Great Eastern District, Spirit of Adventure Council
2024 Leader Recognition
Deadline for submission: Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Let’s recognize all of our adult Scouting volunteers for the terrific job they do all through the year!
Training Awards for Adult Leaders
The adult training awards and keys are designed to recognize unit Scouters for tenure, basic/continuing training, and successful performance in their leadership role. (Scouters should complete the forms for themselves.)
▪ Scouter’s Training Award for Cub Scout Leaders
▪ Den Leader Training Award
▪ Cubmaster’s Key
▪ Scouter's Training Award for District Committee Members
▪ District Committee Key
▪ Scouter's Training Award for Scouts BSA
▪ Scoutmaster’s Key
▪ Scouter's Training Award for Venturing Leaders
▪ Advisor’s Key
Hour-a-Week Award
Units are encouraged to identify a registered adult leader, parent, or non-registered volunteer who has given extra for their unit and nominate them for the Hour-a-Week Award to be awarded at the District Recognition Dinner. Only one nomination per unit, please find a way to get that person to the district recognition dinner. Nominations must be submitted via email using this form:
Hour a Week Award Nomination Form
Cubmaster of the Year
This award is presented for exceptional service as the Cubmaster of a Cub Scout Pack in the Great Eastern District. The nominee must be currently registered as the unit Cubmaster. Nominations can be made by any unit leader but must be endorsed by the unit committee chair. Final selection is made by the District Key 3.
Cubmaster of the Year Nomination Form
Scoutmaster of the Year
This award is presented for exceptional service as the Scoutmaster of a Boy Scout Troop in the Great
Eastern District. The nominee must be currently registered as the unit Scoutmaster. Nominations can be
made by any unit leader but must be endorsed by the unit committee chair. Final selection is made by
the District Key 3.
Scoutmaster of the Year Nomination Form
Veteran Award
The Veteran Status recognizes adults for each 5 years of registered service to the BSA. An adult receiving this award will receive the designation of “Veteran” provided the person agrees to live up to the Scouting obligations; to keep local Scouting authorities in the community in which residing informed as to their availability for service; and further, to be as active in the promotion of the cause of Scouting as circumstances and conditions permit. Note, awards 25 years and above need to go to National for verification. If it has not been returned to us in time, we will still announce that recognition at the District Recognition Dinner.
Unit Leader Award of Merit
The Committee Chair of a unit nominates the Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, or Crew Advisor for this honor. For Scouts BSA and Venturing a youth leader statement is also needed.
Please submit all nominations and applications to the District Chair, Gordon Forrest,