July 2023

 The Monthly Newsletter of 
St. Francis-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church
Malvern, Pennsylvania

Our Vision:  
We aspire to be a growing community, worshiping together, celebrating our diversity & lay ministries, and offering God's healing love to all people.
Our Mission: 
We seek to foster spiritual growth & renewal while spreading God's message of love, healing and peace.
“Rest for the Weary”
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
One of my father’s favorite passages of Scripture was Matthew 11:28 & 29. In fact, I remember him mentioning those verses dozens of times throughout the course of his life. (He passed away in 2015, just short of his 93rd birthday). From time to time, with a twinkle in his eye, he would mention that he was a charter member of the “SBC” which stood for “The Society of Burden Casters.” I’m not sure an organization by that name ever existed, but I’d suggest it certainly is an apt description of all of us whatever phase of life we are in or whatever the circumstances with which we are faced. Here are two translations of those verses:
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (NIV) 
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.” (The Message by Eugene Peterson). 
In the multitude of invitations we receive every day to do this or do that, I’m praying that the invitation Jesus offers will be the one to which we respond with increasing frequency! Perhaps we should all join the “Society of Burden Casters” and find our true rest in Him!
As I have mentioned previously, Nina and I have found great blessing in reading a daily devotional called A Diary Of Private Prayer by John Baillie. Here is a phrase from the 27th morning that seems especially appropriate regarding burdens. “Give me a stout heart to bear my own burdens. Give me a willing heart to bear the burdens of others. Give me a believing heart to cast all burdens upon Thee.”
As we continue to enjoy the different rhythms of life that summer and sabbatical provide, I wanted to share this Collect (Prayer) For The Good Use Of Leisure:
“O God, in the course of this busy life, give us times of refreshment and peace; and grant that we may so use our leisure to rebuild our bodies and renew our minds, that our spirits may be opened to the goodness of your creation; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.” (BCP p. 825)
Grace and Peace,
Fr. John
For the calendar of events, please click the link below to the website.
July 1: Men’s Breakfast Fellowship

The next Men’s Fellowship Breakfast will be held on Saturday, July 1, at 9:00am, at the West Chester Diner (1147 West Chester Pike). This is BYOB (“Bring Your Own Bucks”).

All men of St. Francis are welcome to attend.
July 9: Outreach Narrative Budget Meeting

The Outreach Committee will meet Sunday, July 9 following the 10 am service in the Library. 
Register for the Blood Drive
at St. Francis on July 11!

St. Francis will host our next blood drive with the American Red Cross on Tuesday, July 11 from 2-7 pm. 

Please consider donating blood to help patients in need in our community. If you are healthy and eligible, roll up your sleeve, book your appointment at (search St. Francis Malvern) and become a part of the lifesaving mission of the Red Cross!

With questions, contact Sue Lenkaitis.
Congregational Renewal Activity

Please mark your calendars for Wednesday, July 12th (5:30PM-7:00PM) for our third guest speaker, Abdul Mughees from the Islamic Society of Chester County.

Abdul has been involved in interfaith work for two decades, presenting Islam and its various social and cultural aspects to faith-based organizations, and to local law enforcement and legislators, promoting a better understanding of Islam to make our communities more truly inclusive.

A light dinner will be provided so please use the sign-up sheet in the Narthex to RSVP. Thank you! 
Meadow Opportunity
Sometimes things just seem serendipitous - like the opportunity to work with the Willistown Conservation Trust (WCT) to plant a meadow of native flowers and grasses on about a half acre of our church yard. We learned of the grant WCT had just received to help landowners establish meadows on their properties at our April "Brown Bag Lunch".
It was just last fall that the landscape narrative budget document stated that we wanted to use our church funds to strengthen our environmental practices and to develop partnerships with local conservation agencies.
This summer the parish will be exploring the benefits, challenges and costs of installing a meadow, in areas away from the cemetery and garden. If the decision is "yes" to go ahead and partner with the WCT, then we will sign a contract and set up a timeline for planting. 
All parishioners are encouraged to educate themselves about meadows and to participate in discussions.

  • Check out the WCT wildflower-week/ from July 17-23. Click Here
  • Visit Tony and Sharon Fernandes' home meadow on Sunday, Aug 6 after Service and coffee hour. Sign ups will be available in the Narthex.
  • Read books about the importance of native grasses and plants to birds, bees and other pollinators.

Keep an eye out for additional information over the next few months.
Chanticleer Guided Tour

We will have a parish renewal activity on Saturday July 22, featuring a picnic lunch and guided tour of Chanticleer Gardens in Wayne.

We will meet at St. Francis at 12:30pm to carpool, arrive and enjoy our box lunches in the picnic area by 1:00, and begin our tour at 2:00pm. Bring your cameras to capture where you see God in this beautiful local gem.

