Because there's more to fishin' than just fishin'!
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#280: Feb. 28, 2023
BRTU ACTION ALERT: SB 497 threatens stream access. Tell our Montana State Senators to vote "NO!"
An old Montana bromide states that "Neither man nor beast is safe when the Legislature is in session."

This is being proved true by SB497 which was introduced today and is being fast-tracked. SB497 introduced by a senator from Great Falls threatens stream access in Montana. This message from Wild Montana sums it up:
The Montana Senate is voting on a bill threatening our cherished ability to freely access our rivers and streams. 
Senate Bill 497 opens the door for individual property owners, counties, and other government landowners to block our access to our public waters. It would be a serious blow to Montana’s best-in-the-nation stream access law, which allows each and every one of us to float, fish, and paddle Montana’s waterways.
Senators are trying to sneak this bill through under the radar, but we won’t let that happen. 

Please tell our senators to vote NO on SB 497. Our Senators are SD 43 Jason Ellsworth and SD 44 Theresa Manzella.
Even worse, SB 497 bill infringes on our right to access streams and rivers for fishing, hunting, and floating to benefit wealthy out-of-state landowners that want to block the public from accessing public waters.
Any change, no matter how small, to our stream access law would jeopardize the water access that sets Montana apart from other western states. Lawmakers are trying to push this bill through the legislature at the last minute before Montanans catch wind of it, and we won’t let them get away with it. 
To help stop lawmakers from taking our right to access our public waters, please email and call your senator immediately and tell them to vote NO on SB 497
If you'd like to support Montana TU's effort to monitor the 2023 Legislature and work against bad legislation like SB497, consider making a donation.

Monte Dolack BRTU prints 
now available at Joe's Studio.

A very few Publisher's Proofs of the limited edition "Bitterroot River-Lost Horse Bend" by Monte Dolack are still available at Joe's Studio. BRTU commissioned Monte Dolack in 2007 to create this iconic print of the Bitterroot River. 

The remaining Publisher's Proofs are $375 and all proceeds support BRTU efforts to protect trout and streams. 

Joe's Studio, a regular BRTU sponsor, is located in Hamilton at 220 Marcus Street (961-4586,

For additional information, please contact Marshall Bloom (, 363-3485)

The "U" in BRTU
Unlike many groups, BTRU has no paid staff. We are an entirely volunteer organization. We are always looking for new members to get involved in projects or to join our board and assist with maintaining our focus on native fish, clean healthy streams and education. If you would like to help out, please contact BRTU Chapter President Dave Ward. We could sure use your help!
In other words, how about putting a little "U" in BRTU?

If "U" are not already a member, "U" can join TU today by going to the the BRTU website. chapter number is #080. If you have a question about your membership, please call the Montana TU office at 406-543-0054.

The BRTU Mission statement is "To conserve, protect, and restore the Bitterroot River and it's watershed," directly in line with the Montana TU mission statement.

For your information, here is a tabulation of our current hard-working BRTU officers and board members.

BOARD OFFICERS                                                             
Greg Chester, Past-President; E-mail: 
Dave Ward; President; E-mail:
Donna Haglund; Vice President; E-mail:
Marissa Sowles, Secretary;
Vacant, Treasurer;

Charlie Harris; E-mail:
Jack Mauer; E-mail:
Peggy Ratcheson: E-mail: 
Marlin Lewis; E-mail:
Shelia Bryan; E-mail:
Vacant; (student board member)


Dr Trout (Marshall Bloom); E-mail: