Sunday, April 21, 2024

8:45 and 11:00 a.m.

Join us this Sunday at 8:45 and 11:00 a.m. as Dr. Ryan Baer will preach a sermon entitled, Gratitude. The scripture lessons for this week are Mark 13:9-11 and Acts 17:1-9, 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10.


At the 11:00 service, the Chancel Choir will sing With A Voice of Singing, by Martin Shaw, as the anthem.


You can follow the livestream of the services on Facebook or YouTube. For instructions to follow livestream through Facebook or YouTube, click here. Find the text and audio from previous weeks' sermons, along with a copy of the bulletin, here.

Elder Recognition Reception

Sunday, April 21

Please join us today in Fellowship Hall immediately following the 11:00 a.m. worship service to thank the elders in the Class of 2024 and welcome the Class of 2027 as they begin their service on the session.

For the Beauty of the Earth - Hymn Festival

Sunday, April 21, 3:00 p.m.

All are invited for an ecumenical hymn festival hosted by Athens First United Methodist Church on Sunday, April 21 at 3:00 p.m., led by renowned organist and conductor, Dr. Marilyn Keiser. Our Chancel Choir will join choirs and clergy from downtown Athens churches to celebrate the wonders of God’s creation through hymns, accompanied by handbells, brass, and organ. The event is free and open to the public, with a reception following the festival.


Dear Friends,


Please make plans to join us on Wednesday, April 24, for our last Wed@First of Spring 2024. There will be opportunities for all ages for fellowship, food, learning, and our last Feeding our neighbors at the Table (Conversations about food insecurity). Please see the full schedule of activities below, and don’t forget to RSVP for dinner by Monday at 12 noon.

Feeding our neighbors at the Table, Conversations about food insecurity

During Lent, we explored stories in scripture in which Jesus connected with others—welcoming, feeding, teaching—around a table. As we move into the season of Easter, we will learn more about the needs of our neighbors and how we can nourish and welcome them at our own tables. Join us on April 24 as we learn about food insecurity in Athens, organizations who are working to alleviate it, and how we can use our gifts to love our neighbors at the table.

Wed@First Feedback form

Please take a moment to give us feedback about Wed@First and share suggestions for Fall 2024.

Athens Feed My Starving Children Packing Event

Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) is a Christian non-profit organization committed to feeding God’s starving children hungry in body and spirit. Join them in April on one of their campaigns.

When: April 19-21, 2024

Where: Stegeman Coliseum@UGA

Volunteers need: 2 hours of your time will feed a child for 7 months.

To sign up to volunteer, please go to:

For more information, please e-mail Mark Hopkins at

All God’s Creatures

Tuesday, April 23, 5:30 p.m., Courtyard

The Weekday School invites church families to our “All God’s Creatures” at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 23. We are bringing in our “Wildlife Wonders Zoo To You!” friends to present this hands-on fun exploring how God made each animal unique. Questions? Email WDS Director, Elaine Johnson, at

Support Bethlehem Ministry’s fundraiser

Kids for Change is a campaign to empower women in Haiti. By donating to this cause, your money will support the initiative to give mature goats that will essentially be a savings account for the family. Included in the gift are veterinary services for the first 2-3 years.  Women in the community can breed their goats to multiply their earning potential as well as provide milk and meat for their families. The women form community groups to breed their goats and to assure their goats are healthy. 

To make a donation, please go to Bethlehem Ministry's website.

Week of Wonder (VBS) 2024

Week of Wonder (VBS) 2024 Registration is now open! Children going into Pre-Kindergarten through 6th Grade are invited to join us for this super fun week at First Presbyterian Church of Athens Sunday, July 14 – Wednesday, July 17. This summer’s Week of Wonder is all about God’s Gift of Food! Stay tuned for more exciting details.

Registration Link: Please register by Friday, May 10, to guarantee a spot. If you have any questions, please contact Natalie Bishop, Director of Children’s Ministry, at

Books for Keeps Book Drive

Since 2009, Books for Keeps has given more than one million books to children from low-income families in grades Pre-K through 12. FPC has become a large supporter of Books for Keeps with our annual book drive.


You can help make sure no child in our community goes a summer without great books to read. Please bring your used books to the bins in the Atrium or church office. Books for Keeps can accept books of all kinds except textbooks and encyclopedias. Any books that are not right for their program go to the annual BFK Book Sale, with proceeds used to buy new children’s books. To learn more about the organization, go to Thank you!

Click here to read Spring@First.

April 18

Coleman Hood

Erik Ness

April 19

Sara Cotton

Melinda Miller

Daniel Myers

Mary Stephens

April 20

Andrew Tritt

April 21

Nancy Bowen

Bill Buckley

Peter Davis

Jane Mann

April 22

Philip Manning

Jolene Maxwell

Carol Strickland

Charlie Williams

April 23

Eleanor Bradwell

Alexander Stephens

April 24

Jim Braswell

Happy Dicks

Thad Padgett

Susan Thackray

April 25

Lewis Hudgins

Jo Anne Lowe

Heather Roberts


Please see for more information about the life of the church.

Looking Ahead

April 21

Installation and Ordination of Elders

Worship Service at 8:45 and 11:00 a.m., Dr. Ryan Baer preaching

Sunday School and Godly Play

Reception for Elders

For the Beauty of the Earth Hymn Festival

Youth Group

April 22

Lay Caller Meeting

Handbell Choir Rehearsal

April 23

Our Daily Bread Breakfast

Knitting Purls 1

All God’s Creatures

Stephen Ministry Meeting

April 24

Knitting Purls 2

Shakespeare & Friends Homer’s Odyssey

St. Andrews Choir Rehearsal

Wed@First Dinner - Gusto! (please RSVP by Monday at noon)

Feeding our neighbors at the Table, Conversations about food insecurity

Chancel Choir Rehearsal

April 25

WDS Chapel

Mellows@Quiet Oaks

April 28

Worship Service at 8:45 and 11:00 a.m., Dr. Ryan Baer preaching

Sunday School and Godly Play

Fellowship in the Atrium

Cherub Choir Rehearsal

St. Andrews Choir Rehearsal

Celebration Singers Rehearsal

Middle School Conference Meeting

High School Montreat Meeting

First Presbyterian Church
185 E. Hancock Avenue
Athens, GA 30601
(706) 543-4338
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