Turtle Tracks Newsletter

May 2023



Earth Day at Bahia Honda!

The Save-A-Turtle education trailer was at Bahia Honda on Saturday, April 22nd. It was an amazing opportunity to interact with the community and talk turtles! While Earth Day is a fantastic opportunity to talk about ways to help sea turtles and our planet, we should all be focused on working toward a better planet for all the humans and animals every day. Small changes such as cutting back on single use plastics, like water bottles or plastic cutlery, can have a BIG IMPACT! The number of these items picked up every day on our beaches is overwhelming.

Thanks so much to everyone that volunteered at this event and everyone that came out to hang with us!

Donations for youth program scholarships!

Save-A-Turtle is still working on donations for summer youth scholarships. If you can give (any amount helps!), please follow the link below to make your donation!

https://www.save-a-turtle.org/ and click the DONATE button

Long Beach clean-up success!

On Saturday, April 29th, Save-A-Turtle volunteers worked on a clean-up event organized by Save Our Key Deer. Key deer, sea turtles, birds and other animals tragically get entangled with dangerous plastics, trash and rope, and this beach is a nesting beach for multiple species of sea turtles. The Long Beach cleanup was MUCH NEEDED and we thank Save Our Key Deer for recognizing the need, and organizing this event. Also, a huge THANK YOU to all the community and SAT volunteers that came out to make this event a big success.

CLEAN, DARK, FLAT for sea turtles!

It's Sea Turtle Nesting Season!

Residents and visitors can help to make our area as turtle friendly as possible by remembering to keep beaches clean, dark and flat. If you live near the beach please make sure you are using proper lighting (https://www.save-a-turtle.org/turtlelighting.html). It is also important to remove beach chairs and other obstacles each night, as well as to knock down sandcastles and fill in any holes that may block or trap sea turtles. Please remember sea turtles are a protected species and may not be disturbed or harassed.

This bears constant repeating...

PLEASE Slow Down and Look Out!

Large loggerhead female deceased after boat strike. Red arrow indicates start of propeller strike.

It's an all too common occurrence when boats and marine animals meet on the water... boat strikes! Sadly, we receive calls on these occurrences FAR TOO OFTEN.

One way that you can help protect marine life when you’re out enjoying the waterways is to have a designated marine animal spotter on board whenever possible. Somebody that is looking out constantly for the dolphins, manatees and sea turtles that may be found in our waterways.

Additionally, please make sure you’re following slow speed and no wake signs.

If you happen to encounter an injured marine animal while you’re enjoying your boating time or out on the beach in Florida, please call the FWC Wildlife Alert Hotline at 888-404-FWCC (3922).

Outreach poster developed by NOAA Fisheries and the Hawai'i Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation

Outreach poster developed by NOAA Fisheries and the Hawai'i Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation

May 2023 Board Meeting

Save-A-Turtle Board Meeting

Monday, May 8th

6:30 - 8:30PM

Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 829 7023 2616

Passcode: 210787

One tap mobile

+13052241968,,82970232616#,,,,*210787# US

+16469313860,,82970232616#,,,,*210787# US

2023 Save-A-Turtle Board Members

Below are the elected members of the 2023 Save-A-Turtle Board

President: Harry Appel

Vice President: Heather Skelley

Treasurer: Dawn Bowles

Secretary: Sara Casey

Board Member: Alyssa Gruebele

Board Member: Chelsea Oatman

Board Member: Jennifer DeMaria

Board Member: Scott Cator

Technical Advisor: Sue Schaf

Like Learning about Sea Turtles?

If you like learning new things about sea turtles you should like, follow and share our social media platforms! We are on Facebook and Instagram! Follow along all year to learn some cool facts about turtles but also what you can do for the environment that we all share!

Report Sick, Injured or Dead Sea Turtles in Florida

Call FWCC at 888-404-FWCC (3922)

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