You may sign-up in the narthex or call the church office. As Chanticleer limits its tours to twelve individuals, please do not invite guests who are not a part of St. Francis.

If we have more than twelve St. Francis members who are interested, we will pursue a second outing.
The Landscaping Narrative Budget Meeting will be Tuesday, July 25 from 10 - 11 am in the Library. If you're interested in the Landscaping of the church, please attend.

Please join us for a Francis and Friends Fellowship Event at the home of Mike and Jill Quinn on July 28 from 6 o’clock to 9:00 PM. The Quinn’s live at 39 Wistar Rd. in Paoli.
Please bring your own beverage and an appetizer to share. Soft drinks, water will be provided. 

You’re asked to park at the dentist parking lot two driveways before the Quinns' house.

We are looking forward to seeing you all at this fun gathering!
Vacation Bible School at St. Francis 
Contacts: Sherri Lewis and Jill Quinn
We are excited to announce that St. Francis is offering Vacation Bible School this summer! It will be held Monday, August 14th thru Thursday, August 17th from 9:00 am to 11:30am. Our curriculum is from Grow Kids and the theme is On the Case. The children will act as detectives to solve the mystery of how to grow with God through some of Jesus' Parables.

Vacation Bible School is open to ages 4 & 5 and grades K thru 5. Registration opens Monday, June 12th and forms will be available on our website and at church.

If you have grandchildren, neighbors, friends or family who may be interested, please spread the word!
Vacation Bible School is the first step in our strategy to rebuild our Church School program, which we plan to relaunch in September (start date to be announced later this summer.)

Church School will be held once a month initially, as we build the program and assess interest and attendance.
Summer Fellowship

Volunteers are needed for 8/27 to supply lemonade and/or iced tea and snacks after the 10 a.m. service during the summer months. 

If you are interested in helping with Summer Fellowship please sign-up in the Narthex.
FRIDAY EVENING: August 25, 2023 6PM-9PM

The Committee is planning an informal and relaxing evening of fun, pizza, popcorn, singing around the campfire, S’mores and a family-friendly movie.

All ages are welcome, including friends and neighbors.

Sign-up sheet and more details to come in July.

Fr. John and Nina will lead a "mini" retreat designed to help us respond to the wonderful invitations by Jesus to rest in Him.

Here are two examples of invitations He issued. "Come away with me for a while to a quiet place and get some rest." (Mark 6:31). "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”. (Matthew 11:28). 

The plan is to have a combination of Scripture readings, prayer, meditation, singing some songs, and reading poetry. As someone wisely stated, "We need to slow down to catch up with God”. 

This "mini" retreat will be a time to do just that, and come away refreshed, revived, and renewed

Sign-up sheet and more details to come in July.
Brown Bag Lunches
Earlier this year Fr. Kevin was elected Dean of the Brandywine Deanery to serve a three year term. His job is to be the liaison between the rectors of these churches and the Bishop of our Diocese, Bishop Gutierrez. Kevin meets with the Bishop monthly and shares information he receives from the Bishop with the other parishes. In addition, he provides pastoral care to any priest in our Deanery who seeks him out.
Representatives of the 15 churches in the Brandywine Deanery meet monthly, the first Tuesday of each month, to share information from their parishes and from the Bishop.
Brown Bag Lunches have traditionally been held on the first Tuesday of each month. In order to make it possible for Fr. Kevin to attend the Deanery meeting and Brown Bag, when he wishes, Brown Bag will be held on the second Tuesday of the month.
Our first Brown Bag for the fall will be on Tuesday, September 12. Information about the program will be in the August Fieldnotes.
Book Group

The Book Group meetings for the fall will be on September 15, October 20, and November 17.
Our selection for September is The Book of Longings by Sue Monk Kidd.  Ana, the heroine of this historical novel is a brilliant woman with a daring spirit.  She meets, falls in love with Jesus, and they marry.  
Let’s play Pickleball!

Mondays at 5 pm weather permitting.

We will have extra equipment and all are welcome. No experience necessary.
July is Plastic Free Month!   
Plastic Free July is an international effort,started in Australia, to get people across the globe to cut back, or cut out, the use of single-use plastics. Last year 140 million people took the challenge, including congregations and individuals in Pennsylvania. In the last several months, St. Francis has been reducing or eliminating single use plastic at events and coffee hours.
In 2023, about 380 million metric tons of plastic—about the weight of all of humanity living today—will be created. Much of this new plastic will enjoy a single use (that plastic bottle of water; that straw with your restaurant beverage; that shopping bag at the local checkout line). Less than 10% is recycled, where it will not break down for hundreds of years or longer. And it’s not just in the landfills and oceans. Micro-plastics have been found in our local streams - Crum, Ridley and Darby Creeks. And more information is coming out every day concerning the impact on our health. Consider how you can be part of the solution.
One local organization that has great information is in our backyard - The Willistown Conservation Trust. Check out
Anne Crowley
Walking with St. Francis & Friends

This is no pressure, easy walking, approximately 45 minutes - no sign up required. 

Please join us at East Goshen Park (Paoli Pike entrance at traffic light). We’ll be in the first parking area.  This may be the perfect Monday morning activity to start your week. 

Come - walk with us. Hope to see you there.  
Garden News
The garden has been part of mission to help others for about 22 years. Chester County Food Bank launched a project to establish vegetable gardens at schools, businesses, and churches.
Two years ago, we took 440 pounds of fresh vegetables to the West Chester Food Cupboard. Last year it was half. Our garden became a tasty target of animals. Not deer. Our fence needed to be replaced and that happened this spring. We also had an Eagle Scout project led by Blaise Watson under Dan Goff’s leadership to rebuild the 6 beds, A team of Eagle Scouts spent several days building new beds and moving dirt. Blaise still is $366 short of the goal to pay for the materials. Please consider a donation to this Eagle Scout project Go Fund Me that helps people get fresh vegetables.
Then we had a groundhog that dug under our beautiful new fence. A slow spring. We now have a metal grid that seems to have stopped the groundhog.
So, the garden is now flourishing once again with lots of vegetables growing. We had our first harvest of Spinach a few weeks ago. Come visit the garden and always feel free to water. It has been a very dry spring. Growing today in the garden: green beans, sweet peas, lots of types of peppers, basil, cilantro, yellow and zucchini squash, cucumbers. Our goal is to get three full crops in each bed a year.
This is a project with many volunteers: Lynd Meyer, Esther Underhill, Maria Huggins, John Groch, Mahala Renkey, Tom Renkey, Dan Groff, Erich Meyer, Laura Petersen, Jill Quinn, Nancy Needhammer.
Circle of Friends

Circle of Friends is a pastoral care ministry of note writing (birthday, get well, thank you, encouragement, etc.)

The Circle of Friends will meet in person, in the library, on Wednesday, July 26 at 5:30 pm. If you are unable to join us in person but would still like to participate, please contact Sue Lenkaitis. Packets can be prepared for pickup or delivery as needed.

Additionally, if you know someone who would benefit from a note of encouragement, well wishes or any other message from our ministry, please contact Sue and we will add them to our list. We want to ensure we're reaching those who need it most. 
Immigration Ministry

The next furniture pickup for Nationalities Service Center's refugee resettlement program will take place in the fall. 

In the meantime, anyone who would like to support this effort can visit for details about ways to help refugees by volunteering or making a donation.
 Sabbatical Newsletter - Issue 3

A prayer for Fr. Kevin, his family, and our St Francis family:
Dear God - you lead us to places of challenge and growth, and
to places of refreshment. Accompany each of us through this sabbatical
journey - that we may walk with humility and humor, open to Your
revealing. We ask that You gift us with love, given and received.
Grant each of us safety in our travels, and joy as we celebrate 
what we have seen and done.  Amen!

Welcome to Issue #3 of the Sabbatical Newsletter, a special communication devoted to sharing news and information about our renewal time of Rest, Refresh and Refocus. We will be sending these out monthly throughout Fr. Kevin’s time away.
From the Sabbatical Committee – “Thank You” to St. Francis Family
Dear St. Francis family, thank you for your help in giving Fr. Kevin and his family such a beautiful sendoff celebration. The weather was lovely, the food was great, the cake was delicious, and the Rev. Canon Arlette Benoit Joseph added a bit of Trinidad and Tobago spice to her sermon. The committee’s goal was to make this an enjoyable and memorable day, and I believe we achieved this. A heartfelt “thank you” to all the volunteers who gave so freely of their time and talents to make this day special. We appreciate each of you.

There are five more congregational renewal activities planned for July, August and September; however, in the meantime, please join us on Thursday, June 29 (5:30PM-7:00PM) for our second guest speaker, Rabbi Jon Cutler. Jon served Beth Israel Congregation of Chester County for eight years and served as a Navy Chaplain for 32 years, including service as chaplain with Marines in Desert Storm and Iraq. He and Beth Israel are very active in the Interfaith Action Community of Northern Chester County. A light dinner will be provided so please RSVP using the signup sheet in the Narthex so we can order food accordingly.

As mentioned by Nancy Needhammer, and included in Fr. Kevin’s sermon on May 7th, we announced our Congregation Collage Project, Finding God in our Everyday Lives”, which runs from May through September and everyone is welcome to participate.
“Finding God in Our Everyday Lives is the theme of our Congregation Collage Project, which mirrors one of Fr. Kevin’s sabbatical activities. How is God reflected in work, nature, music, art, and industry? Or even when we play? Fr. Kevin plans to capture this through photo journaling to share upon his return with the congregation.

