Counting the Omer 5784

Passover to Shavuot

Part I

Release: What is Freedom?

Day 2

Food Shared is Hope Shared


The story of the exodus is a journey each of us must trace and retrace, because freedom is fragile and needs defending. We need freedom, a sense of inner spaciousness, to be able to reach out beyond our own immediate needs and breathe the air of a larger reality.


In the exodus, unleavened bread is the bread of affliction, but also the bread of freedom. Eaten alone, we taste the suffering of the human condition. But when we share it, we can taste something else: the sense of a freer world that God has promised us we can create.


One who fears tomorrow does not share his bread with others. But one who is willing to divide his food with a stranger is capable of fellowship and hope. Food shared is no longer the bread of affliction. Whenever we reach out and touch other people's lives, giving help to the needy, and hope to those in despair, we bring freedom into the world, and with freedom, God.


--Rabbi Jonathan Sacks, From Slavery to Freedom: The Meaning of Passover, Posted 2 Apr 2015


Baruch Ata Adonai, Eloheinu melekh ha'olam, asher kidshanu bemitzvotav vetzivanu al sefirat ha'omer.


Blessed are You, God, Eternal Source of the Universe, who has sanctified us with Your commandments and commanded us to count the Omer.


Today is two days of the Omer.

Click here to catch up on any reflections you may have missed.

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