Welcome Summer!
Greetings South Ward Family,
June is the month with the longest daylight hours of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. We celebrate Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness, Stroke Awareness and Healthy Vision Month. Remember our Health is our Wealth family.

The South Ward is experiencing so many challenges with our pending zoning laws and bad air from the Canada fires.
Unprecedented is the word that Canadian officials have used to describe the massive wildfire that has spread across nine of their 13 provinces over the past week. Wildfires are not unusual to Canada but the uncontrollable blazes have now spread thick smoke across many states in America and this is now a notable concern for us.
As an Environmental Justice Organization, the South Ward Environmental Alliance is very concerned for the safety of our residents and especially those whose health may be more compromised because of existing illnesses such as COPD or Asthma. Our elderly population is already at risk daily from constant diesel emissions and poor air quality from port related activities. Our children are also at higher risk of future respiratory infections.
Our environment has NO WALLS and we must be more aware and connected to staying safe and prepared. To learn more about the Environmental Justice movement and our air quality movement connect with us at www.Southwardea.com
To track the air quality in the South Ward, click here: Purple Air Map
Zoning Law sets fundamental rules for how property owners in our Ward can use and build out their land. They are used by Planning & Zoning Boards to approve or disapprove everything that is built. Let your voice be heard on these critical issues, Submit Public Comments by June 16th and call your South Ward and at-large Council Members to discuss the critical changes that will forever change our three neighborhoods.
Lastly, as we travel throughout our community, let’s remember our children will be enjoying their summer activities so have patience, drive carefully and watch out for them.
Peace and Love,
Kim Gaddy, Executive Director