We are inviting everyone to engage in a similar activity by capturing their own pictures, over the summer months, which St. Francis will then use to build collages reflecting God’s presence. Please consider taking pictures from May through September and send these to

We are told to look for God in many places – in the scriptures, in our daily prayers, in our weekly worship – but God is everywhere and His presence surrounds us. Think about ways you can find Him in your life, no matter where you are going or what you are doing. Each of us will see God in a different place and the result will be glorious.

If you allowed yourself to be truly present, what would you see that might have gone unnoticed? The wind blowing through the sea grass at the beach; the intricate workings of a clock; the joy of a child figuring out a new toy; a picture drawn by a friend; the gnarled branches of an old tree still reaching up to heaven; the beautiful craftsmanship of an old house or the joy of a “pickoff” at first base to win the game. Where do you see the joy and wonder that only God can create?

Everyone is welcome to participate and no experience is necessary. A picture that is meaningful to you is more valuable than a perfect picture. Please don’t forget to send your pictures to the email above.
The Committee is planning an informal and relaxing evening of fun, pizza, popcorn, singing around the campfire, S’mores and a family-friendly movie. All ages are welcome, including friends and neighbors.
Fr. John and Nina will lead a "mini" retreat designed to help us respond to the wonderful invitations by Jesus to rest in Him. Here are two examples of invitations He issued. "Come away with me for a while to a quiet place and get some rest." (Mark 6:31). "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest”. (Matthew 11:28). The plan is to have a combination of Scripture readings, prayer, meditation, singing some songs, and reading poetry. As someone wisely stated, "We need to slow down to catch up with God”. This "mini" retreat will be a time to do just that, and come away refreshed, revived, and renewed. Sign-up sheet and more details to come in July.
  •  Wednesday, July 12 (5:30PM-7:30PM) Abdul Mughees, Islamic Society of Chester County
  • Saturday, July 22 (12:30PM-3:00PM) Chanticleer Gardens including a picnic lunch and guided walking tour.
  • Friday, August 25 (6:00PM-9:00PM) - Parish Renewal Weekend
  • Saturday, August 26 (9:00AM-Noon) - Parish Renewal Weekend
  • Sunday, September 10 (after church) - Welcome Back Celebration for the Dellarias

The Committee hopes you find this special communication useful and we welcome your feedback if you have suggestions on improving the Newsletter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Sabbatical Committee: Jane Brooks, Nancy Needhammer, Joe Perry, Jill Quinn, John Woodcock (Pastoral Consultant) and Shirley Warren (Chair). Thank you.
Church Uniting in Christ (CUIC)

From June 7th–10th delegates from 10 protestant communions (including the Episcopal Church) met in the Philadelphia historic district for the Triennial gathering of CUIC. There was a deep sense of fellowship through the dialogues and shared worship experiences. 

In 2002 the participating communions affirmed 8 ‘marks of commitment.’ In strategic planning sessions, delegates agreed that the primary focus of CUIC for the next 3 years should be three of these marks: 5) ‘engagement together in Christ’s mission …., especially a mission to combat racism, 6) ‘commitment to promote unity with wholeness and to oppose all marginalization …. In church and society’, and 8) ‘commitment to an “ongoing process of theological dialogue.’ CUIC’s governing Council, composed of 3 members from each communion, was charged to develop (over the next several months) measurable actions and procedures for accountability.

One highlight was an evening service at Mother Bethel AME church, led by representatives of the 10 participating communions. Its name reflects its regard as the mother church of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. The AME Church emerged here when black members of St George’s Methodist Church were ejected from worship during prayer. Among those forced to leave were Richard Allen, regarded as the founder of the AME church, and Absalom Jones, who went on to become the first African-American ordained a priest in the Episcopal Church.
If you’d like further information on CUIC, the 8 marks, or the gathering, you can visit CUIC’s website, or speak with John Woodcock, one of the delegates.
Altar Flowers

Do you have an occasion to celebrate or someone you would like to have a memorial for? Consider giving flowers for the altar. We have plenty of spots open for the summer. 

The flower book is in the back of the church. More than one family can sign up. 

If you have questions, please contact Pam Hudson at 610-696-6981.

St. Francis-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church
689 Sugartown Road
Malvern, PA 19355

The Very Rev. Kevin Dellaria, Rector (On Sabbatical)
The Rev. John Whitnah, Sabbatical Supply Clergy
 Diane Faison, Parish Administrator & Deacon
Joe Perry, Music Director
Want to know more about us?

St. Francis-in-the-Fields is an active parish, even during COVID-19. For more information about our worship, outreach, and other ministries, visit our parish website, Our monthly parish newsletter, Fieldnotes, may be found by clicking HERE. Stay current on events by following our parish on Facebook.

Our Global Communion

St. Francis-in-the-Fields is a parish in the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania, a member of The Episcopal Church, and part of the worldwide Anglican Communion