete in the upcoming Valley Championship. With our team's last score of a season best 381 our confidence is at the highest level. Rounding out our team are Freshman Matthew Rodriguez and Case Hoekstra who both competed in a league tournament. Followed by Jack McCaffery, Joseph Baird and Tristan Leija-Stevens who are making great strides and will compete next year.

Boys Tennis

Brysen and Josh beat Stockdale and BHS last weekend in the area tournament. They advance to the Central Section Boys Tennis Championships in San Luis Obispo today and tomorrow. Their hard work and dedication to tennis has given them a 6th seeding in the tournament and we couldn't be more proud. Good Luck!


Softball finished the River League season yesterday with two games against Stockdale, with Tuesday being senior night. The Rams will celebrate seniors Emme Roberts and Jami Kelley. Roberts and Freshman Reese Bowles are two of the team’s hottest hitters in the homestretch. Be on the lookout for our potential playoff berth.


The baseball team played Stockdale this week. We honored our three seniors, Cooper Carter, Jack Gonzales, and Andrew Witt, prior to Tuesday night’s game. We appreciate their commitment to the Garces baseball program and wish them well in the future endeavors.

Track and Field

Good luck to AM Beebe(triple jump, long jump,100m) and Sophia Moody(1600m) as they compete in the CIF Division IV Championship at Caruthers High School, today.